The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Joint Venture proposals

What is a joint venture?

In terms of Internet marketing, a joint venture in which a product owner and the owner of a list to work together is to organize for mutual benefit.

My clients are all the product developers, and are, therefore, this will be written from this perspective.

Why joint ventures?

"Joint Venture" is the answer to the question: "I have my e-book ready, what do I do now?

You must create a reportsomeone who has a list of people who can offer your product. More specifically, you are looking for people who are already marketing products such as yours to your list. There must be a good "fit".

The question must be answered is "What's in it for me." That is the question to be top of mind in your potential JV partner. Want to make more money with minimal effort.

One day you have your huge list-Until then, your task is to make very, very easy for your JV partner.

Do not waste your time blindly sending proposals JV with foreigners at all. This almost never works.

Take time to develop relationships with potential JV partners. Subscribe to their e-zine and newsletter. Their research activities. Learn about them.


Can listen to over and over again: "The gold in the list."

IfIt starts out, you will not have a list. Every move you make should be to create the list as one of your goals.

You need to have JV with people who have large lists. Some of the people on these lists will be available shortly on your list. This is the most important factor in a JV agreement. You can get these people for the rest of his life on the market.

Be prepared to give a large chunk of your sales to the first owner of the list. The first sale isonly that the first sale. After acquiring these customers, you can sell products and keep 100% of the money.

Gold is in your list. All other financial considerations are secondary.

Build your list.

If you look at possible joint ventures, is outside, you can have all their lists.

This list must be "double opt-in", which means that the participants agreed on it, andthen confirmed the agreement.

Single Opt-in lists do not respond so I tend to avoid them.

People who are "non-opt-in lists are known as market spammers.

There are two things to consider, first with the analysis of a list: the size and sharpness.

Size, in this case a role. Bigger, in this case is better. You sell a certain percentage of people on the list. This percentage depends on the"Fit" or focus of the list and the effectiveness of your marketing material. The more people on the list, which is the percentage of sales.

The focus of the list is very important. If you have a text-book, and you market to waste a list of auto mechanics, your time.

Carefully research your potential JV partners, to ensure that the list is a good "fit" for the product.

Who is your customer?

The first step in creating a joint venture is a clear understanding of your potential customers have.

Analyze the product and then see who would benefit from it.

Some of my parameters are:

1. What is your potential customers the power '? He is an "absolute beginner?" She is an expert?

2. Where does your customer get their information? Some people only information fromTurn on the TV. Others read books. Others only receive the information from the Internet. Most people use a combination of sources, but you will notice trends. Detergent is marketed as effectively on TV. E-products such as e-books, teleseminars, etc. are marketed as effectively as anywhere.

3. After the area where the customer receives its information was identified to see how we can focus with precision. Some people only trust the news from New YorkTimes. Other trust only Fox News. The same trend applies to Internet marketing. Some people are very tech-oriented and, as a "nuts and bolts" proposal. Other personal rights and are more interested in marketing to respond to the seller that the product.

Get clients in head and try to imagine what they hear and read.

4. What do your customers react vocabulary? If pop-music ring tones for mobile phones for sale, yourCustomers expect a hip, young voice and vocabulary. If you sell an e-book of tips, Creative Commons, a more mature tone is needed, along with a vocabulary that addresses the specific terminology of the market.

Looking for a list that your client speaks.

Types of joint venture partner

Possible joint venture partners in three categories.

1. 800 pounds gorilla

2.Big Dogs

3. All other

We want to see in detail

Stalking the 800-pound gorilla

The 800-pound gorillas are the big names. The Elvis of Internet marketing. They know who they are.

You want to create a joint venture with the gorillas before contacting the big dogs and affiliates. The 800-pound gorilla like drinking from a clear stream. If they have to compete with hundreds of smallAffiliates probably pass your suggestion.

Ultimately, you want to create reports with the list owner, the market for customers.

Here are some strategies for establishing these relationships:

1) You know (try guitar lessons!)

2) getting to know you (meet in a seminar),

3) They make their way through their organization, they probably had a staff of people who goJV proposals may be obtained from 20-50 per day, or

4) You're lucky, for example, is the brother of your girlfriend to GuruDaq listed.

You should immediately begin submitting applications to the 800 pounds gorilla who may be interested in promoting your products. We will discuss how this proposal to set up later in the book. This can be a long-term goal for you, but you stick with it. Some of these guys may have a million e-mail with your magic wand.

Research, these gurus and to identify those who sell to customers you sell.

The next step is to figure out where this customer goes online. Who is already in conversation with your customers? Who is already selling products to your customers?

Google is a great tool for research.

It 'also a dynamic tool that changes frequently.

At this time, get the top slot in a Google search, there is time and money.optimization for search engines is difficult, but you must belong to invest for the top positions on Google, marketing experts know, the time and money.

