Debunking the Myth of Freedom and Democracy in America with Facts and Overseas Experiences

• "America is the quintessence of democracy the best form of government the world has ever known. The world envies our form of government of the people."
• "America is the freest nation on earth."
• "In America we have such a thing as freedom in other countries do not have and wish they would do."
• "It 'a free country."
• "All the rest of the world dream of coming to America."
This fanatical belief loved onesAmerica and its propagandists have sung no factual basis in fact or truth, but for many Americans, their media and education system as a religion and a series of gospel truths that are universally recognized and undisputed. This makes them the antithesis of free thought and the pursuit of spiritual truth.
This is not an essay promoting anti-Americanism, but it makes only the truth. We compare reality vs. fiction, reality vs. BS, truth vs. propaganda and experience vs. illusion. The truth is ourBottom line do not match.
What it reveals is that only the Americans who do not believe that their country for a long time left in this myth, while the American expatriates who lived in different countries or well-traveled (including myself) do not know, but in reality, which is nonsense. Well, what do you say?
In fact, America is only in the belief that it is synonymous with freedom and democracy. The rest of the world do not share these myths of America.And fascist regimes, dictators and terrorists do not see America as a "free country" (as opposed to what Hollywood and U.S. media misportray). Rather, they see America as an evil Imperial Empire sought to dominate its customers the freedom of the rest of the world, and all attempts to control and exploit their resources! (You, the Indians, so why should not have to do with the rest of the world?)
(Remember that no one thinks to themselves,be "bad." Even Hitler and Stalin were considered not as "bad" or "bad". They find excuses and reasons to justify in their minds, such atrocities as "righteous" committed.)
These facts undermine this popular American myths about themselves, which makes them for who they really are - pure self-propaganda. So America will never face these facts only deny them, because it is propaganda, deception and illusions that destroy the country to maintain moraletogether.
With this, I wonder: why perpetuate the myth that America is the only country in the world, "freedom" and indoctrinated his people with this belief, if this is not supported by facts, not accepted by the rest of the world or even well-traveled Americans?
There are reasons why later.
These myths of freedom and democracy in the American population that is taught to sing as their religious mantra, without critical thought or plannedExamination. There is no doubt that it is a form of brainwashing.
The few who think outside the box and are able to work around their schedule through the falsity of this view lies. However, there is a price for the truth to see what is in this case are subject to ridicule and contempt do not match herd instinct, its religious fanaticism, to pay all in the name of patriotism and pride. So much for "freedom".
We try to break down these myths and see how they fit togetherFacts, commmon sense and real life experiences:
1) "America stands for freedom and democracy for the world to emulate. And 'the ideal form of government of the people that the world envies us."
We will later in freedom, but now we want to solve the problem of democracy. Technically speaking, a democracy is defined as "majority rule". Hollywood, the media and our education system every hand that America is the quintessence of democracy, as if it were a gospel truth, theuniversally accepted (but not much). And 'so rooted in our culture that most never dared to question it.
The founding fathers never wanted America to be a democracy, or even think, in fact, in A. Most Americans would be shocked to learn. Anyone who casually explores the American form of government and its founding in the late 18 Century, to see that, technically, is not America as a democracy, but as a constitutional republic.
A republic is "rulethe law "and tends to form a just and stable government, minimal to protect the rights of its citizens and at the same time limiting the power of government to a level.
The first video contains quotes from over of the founding fathers of their thoughts on democracy, you see, is anything but positive.
In fact, there is no mention of the word "democracy" in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Even remembered the oath of allegiance cited by school childrenthat America is a republic:
"I promise allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all".
The founding fathers were the intellectual elite, who knew their history. They knew that a democracy is not feasible, because it was basically a rule from a lawless mob. The fundamental flaw of democracy is that the majority is rampant.
Critics of democracy by using this insightfulAnalogy: "Democracy is like three wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner." In other words, has agreed to evil if 51 percent of the population use or ownership of the remaining 49 percent is going to protect the 49 percent? This demonstrates the error inherent in democracy that America does not have the courage to bring the light.
