How To Make Your First Joint Venture

Here is a quick and easy way, the essence of a joint venture to be understood.

Say you have developed a product. Let us say that it is about raising honey bees for profit. It is a product that you sell proud of, but without a mailing list, or an army of affiliates, you will find the sales are slow. Fortunately, you have researched a little and you find another Internet marketer in honeybee niche. This guy has a mailing list. He can use a good product to sell his list. Youtogether and decide that the profits divided by your product in its list. Bingo! They have a joint venture have.

To benefit you and the provider.

Customers benefit on his list.

Everybody wins.

This is very effective in quickly you get your product from hungry customers, especially in small niches such as in our example. However, can the Internet Marketing niche are some additional roadblocks. There are so many products are continuously releasedMarketers that this niche is a very selective list. Outside the Internet Marketing niche, you should have far less competition to make it easier to set up a joint venture together.

Before you propose a joint venture

If you have just developed your product, it is not yet time to look for a joint venture partner. They have done some important work. First you have written your sales page and get online, including graphics. You need yourSales in the city (of the order to the collection and money to find the product download). And finally, you need to start driving traffic to your sales contact page.

Before a potential joint venture partner approach, you want to see your entire process to test how well they convert. It is not enough to have a great product. To convince an ISP like to work with you, you need certain numbers. For example, the percentage of visitors are on your site, theactually making a purchase.

This will require a period of testing and improvement. If your first sales success are low, then you will want in your sales letter work. If the sales do not improve, then you will be taken into consideration by premiums or descriptions and redefine your target audience. Only after you have a good conversion rate achieved are you ready for a possible joint-venture partner concept.

Approaching a joint venture partner

When you are ready, a blacksmithJoint venture to take the time, a little about the person you are approaching test to learn. As long as they have sold in your niche? What companies do you like about her? How does your product will impact on their business? Is this someone you want to have the feeling to work with us?

If you are ready to take the first step to keep asking him if at all possible. You try to build a business relationship. It was always easy for someone to say, even if they have a chance to talk to youdirectly and get a feel for your product, not only, but who you are and how excited you are about what you are doing. If you are unable to contact him by phone, please send an e-mail.

Be professional. Tell him that you have a product that got him a fortune. Tell him a little about your product, how to convert it as you think it could benefit its customers, and then you give him a copy so he can see the quality for yourself. Do not waste time with his exaggerations.Be honest and direct, leaving the decision to him (it's his decision, anyway). If he decides to go, you go to your next potential joint venture partners.


A joint venture is to benefit a great opportunity for two marketers on both sides through the combined resources and capabilities of each partner. But that's not all. A joint venture can be used as the basis for a lasting business relationship. It can help you to gain increased exposure in yourNiche. And of course, a good joint venture can dramatically increase your sales.

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