If you are selling a product, for example, a proposal for a joint venture e-book, you can identify with Google, which is the most powerful marketing in your niche.

I just did a search on the proposed JV, and e-book. There were almost 8,000 visits.

Find those that resonate with your niche to sign, theirE-zines, and read them.

People with big lists, publish e-zines and newsletters.

If you sell an e-book search engine optimization, you are a search on "search engine optimization" and see where it leads.

Today you find more than seven million "hits". That is more than we need.

It also seems a lot of information, if someone at the top of a list that are worth talking big.

IfYou have the Google Toolbar or the Alexa toolbar, you will learn much more about them, but the fact that change at the top tells you almost everything you need to know.

We see the first obvious resources.

The best place to see the JV partners in the world of e-zine.

Again, a Google search for "SEO, Search Engine Optimization, E-zine is only a second to turn 229 000 web addresses.

You should probably start with the top ten. If you are on page 1 of Google

Research is broad, they added a lot of traffic. You probably have a big list of participants.

Read their 'zines. Your customers are your potential customers?

If it is not perfect, not to worry.

The big dogs

The Big Dogs-This is the group that did not quite "Elvis" was hit again, butthey are in the trenches and have a good track record. They are easier to achieve. You probably do not know her name yet, but they are easy to find.

You will see talk in the forums. You will read in the newsletter. They show up as co-authors who write books with the gorilla.

By the way, is the best forum ever for the knowledge product info Product Marketing U info in Bill Hibbler and run thatone, and there are hundreds of potential JV partners who are also members.

Finding these people while they are still on the road and a relationship with them.

You could hire a coach. You can register for my coaching program in

Subscribe to their e-zine and newsletter.

This work, like any other business, is built on relationships. If you canRelationship with a "big dog" before a "800-pound gorilla," you might end up with a relationship with a real heavy hitter.

Everybody Else

All others, I have hundreds of partners for some of my e-books. About five of them actually make sales. They are of course those companies benefiting from Clickbank Directory and the encouragement you receive from the other two categories.

I subscribe to various forums. Mostof them have a place where you can promote affiliate programs. Make sure that only advertising in the specific place where they are welcome. If you refer to subsidiaries in a thread in a forum you will get flamed-information better, and banned in the worst case.

I just did a search on affiliate directory Here are the top ones. Some of them, with your list of products, some are not. I have no recommendations. I have all my affiliates by listing my placeProducts in the ClickBank directly and through personal relationships.

And the competition?

There is no such thing.

A competitor is a potential partner.

A competitor is a person who is already marketing to their customers. You already have a list of people who buy and sell similar products received.

A list of people who "buy" is worth much more than a list of people "concerned" There is a needobtain leap of faith on the part of customers actually use in their portfolio, pull out their credit cards and buy. Once faith is established, it is much easier to pull the card for the second time

So one has to be given to be ready for a large percentage of first sale of the names on the list, and for this reason, your competitors to better your prospects.

Your potential partners understand. You also understand that if theirCustomer buys a product in this category, probably buy another. Have you already received the list. If you are looking for products to sell his list.

This is a win-win record.

At a seminar on Internet marketing last year, I heard a list of owners say "skimming" someone else's list. It made perfect sense. If a list owner sends 10,000 e-mail directly to its subscribers to your sales page, and buy 1,000 of them, then who bought the 1,000are the "cream" on his list. They are those who are interested in your product and are willing to pay for it.

They are the ones you want.

Sample Letter Joint Venture

The following is an example of a proposed joint venture.

Joe Vitale said, "is pretty bare bones, but it will work."

This is what I get.

It 's just a simple model. Do not copy it verbatim. Use as a guide.

All the pieces are there. Reserve your JV proposal as long and detailed as necessary but no more.

It is tempting to place your resume or detailed information about themselves. Resist.

Emphasize the benefits of your product, and the unsubscribe "fit" for the list owner.

The phrase I heard used most of marketing is "very persistent". You can not answer your first e-mail.

Waitfew days, and then follow with a "you have my previous e-mail e-mail.

If this does not produce an answer, wait a few days and then ask again, as a reminder of the benefits of the product and the measure with their list.

Dear ____________,

Thank you for providing such a valuable resource.

I am a subscriber e-zine_________________, Pleasure and the main issue on __________________.

I have developed a new product (written an e-book, developed a software, etc.) that I think your readers can benefit.

The characteristics that are of particular interest to your membership _______

It 's the ____________.

Your free copy is on

The sales page is at www. com.

You are welcome to generate 75% of gross sales from your list. For the next week I offer you exclusive, and will not be offered to other sellers, until I hear from you.

If you treated your list you are interested, please contact me at any time, 555-555-5555.



Go to work!

Generate reports JV, as with most things in life, is something that is better than one would have gone ahead.

Over time you will be able to use a JV with a personal e-mail or start a casual conversation over lunch.

You now have the tools to establish these relationships. The sooner you start, the sooner you can get.

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