ITV Ventures - Can You Make Money?

One of network marketing opportunities, which is the largest sums in recent years, ITV Ventures.

The unique thing about this is that, unlike almost every other network marketing program on the market, ITV Ventures has created an opportunity for participants to receive hot leads to both the firms themselves and the opportunity for natural products it promotes, that one without trying to recruit or sell family members, business associates or friends.

It does thisIn a very interesting way, which she calls the "Home Agent Program (" HAP "). ITV Ventures produces and sends to the national level 30-minute infomercials. Interested viewers can then choose the toll free number that appears on the TV screen - and the call is immediately forwarded to the private telephone number of the ITV Ventures member (a so-called Independent Business Owner, or "IBO"). The call is answered by the IBO and they speak with the caller / perspective and try to close the sale.In general, it is comparatively easy to close the sale, because the caller just ended just 30 minutes of a marketing pitch about the benefits of each product so that it has already been PREsold.

When they close the sale, the buyer, that IBO's customers for life. IBOs earn 35% to 50% commission to sell any product - and ITV Ventures itself is responsible for the shipping, credit card processing, etc. If the caller observed an infomercial about the businessOpportunity to (as opposed to a product against infomercial) and IBO it concludes that makes a $ 100 IBO Commission and the call connects his downline, as a new IBO.

It all sounds very good. IBOs receive hot leads from people who do not know them and their customers in and benefit from convert.

So what's the catch? Well, there are, as would be expected, a number of associated costs:

1) To a IBO is $ 299 (this is a decrease of $ 200 from the previous applicationsAmount of U.S. $ 499).

2) The monthly fee of $ 29.95 and a minimum wholesale volume threshold of $ 100 per month. If you and your clients together not sell at least $ 100 of products in a month, you will be charged (and get) $ 100 of products from the company. This threshold is relatively easy to reach after the first month, however, and it is not a month or 2 anyways kick.

Receive 3) One has also been a member of the HAP, the infomercial calls - if you did not join the HAP, you willstill free to sell products in the traditional way network marketing. It costs another $ 299 for the HAP. This pays for a criminal background check - and you will receive 200 free "call credits" (see below).

4) Since posting time for the television infomercial broadcasts is expensive, otherwise this money with ITV Ventures HAP members pay for call credits ($ 1.00 per credit). Incoming calls to HAP members require call credits - the exact number varies by product. For example,each call from a caller to see the Almighty Cleanse infomercial might take 15 call credits taken (which will cost $ 15). HAP participants are asked to see this fee as a business marketing costs, which makes sense too. It is not tax deductible.

IBOs money from the commission if they would sell a product (it) by the HAP or otherwise, if a new IBO, your downline ($ 100) and makes use of residual commissions on the sale of their downline.

Regardingthe HAP, which seems crucial in order to cover the cost of incoming calls is to upsell the caller so that it more than the mere purchase of goods offered to the infomercial (for example, by the customer for the opt monthly delivery option, where they will automatically receive the product every month, thus multiplying the IBO's commissions) and (through the establishment of a stable relationship with their customers they "own" Invented for life), so that customers continue to buy other products throughthem over time.

Overall, the ITV Ventures business model is unique in any case. Before he, however, should a serious discussion with the IBO who is trying to recruit you. Like any business opportunity you should make sure that you understand how everything works and the costs before the signing, included.

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