Controversial Entertainment Yunnan Dwarf Park

Chen Mingjing his big foray into fantasy land in September 2009. Imagine an artificial life-size castles and forests, a page from Brother Grimm stories are similar, but what you most in this country, neo-fantastic city, the characters that populate the fantasy series - all the little people who are the majority of them four feet on the ground. Chen's view of things is huge compared to the paradise that is based on nano 13,000 acres of rolling hills and peacefulLakes in Yunnan, China. Chen described the company as a fable, a landscape of artificial caves, trees, an auditorium and special accommodation for its cast of ordinary people, comedies such as The Swan Lake lead to the "normal viewers." Intended as a joint humanitarian would achieve a lot of money trying to invent and social services, amusement park, miniature show has attracted many critics of public bodies such as people with different elementsentertainment. All this publicity has only helped make the park into a major tourist attraction for visitors in this region. Drawing criticism from Chinese expatriates and several human rights organizations, the theme park sparked controversy to discuss some social problems.

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