Vedic Astrology Xxiv

Vedic Astrology Lesson 24

The effects of the 10 th Lord in many homes

The 10th House or MC should be the most important home

Ascendant.The the calculation of the longitudes of the houses from

the calculation of the longitude of the Ascendant and MC. This is

The formula to calculate the length of the MC

Tan Tan K = R / Cos w

where K is the length of the MC, R is the average lengththe sun and

w, the maximum declination of the sun.

The tenth house deals with professionals, this is the size important in a


You become a success in the world of work, depending on the strength

Mr. House on 10 and 10. 10 If the Lord is debilitated or weak,

influenced the professional lives of the locals. If it is powerful, professional

Success is indicated.

The effects of 10 ° in Mr.Ascendant

10 Since the Lord is first, the native will be a workaholic

and out the hard way up. They are self-em-

Yed and have professions. If their talents

properly developed, will be hailed as pioneers. Health Pro-

Problems occur only during childhood. Its principle is "slow and

steady wins the race "and the progress achieved will be stable

and slow. They areThe relationships with the powerful people

that have to do with politics. This combination is favorable for

The success in politics.

The effects of the 10 th Men in second home

10 is the second from the Lord, the native is lucky as

Career goes. By 2 is 5 by 10, has

succeed in their professional fields. You can follow the development

his family business, and if you sufferLosses, they may end

This is a combination that gives glory to astrological

Scholars. A great legacy may be inherited. Professional reputation

and enlargement as a result of hard work, in.While

They overcome obstacles to success with determination

climb the ladder of fame.

The effects of the 10 th Lord in the Third House

10 Since the Lord is in Part 3 of the NativeCareer issued

on the road. It can shine as a speaker or writer. Brothers

will be crucial to their progress in a professional environment.

The rivalry with brothers and possible reversals to be expected as a result.

Since I'm married to the truth, respect for them

Circle. You'll love it, and will not be a shortage of

Cooperation and good will for the job. You can be infected

with problemsOccupation, as a third of 6 from 10. Their

These problems are overcome in time.

The effects of the 10 th lord in fourth house

Lord is from 10 to 4, the native will be a versatile pro-

Son with knowledge in different fields. Are renowned for

their learning and generosity. It can shine in real estate prices

and agriculture. This is political power and

be known asgood broker. They have powerful friends

will help in its hour of crisis. They have a good decoration

Ted House & transportation. Because of their wealth and their leadership

Followers and juniors who admire quality, yes.

This is a strong position in public life.

The effects of the 10 th Men in the Fifth House

10 Since the Lord is the 5 th, the native records in real estate

Offersand religion are inclined speculation.They and philoso-

philosophy and live a simple life with prayer and meditation. They are

Interest in learning from an early age and follow the truth.

You will be blessed with all the comforts of life. They are

powerful friends. From 8 from 5 is 10, will be

back to work and may be subject to vicissitudes. Their

it is also powerful enemies who are trying to block youtheir pro-

Congress and development.

The effects of the 10 th Lord in the Sixth House

10 From Lord is 6, the native will shine in jobs

connected with the hospital judicial or prison. Their

will he held responsible. They will be known as impartial

And men will be held in high regard. And 'possible to transfer and

Changes in their environment. They are subject to any difficulty
Enemies. As the 6 th is 9 to 10, are professionally

Happiness and people recognize them as professionals. They are

political power and wealth beyond the dreams of avarice

Lucky breaks come automatically.

The effects of the 10 th Lord in the Seventh House

From 10 in the 7 th Lord is, this is a strong position

for professional life. His IQ is above average and are
are known for their communication skills. You will BLE

ssed with a partner, a cause for their career development is

tion. You can travel abroad for work. The business-abi

possibilities are known, as we fill their objectives over time. They Beli-

Eve in people and in delegation. So all businesses initiated by

to try to succeed. How is the 7 th 10 10,

their professional reputation on meeting allBoundaries.

The effects of the 10 th Lord in the Eighth House

Since 10 is 8 Lord, change or career breaks

be expected. In any case, with a royal charter in their

Profession. You can become mystics and choose the path of celestial bodies.

You will be blessed with good longevity. You are generous

And high and support the principles of high principles. And 'well

appreciated by their young& Associates. How is the 8 of 11

10, need high profits over the profession. His brothers

Even climbing the ladder of success.

The effects of the 10 th Lord in the Ninth House

Since 10 is 9 Lord, the native will become a wise and a

Mystics. They are role models and leaders for those who

Take the Heavenly Way. Fortuna is that they tend to favor, and

is good. A CrownProfession will be taken from them

That is, a teacher, preacher and healer. His father play

a dominant role in their development, and she is afraid

him. They are basically altruists and charitable. You will shine

psychological consultant. Equipped with a royal charter and

Camp will be respected for their talent.

The effects of the 10 th Lord in the tenth house

Since 10 is in the Lord10, the native will shine in their prophetic

ssion as this position supports the professional gloss.

Asceticism can do at a specific time in life. Their

respect their seniors and get respected. Find people

their trust and they always try, good assistants who have

can be trained. You can have an immense political power and

more in touch with those of the government. A powerful

place 10Lord gives professional development and reputation.

People look at them as a guide.

The effects of the 10 th Lord in the Eleventh House

Since 10 11 is the Lord, the native will earn merit and reputation

Bather at the same time with the money. They show an outsider and always happy

show warmth and bonhomie. He earned a good reputation and

Business or goodwill of the public. You will be able to give clear

loymentopportunities to many a people. And this makes them the

most sought after individuals with many friends. As the 11th is 2nd

from the 10th, profession will fetch them immense largesse. Fame

and reputation will be theirs. Professional enhancement indicated.

The Effects of the 10th lord in the Twelfth House

Since the 10th lord is in the 12th, the native is likely to reside ab-

road and will be beset with many problems and obstacles. They

will be after Self Actualisation. They should be cautious in matters

of tax or when dealing with government organisations. Beware of

involvement with politicians which will result only in major loss for

them . They may have a vocation linked to rituals and religion.

Income may be from ecclesiastical sources. They may have many

enmity & problems in profession.They are advised to turn to remedial

measures for problem solution.

Article by G Kumar, Astrologer, writer & programmer of Recently he was awarded a Certificate by the Planetary Gemologists Association Global ( ) as a Planetary Gem Advisor. He has 25 years psychic research experience in the esoteric arts. To subscribe to his free informative Ezine, the Z Files His Astro blog is up at & his Philosophy blog is Mobile 091 9388556053

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