In fact, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights designed to provide a democracy PROTECT! (Most Americans would flip if they have heard of it) For example, in a realDemocracy or "majority rule", when most people in your chosen city to seize your property and hang you, your property will be confiscated and you would be hanged. It 'so simple. But in a republic with a constitution the rights, property rights and are protected by law. If you are accused of something, you have the right to a fair trial. Here's how a republic. And so it protects you from a true democracy.
The ancient Greeks who have not tried a true democracy, but has led toChaos and finally the oligarchy. Although not the greatest Greek philosophers, Socrates, to believe in a true democracy. He argued that the rule wisest and most virtuous of the company, not the common people. In great works of Plato "Republic" Socrates compared a "democracy", the crew of a ship to commit mutiny against their captain and below the helmet. In this scenario, it is never the ship, the "rabble" to work, work efficiently, to get even, to its proper destination, as the mutineers areconstantly bicker, argue and change your mind. There would be no order too. The ship would be blown by the wind around to talk.
So why not a true democracy, you might ask? Now you can see, many people are followers, leaders and thinkers. You are emotional, not logical or reasonable. How naive are on a whim, quickly replaceable hasty conclusions, and it is not wise. A true democracy is like a crowd to take control (as in the example of Socrates' above) without laws orSecurity. It is neither efficient, stable or sustainable. And then, there is no logical reason to suppose that the majority is not always right. When the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius said: "The object in life is not onself is located on the side of the majority but to escape from the ranks of the insane."
Even though on paper, America began as a constitutional republic, has gradually evolved into a form of oligarchy (government of the elite), plutocracy (government of the rich) and corporatocracy(Usually companies). These terms are more accurate to describe America as a governance concept of "democracy". Each viewer can see why unbrainwashed. But the elite continues to perpetuate the democratic propaganda to broadcast patriotic fervor and religious pride to its citizens to achieve compliance and obedience (ironically) received. They see it as a "necessary illusion", as Noam Chomsky would say, the famous intellectual and critical U.S..
However, there are some who are trying to say isthat America is a "representative democracy" or a "constitutional democracy". In fact, the school system to use such terms. But this is just a game of semantics and grasping at straws in an attempt to try to attempt to insert the word "democracy" in the formula, the popular belief that America is a democracy to be validated. But either way you slice it, America can not be a democracy, because in a democracy the majority rules, and America certainly does not regulate in any wayfor many reasons (we can not even list them all here). Rather, most are Sheeple masses in America, control and manipulate in the interest of the business elite and its agenda.
In addition, you should consider the following:
a) surveys indicate that most Americans do not feel they have a voice in their government or its policies, and not feel that their voice counts too. (Here the turnout, rather than 50 per cent), there is a good reason. TheGovernment and the elite who run often act against the will of the people.
For example, many Americans did not want the war in Vietnam or the war in Iraq, but leaders of the United States has insisted on her throat and pushed, of course, with the help of the media (see the film "War Made Easy" on Google Video). People do not want more taxes, but the government raises again and again.
So when a democracy is "majority rule", then how come many people have no voice in thoseCountry politics, domestic or foreign? That says a lot, but most Americans still believe the myth of democracy. (Fortunately, however, with the rise of the conspiracy movement and the Internet, more Americans are starting to wake up every day)
b) After the historical track record, all that is true, that the Office of the President, whether Democrat or Republican, conservative or liberal, the U.S. policy, both foreign and domestic, are unchanged. To compare the critics of the wholepolitical system to a show or theater, because the power grid that both sides actually own the same interests. The system is designed to maintain the illusion of democracy to pacify the gullible dumbed down public.
Therefore, people do not really have a say in the politics of their government. They are simply the opportunity to elect a president every four years and senators and deputies gave every few years, as the illusion of some control in the democratic process. ActuallyBut make no matter who is elected, the networks of power (corporations, banks, elite, military-industrial complex, secret societies, etc.) to ensure that everything is under control. They are the true masters, not the president of the United States, the only pawn.
