Joint Venture Marketing

What is Joint Venture Marketing? Joint Venture Marketing includes an arrangement in which a non-competing person or organization promotes your practice, taking into account the receipt of an equal benefit. Joint ventures can also be based on reciprocity. Either party may encourage the other party.

Some examples of possible people / organizations that you could promote your practice are:

· GPs

Other medical ·Specialists

· Alternative medicine providers, such as vitamin supplier

Here is an example of a joint-venture marketing letter that you would to a vitamin store:

Dear (name of owner):

I am writing to you because I am involved, as you help people to improve their health. I have a practicing chiropractor here in town for the last twenty years. I am writing to you because I believe we can each other by providing the information to help health topics, ourCustomers.

The first idea I had in mind for your customers to ensure a free seminar on chiropractic health. I was able to hold the seminar in your business as a way for traffic and more sales to build, while the health of valuable information for your customers. There would be no fee for me to this seminar for your clients.

Attached please find a sample seminar announcement letter you can send to your customers. Ofcourse you are free to changethis letter in any way.

Thank you for your attention. I call upon you to follow in a week.

Here is an example of the seminar is announced letter of the vitamin store owner could send:

Dear Customer:

As you know, here in (name of store), it is our goal to offer you the best vitamins available at the best prices for your health. Since we are always looking for new ways to help you with your health if you have problems with back pain orother muscles, or bone problems, I invite you to a free seminar (chiropractor) names that will be participating in our shop on (date) performed. (Chiropractors name) is a renowned expert in chiropractic health.

You are not required to meet with the doctor or to buy something at the seminar. My only goal is to offer valuable information. Attached are two free tickets for the seminar. Feel free to invite friends or family members who could benefit fromEvent.

(Shop owner name)

The former is just one example of the ways you could use joint venture marketing to build your business while helping others to build their business two.

In this appraisal, which deals with joint venture marketing opportunities approach, think about who is the same type of customers you have, but do not have to compete with you. Some examples might include:

· Insurance agents who serve the elderly;or,

· Assisted Living Home Care Operator.

Joint venture marketing is a free, low-cost way to your practice, can build the work for you. The effort is minimal and can return to be quite high. What do not you try, joint venture marketing for your practice today?

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