Escalation, Bull-Headed challenge and throw in the towel!

Today we revisit some of the events, involvement in the war of George Washington in his French and Indian, and the final leadership of our nation. From our vantage point in a forest wilderness in Ohio, where young Washington and his men were triumphantly ambush of French troops, we look at the timeline and see that it was brought to and from George to know in this place, and also him, the fact was prepared.

As a boy, Georgetaught himself the science of measurement, with equipment found in a trunk in his house at Ferry Farm. The skills acquired it became aware of his brother's father-in-law, William Fairfax. Fairfax served by a grant from the land of an agent on a large real ground. He realized, could George relevant skills to good use. Well, George Washington's first adventure in the desert, Ohio. And the adventure was, at one point of trekking through the snowy woods on foot for a week, his raftTopple the brutal, cold water and come face to face with the Indian warriors wearing the scalp FRESH! (Minus the Indians is not, you know this incident reminds of Valley Forge, by the way?) The enterprise survey released in Washington with several years experience in the picture and go through this part of the country.

The desert experience is presented in the form of the second mission of an ambassador, in which Washington is trying to convey to the dispute land Ohio Valleybetween Britain and France. (See previous post). Over half a million hectares has already been said by the British Society Ohio, and George II ordered the construction of a fortress, to patrol and provide a means to protect the environment from French occupation. Washington was a favorable indicator for the strong, and try to convince the French army to leave. (The location of Fort Washington is elected in this way, now Pittsburgh). [Washington's God Michael Novakand Jana Novak]

During the excursion Washington had continued to develop, refine, and pursue diplomatic skills (with the Indians and the French!) Intelligence and acumen. He and his Indian interpreter, Christopher Gist, escaped a possible death almost in a fight with a badly chosen Indian guide on the way back to Virginia. Another raft capsizing accident in icy waters and finally back home in Williamsburg!

(So ​​everyone is alwaysthe'Escalation "part of my title here? yet? please?)

The final Ohio Valley wilderness situation falls under the heading "Last but not least!" Here George Washington got his first taste of battle. He could never imagine that indicated this? (Maybe you can not even begin to know what God has for your future, either. And while I certainly hope that is not about fighting and bloodshed, if there are difficult times for you, can be very rewarding good ).

He was only a few months after his return in April 1754 George was' back on the road again. "On behalf of the French in the region required in England to take action. Washington was appointed Lieutenant Colonel. Once recruited about 150 men, and returned him to the place he had chosen as a base, which had now risen to a point. On the way to their destination, were in Washington and his men from retreating troops reached the fortress. The French hadarrived and took over.

Now it was war.

Against orders, (again, against the orders!) Of Washington has continued the offensive. He created a makeshift "base", an appointment with the Indians, then curled an ambush and attacked the French forces in the vicinity, the surrounding forests. (This is the "bull's head Defiance" part, if not ...) Even if it was an easy victory, future historians would label these actions as the first blood in the French and Indian War dragged[James Thomas Flexner, Forge of Experience], and the outcome of the decision of Washington outsider was the alienation of most of its Indian allies and strong retaliation the French, Washington later forced surrender.

My personal observation, must have the "against the decisions of the behavior that is a leader in its final position, make executive decisions at times. Sometimes the dollar stops with him. He must be able to keep your legs, and measures. So, not only while taking ...Occurrence anarchy or rebellion, I need my vote in favor of Washington's show of authority to deliver. Sometimes ya gotta go against the grain! It could still have no idea what its going against the rules established track? He could not have known he would one day, General George Washington, commander of the forces of an entire country in the Revolutionary War against exactly this rule.

Thus we see an escalation of the preparationThe experience of opening the way to Washington on his fate.

Please send to "throw in the towel" Finally follow shortly. As always, thank you for your visit.


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