Why do you think that the President of the United States, on their campaign promises that won the elections tend to deny? Do you think a man happy again going to break his word and his promises before the entire population of the country? Ido not think Dom is' obvious, because it has no choice, it is not really at the top of the hierarchy and can not do anything he wants. It 'a "shadow network", where his loyalties truly controlled. Otherwise it would not be in the office, or better to throw them if he wants to stay in office so that they suffer the consequences (such as JFK, our president has done the last real, that was a warning to all future).
The elite needed only to present the illusion of democracy to pacify theMasses. And they do give the farce of elections, and called it "democracy." All you have to do is take control of the small pool of candidates from which you must decide one way or another, and remain in force, not you. Therefore, no matter who is elected, policies (including hidden) remain unchanged.
Of course not, the elite to believe in a democracy, not to usurp their power for a true democracy itself would. Therefore, they are deliberately spreadingMyths that they themselves do not believe that is dishonest and hypocritical.
c) Immigrants and foreigners from other countries usually do not tell you how Hollywood interprets "Wow we have so much freedom and democracy in America, we never had in our own homeland." Go ahead and ask them. I have not come to America for its freedom, or democracy, but to earn the almighty dollar and to pursue career opportunities. In fact, most have not seen in the rest of the world like Americaan "ideal democracy", but many see it as an ideal country to do it for money and greater opportunity to pursue a career.
Moreover, it is true that most people want to live the rest of the world, America. Immigrants in the United States are mainly from Asia or Mexico who come to make money, not for "freedom." Come, in fact, a large percentage of repentance immigrants to America, they feel alone and isolated and are now returning to his homeland, which covers non-US mediacourse.
See these thoughts and feelings of immigrants in the United States reveal that I have already said:
Of course, America did not bother to try to explain these large deviations. It does not. It only needs to be dumbed down the public with mass entertainment, and busy with work and consumption, to be left alone to do what he wants. America is not really important if you see through their lies and they know thatdissidents will always exist. You can say or think whatever you want, as long as you don't DO anything to upset its power or agenda.
And that brings us to the next myth...
2) "America is the freest nation on Earth. Our enemies hate our freedoms, and the rest of the world envies it."
This one really takes the cake.  Even as a school kid, I always thought it was odd that we were constantly told that "America is the freest country on Earth" yet I was forced to go to school, do homework everyday, and would get a "detention slip" if I wasn't in class when the bell rang. My everyday life did not seem "free" at all, yet I was constantly told that it was, as though it were a religion.
The problem is that this fanatical claim is very vague, not specific at all, and not supported by anything except the US media, Hollywood and education system. It has no actual substance or basis to it, and it makes no sense either. This statement is more of a religion than a fact.
What's especially revealing is that no one who is really well traveled believes that America is the "freest" in the world. Only those who have never left the US buy into it. What does that tell you?! That in itself is very shattering to this American myth.
Now, if America were truly free, do you think it would constantly have to boast about it to reassure itself? Such blatant boistering is usually the mark of an insecurity or inferiority complex, not the sign of a happy free people. As one of my forum members wrote:
"As a person of intelligence doesn't need to tell others he is intelligent, a truly free society doesn't need to be told it is free."
In fact, America is alone in believing that it is the epitome of freedom. The rest of the world does not share this myth about America. Even fascist regimes, dictators and terrorists do not see America as a "free country" (contrary to what Hollywood and the US media misportray). Rather, they see America as an Imperial Empire trying to take away the freedoms of the rest of the world, and attempting to dominate and control everyone to take advantages of their resources! (they did that to the Native American Indians, so why wouldn't they do that with the rest of the world too?)
For some reason, Hollywood and the US media perpetuate this bizarre stereotypical image that ALL countries outside the US are living under facist regimes governed by martial law, with soldiers and machine guns pointed at everyone, keeping them in terror, and that America is the only country free from all that. This is totally bogus and laughable, yet many Americans seriously believe it, sadly enough.
The reality is that most countries do NOT live under facist dictatorships. Yet America claims to be the only country that's "free" of fascism, using the worst examples of dictatorial regimes to contrast itself. In doing so, America uses a classic advertising technique of comparing the best of your side with the worst of the other side, which is a total misrepresentation and fallacy. (a more accurate and logical comparison would be to compare typical examples from both sides).
