Three examples, Simple Joint Ventures

If people think that joint ventures are complicated and difficult, it is good to use some simple examples of real Joint Ventures that I have done recently. Here are three of them:

A member of the dollar joint venture Makers Forum, I (with members) met with a well-known seminar leader, who agreed to speak to me in one of his seminars. Of the 30 attendees (each one paid $ 3000 for the program), signed by 14 members. This isan unusually high percentage. Anyway, the seminar leader and the Member States each made good commissions. This seminar leader has 3500 people in its database and the next step is to arrange a formal relationship and to make use of a telephone conference, it is understood more members. This is a win / win / win / win scenario, done in which no costs or risks, and very little time. The Member States and seminar leader is of course well received commissions for all of these new members, the boot camps in the future, aswell.

Another member, who is involved in a local church, arranged for me to present a boot camp in the church as a fundraiser. We have agreed to forward to a minimum amount payable per participant, and the money will go to the church. I want to raise a tax receipt equal to the amount received. We expect to raise given the level of the church members and the demographic profile, to between $ 5,000 and $ 10,000 for the day. The church is no cost or risk and consumes very little time. I sign up newMembers and the Member States, is organized by the JV and paid for all members to log on. In addition, his own business will receive great exposure. Everybody wins. This may work for service clubs, sports clubs and societies.

A third member has connected me with a well-connected and influential entrepreneur in another country. All it took was a simple phone call. The resulting boot camps or business, the member will earn serious money, and since I have not worked in this country, is the skythe border.

A joint venture broker is simply someone who combines the power of people to understand solutions. You should spend very little time and money and you take no chances. If you have built up the business, you can sit back and collect the regular income generated. Therefore, joint ventures, the business is ideal. If you have not yet joint ventures, you'll miss a great opportunity.

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