American culture, media and movies insinuate all the time that all foreign countries are under oppressive fascist regimes, while America alone fights for freedom and democracy. This is extremely inaccurate and does not reflect reality at all. Yet America will NEVER confront this fact of course, for it destroys the propaganda of illusions that hold the country's morale together.
Hollywood is also fond of portraying all immigrants as idolizing America's freedom, and all terrorists as jealous of America's freedom and plotting to eliminate its threat to fascism.
For instance, in the 1985 film Invasion USA starring Chuck Norris, an army of terrorists break into Florida during the Christmas Season. While parked in a suburban neighborhood, the leader of the terrorists looks around at families celebrating Christmas in their homes, and then mutters something about "Americans enjoying their freedom" (in accordance with the myth that America's enemies hate its freedoms) before using a bazooka to blow up some homes. For some reason, Hollywood likes to portray America's myths rather than reality and is the epitome of stereotypes. Call that a conspiracy if you like.
Now let's dissect the concept of America being "the freest country".
What does America mean by "free" exactly?  That you are free to do whatever you want without any laws or rules?  Certainly not!  As in every country, America has many laws, regulations and controls that you must abide under.  Such vary from country to country of course, but there is no evidence to suggest that America's laws are much more lax than that of most countries.  On the contrary, government regulations are much more stringent in America, which is one reason why corporations are outsourcing, besides cheaper labor costs.
In reality, in most countries, is that as long as you have money for transportation and accommodation, and you don't break any laws, you are "free" to go wherever you want on public lands, visit any attractions you like, eat, drink and be merry.  So how is that any different in America?  What exactly are you "free" to do in America that you can't do anywhere else?
In fact, arguably, since America is one of the most expensive countries in the world to live or travel in, one's purchasing power is diminished there, whereas it is multiplied much greater in third world countries. Thus, one's ability to "purchase their freedom" is greatly diminished in the US. So if you define freedom by purchasing power, then in that sense the US is "less free" than cheaper third world countries where your purchasing power would be much greater. Any expat living in third world countries (e.g. Philippines, Thailand, Costa Rica, etc.) will tell you this.  And sorry Hollywood and CNN, but virtually none of these expats will say that they are "less free" outside the US.  In fact, they tend to say that they are "more free" outside the US, which shatters Hollywood's stereotypical propaganda.
(You might also be surprised to know that no one I've met who's been to the Middle East reports that it is less free than in America, despite the extreme black and white Islamic laws there. They all report that the US media's image of the Middle East is total BS. And in fact, Arabs from the Middle East do not consider America to be "freer" than where they came from, since they define "freedom" differently. However, funnily enough, one freedom they do have in the Middle East, that you don't have in America, is that they can show up for a job late and not worry about getting fired; they will only get their pay docked.)
Here are some examples from eloquent expat letters. As you can see, they definitely feel freer and happier in other countries. (So much for Hollywood's propaganda)
In addition, many countries have freedoms not possible in America. For example, Holland has far more liberal laws regarding drugs and prostitution, and is far less prudish or puritannical about sex than America. In Europe in general, there is more of a lively social scene and connectedness, giving you the "freedom" to meet more people, make more friends and socialize more, contrary to the US environment where strangers do not usually speak to each other except for business purposes, where "every man is an island", where there is an "ice barrier" between strangers, and where people are paranoid of each other. In addition, in most countries, a man can flirt with a girl, woo her, or ask her out without feeling like a "creep" or "predator", unlike in America.
In Latin America, one can dance freely or hold salsa fiestas out in their neighborhood on a whim, whereas in America it would be inappropriate and out of bounds. Also, in Russia and many other countries, one can walk around outside drinking beer, whereas in the US that is illegal. So you see, there are many "freedoms" that are only possible outside the US. Thus the American assumption that "Anything not possible in America is not possible anywhere else cause America is the greatest in all things" is factually false.
Jeremy Rifkin, author of The European Dream, sums up the difference between the idea of "freedom" in Europe vs. America, explaining why the European concept is more evolved and progressive:
(Pages 13 – 14)
"The American and European dreams are, at their core, about two diametrically opposed ideas of freedom and security.  Americans hold a negative definition of what it means to be free and, thus, secure.  For us, freedom has long been associated with autonomy.  If one is autonomous, he or she is not dependent on others or vulnerable to circumstances outside of his or her control.  To be autonomous, one needs to be propertied.  The more wealth one amasses, the more independent one is in the world.  One is free by becoming self-reliant and an island unto oneself.  With wealth comes exclusivity, and with exclusivity comes security.
The new European Dream, however, is based on a different set of assumptions about what constitutes freedom and security.  [b]For Europeans, freedom is not found in autonomy but in embeddedness.  To be free is to have access to a myriad of interdependent relationships with others.[/b]  The more communities one has access to, the more options and choices one has for living a full and meaningful life.  With relationships comes inclusivity, and with inclusivity comes security."
The popular phrase by ignorant Americans, "It's a free country" is often used to justify doing whatever they want. Yet it's one of the stupidest statements ever. When I was in junior high, kids who picked on me or bullied me would use the "It's a free country" excuse to do whatever they wanted to me. It was totally moronic. There is no "free country" that lets the common person do whatever they want, especially to others. Every country has many laws, rules and regulations. It appalls me how easily brainwashed people are.
So what exactly are you "free" to do in America that you can't do anywhere else? America doesn't answer this important question. But I'll take a crack at it. Let's see...
You are free to work and make more money than you can in most countries, yeah, but the high cost of living offsets that. In fact, Americans are more in debt than those in any other country, and most Americans live paycheck to paycheck and are one paycheck away from being broke. Most do not own their own homes, but have mortgaged it, making themselves slaves to the bank. Is that freedom?
You have individual rights under the Constitution, yeah, but in most countries, especially Europe and Australia, human rights exist too. Most countries do not have the extreme human rights abuses shown in the US media. But let's get real here. In any country, those in power seek to keep their power and control, not protect its citizens' rights. It's the same in the US. There can never be truly clean ethics as long as money can be used to influence and control things.
Americans like to boast that they have freedom of speech and that they can speak out against their own government and leaders legally, without getting arrested, whereas in all other countries, doing so will get you arrested or shot. But again, this is misleading. While it is true that you are legally allowed to speak out against the government in America, the truth is also that in most countries you are also allowed the same, (albeit a few fascist regimes) as long as you don't actually DO anything to interfere with the government's power and control.
The same applies in America. You can think what you want, engage in activism and protest, and write whatever you want (like I'm doing here), as long as you don't actually get in the way of the elite networks and corporatocracy that run it. If you do, you will be subject to punishment or imprisonment, and if you are a popular leader capable of making big waves you can even be assassinated (e.g. Martin Luther King Jr, JFK, RFK).
So essentially, it's the same thing. The only difference is that citizens of other nations can see the state of their freedom the way it really is, whereas Americans are under the delusion that they have a special status as "the freest nation on Earth".
Sure, there are some countries like communist China or North Vietnam where dissidence is not tolerated and leads to incarceration, but these are extreme examples, and do NOT apply to most of the 200+ countries in the world. Besides, it is misleading to compare only with the worst examples out there, as the US media and Hollywood does. It would be more accurate to compare typical examples of most countries rather than the most extreme ones just to support your agenda, but America doesn't do that obviously, for truth and reality are not its highest aim.
Either way, being able to legally speak out against the government does not make America the "freest nation on Earth" as its propagandists preach. Besides, there are a lot more "freedoms" important to life than just being able to speak out against the government, which is just one thing in the broad spectrum of life.
Australia and most of Europe, for example, have the same basic "freedoms" that Americans do, if not more. Yet they do not go around boasting that they are the "freest nation in the world" for all to follow, nor do they invade other countries under the false pretense of fighting for freedom. They are much more down to earth and real about it. It's America that has these pumped up delusions which it tries to force onto the rest of the world. Americans seem to have an inferiority complex that makes them need to overstate and flaunt their patriotism and importance to the world. It's a sad thing that indicates a lack of true wholeness inside the American psyche. As I've always said, America is a very fragmented and disconnected country, both psychologically and sociologically. You can see that in its citizens and the complete lack of human or social connection in its environment.
In reality, most of us conform to schedules and routines set by others, and submit to authority of some kind. As children we conform to school and submit to its authority, schedules, rules and workload. As adults, we submit to the same in the corporations that employ us. Most are not "free" to wake up and do whatever they want, especially not in an expensive workaholic country like America. That's life. So what is "freedom" exactly? That's the big existential question.
Since we are all under someone else's control for the most part, in one way or another, there is no "true freedom". Most of the world realizes this. It's Americans that do not, instead living under the delusion that they are a free country and a free people, and that the rest of the world envies them and wishes they could immigrate there to attain "freedom", despite evidence to the contrary.
So why then, do Americans believe this myth about their exclusivity to freedom when it has no basis in reality and makes no sense? Well I can only surmise that:
a) Most people are followers, not leaders, visionaries or independent thinkers. They are unable to think for themselves, and believe whatever they are told by establishment and authority. They conform to what they've been programmed and brainwashed with, and do not resist it. Even if their indoctrinations conflict with their everyday experiences and feelings, they will still hold to it, even if it's self-contradictory or doesn't add up.
b) Since America is a lonely country where one can only depend on oneself and is socially isolating and segregated as well, with social disconnectedness as the norm, people are going to naturally feel empty inside and need something to believe in, whether it's a religion or blind patriotism in being the freest country in the world. Otherwise they have no motivation to feel proud and to continue becoming slaves and consumers of the system.
Ironically, though you are expected to be independent and autonomous in America, you are also expected to conform to the propaganda and religious beliefs of the "herd mentality" mentioned above. It's a silent contradiction that America never bothers to resolve, cause obviously, America isn't interested in intellectual debates over truth, but in profit, power, control and property.
c) The elite have a vested interest in promoting this illusion. It instills pride in the population, dumbs them down, keeps them ignorant about the rest of the world, and gets them to comply with US foreign policy, including military aggression overseas (tragically) and hostile takeover of foreign lands, under the guise of freedom and democracy.
This is especially the case if you are in the armed forces, in which case you need to be fully indoctrinated into believing that you are fighting for freedom and democracy, in order to instill absolutely loyalty in you, even if in reality you are on the side of evil engaging in an act of military aggression and hostile takeover for profit and power, bombing innnocent civilians in the process. Otherwise you wouldn't follow orders to fight, risk your life or kill others if you knew the truth.
3) "In America you have freedom of speech, but if you question what you are told, such as the religious myths above, you will be deemed a heretic."
In other words, "you have freedom of speech as long as you believe what you are told and don't question it."
This of course is ultimate hypocrisy and a direct contradiction that America cannot reconcile. There are many such contradictions. For example, Capitalism is said to be based on Christian values and ethics, yet it teaches that greed is good whereas Christian Scripture clearly teaches that greed is evil. But you are not supposed to question such things. So much for freedom of speech.
But then again, America sees freedom of speech as essentially harmless. Talking can't hurt after all, unless of course you do something about it. And America knows that most people are passive. They may talk the dissident talk, but most will never do anything about it, and that's the bottom line to the elite.
It's a tricky form of mind control where you are deceived into thinking that you are free, when in reality you are mind controlled. The great intellectual American critic, Noam Chomsky, explained in his film Manufacturing Consent that since America does not have a totalitarian government militarily, the elite must control the masses' thoughts instead. Therefore, they are engaging in a form of "totalitarian thought control" rather than by military rule. This means that they gain control of you one way or another.
4) "America starts starts wars and invades countries to protect freedom and democracy or spread it. It is your patriotic duty to support all wars America gets involved in, even if you disagree with them."
You might think that brainwashing its citizens with myths about freedom and democracy is a harmless act that merely keeps the sheeple dumb and passive. But it goes beyond that.  These myths also serve the function of garnering public compliance when America gets involved in wars or invades other countries and occupies them, such as Iraq, killing innocent people for profit, greed and power.
So, it is your duty to support all US sponsored wars even if it is in the wrong or are "the bad guys" in the conflict. Anyone who doesn't is condemned as "unpatriotic" or a heretic. Even celebrities and public officials are afraid to speak out against the Iraq War for fear of jeopardizing their position and careers. (so much for free speech) America uses a sick form of mind control that insinuates that if you are loyal to your country, you will support all its wars and invasions, even when it is in the wrong or on the side of evil. Otherwise, you are seen as a "traitor" and there is something wrong with you.
In essence, what America is saying is that loyalty and patriotism are above truth, justice and even life itself. It is willing to sacrifice innocent lives, including its own, and spread lies, for its diabolical purposes. This is plain wrong as well as evil. It is the total antithesis of freedom and justice. As a chilling reminder, Hitler also did the same.
In doing so, America again contradicts itself in claiming freedom of speech, while at the same time forbidding you to question what it preaches. In effect, America is saying "You are free, but you are required to agree with everything we say and do without question", which is total hypocrisy.
The elite understand that they must hide their motives for getting involved in wars all the time. If the public was told the truth, that America's wars are about power, greed, control and acquisition, the American people would not be willing to risk the life and limb of its troops for such purposes. No way. That's why the sheeple have to be deceived. The elite behind the military industrial complex know that they are lying, but believe that they can get away with it because they are at the top of the pyramid, have a "God complex" and are "above the law". Their souls are truly lost. Hopefully they will get their justly due karma.
This is especially the case for those serving in the armed forces. If you watch documentaries about the life of US troop stationed in Iraq or Naval personnnel stationed in ships off the coast of Iraq, you will see that everyday they are constantly drilled with lies and propaganda that they are there to fight for freedom and democracy, and that they are heros and liberators of Iraq. I pity these folks the most, for in reality they are sacrificing their life, limb and sanity for greed, profit and power, which no sane person would knowingly do. The military is a fascist hierarchical organization and its subjects have no choice but to conform to whatever they are told. Despite their honorable intentions, they are the epitome of gullibility. They've been transformed into non-thinking robots, which is a total degradation to their humanity.
The 2009 blockbuster film Avatar accurately portrays the motives of US military aggression. In the film, the US Marines are sent to plummage forests in an alien world to mine special minerals that sell for "20 million a kilo". To do so, they had to move alien tribes off their lands in order to plunder their forest and cut down their main "tree of life". The film is honest in revealing the motives of both sides. What was unusual about this film was that the US Marine Colonel was honest to his men and told them upfront that they were fighting to mine minerals for profit, not to spread "freedom and democracy". And as you learn about the blue alien tribe, you understand the sacredness and beauty of their life, and the living energy of the forest. With this reveals, it becomes apparent that it would be wrong and inhumane to destroy it all in the name of corporate profit. With this revealed, the viewer's conscience naturally sides with the blue alien tribes, who are the victims in the conflict, and realizes that the US military are the aggressors and "the bad guys" in the conflict. Thus the audience begins cheering when the tide of the battle turns and the US military starts getting wasted, since after all they are "the bad guys" in the wrong and on the side of evil. This film is marvelous for many reasons (such as its 3D feature), but it is groundbreaking in that it reveals that truth and life are ultimately more significant than patriotism and loyalty.
Similarly, the 1990 film Dances with Wolves starring Kevin Costner depicted the same accuracy in its portrayal of the conquest of the American frontier. When Dunbar (Costner) bonds with the Sioux tribe and begins to understand them and become one of them, the US Cavalry is revealed for what they really are, instruments of aggression and plunder who steal lands from Native Americans and commit atrocities against the innocent to achieve such ends. When the viewer understands this, he/she naturally sides with the plight of the Sioux tribe. So when Dunbar is rescued by his new Sioux brothers near the end, the audience cheers as the US Cavalry men are taken out, who by then are seen as "the bad guys".
I applaud such films for their accurate portrayal of the motives of the US military, and for showing the light of truth and compassion over blind patriotism and loyalty.

So you see, America's religious myths about freedom and democracy, which it considers to be Gospel Truth and indoctrinates into its sheeple, is essentially baseless and not supported by facts or reality upon casual examination.  These myths are a religion, nothing more.  Many logical reasons and comparisons from ordinary examples and experiences have been presented here to debunk these myths.
America does not address the hard questions posed in this essay, nor the fact that so much of reality contradicts the propaganda and myths it spreads, but treats them as nonexistent. Instead, America merely throws its propaganda at you, knowing that most people will buy it and ignoring the few that don't (unless they get in the way), then offers you a life of pursuing a career (aka becoming a corporate slave), consuming to help the economy, and dumbs you down with forms of mass entertainments. That's all American life is. It's not about truth or answering the hard questions. It's about serving the profit system and corporatocracy. If you don't like it, America doesn't care, as long as you don't get in the way.
What we can conlude then, based on all the above, is that "freedom" and "government by the people" are illusions.  They don't need to actually exist.  The public merely needs to be given the illusion of freedom and democracy.  
But unfortunately for America and its controllers, truth tends to be self-evident and surfaces sooner or later.  Every time the public finds out that they've been lied to, their trust in government greatly decreases.  Without trust, foundations crumble, as we have been seeing in America recently.  That's how great empires fall, such as Rome.  They collapse on the inside first.  We are already beginning to see that happening with the American Empire, as more and more of its citizens become disillusioned with it.  
In short, America is reaping the consequences of its self-destructive behaviors and ways, and in due time, the consequences of its deceptions and brainwashing on its own population will manifest as well, as truth eventually comes out.  That is, unless it decides to make amends and change its ways of exploiting others for profit, power and gain, and using lies and myths to cover for its crimes and wrongdoings.
But alas, people do not like to change their ways, especially if they are at the top of the pyramid, in which case they have a vested self-interest in maintaining the status quo.
The Roman Empire was also imperialistic, conquering lands belonging to others to expand its power and control through military aggression, and forcing others to submit to its totalitarian regime. The difference is that Rome was honest about its intentions and purposes, whereas America isn't. Instead, America claims its imperialism is about promoting freedom and democracy. That's why America doesn't like to refer to itself as an "Empire" or use the world "Imperial" to describe itself, for such terms contradict its self-ascribed myth that it stands for freedom and democracy (but in reality of course, it stands for power, acquisition, control, dominance and greed).
It's a pity that America doesn't see the wisdom of one of its own children's parables known as The Boy Who Cried Wolf, which teaches that consequences of lying is the destruction of one's own credibility and mistrust from others. If America had heeded this simple parable, it wouldn't be in the mess it is today. But of course, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. We've seen that throughout history, and America is no exception.
The game of America's elite has always been to induce conformity in the population while at the same time maintaining the illusion of freedom and democracy. It's a delicate game that is self-contradictory, which intelligent freethinkers can easily see through. As a result, the elite have had to find ways to weaken the public, dumb them down, and distract them. They've done this by segregating the populace, making its citizens paranoid of each other, emphasizing competitiveness, and distracting you with mindless mass entertainment and promoting a rampant consumer lifestyle.
But alas, they are playing a losing game and are losing their grip.  God only knows what they will resort to next.  Those in power do not give it up easily, and will not go down without a vicious fight.  Let's hope that whatever changes, revolutions or global awakenings that are coming next will occur through a peaceful transformation.
I also pray that the public becomes informed, enlightened, intellectual and wise, so that history does not repeat itself (as it usually has in the past). As someone once said, "Those who do not learn history are condemned to repeat it."  Hopefully, the free flowing of information on the internet will help make that possible.
Until then, if you would like to learn about how you can enjoy more freedoms and benefits abroad, and are ready to venture beyond the US Matrix to see the real world, come visit my website at
Thanks for reading.
Winston Wu
PS - If you wish to start down the path of becoming a freethinking intellectual, as we have, let me warn you first though, that it comes with consequences as well as benefits. (Though it may not be a conscious choice on your part, but rather a realization of what you already are) By becoming one, you will certainly have a richer inner life that others don't have, and you will be able to see and know things at a depth and level that common people can't. You will also attain the freedom to rise above the programming and conditioning of society, which the common person didn't even know existed. You will be able to see things the way they really are, rather than how you were programmed to.
However, you will find it hard to fit into social groups and circles, for deep down an intellectual does not like to "conform" to something, for conformity is the antithesis of freethought. Also, you will find yourself looking down on common people, who are usually conformists and follow the pack, as ignorant sheeple do, so you will not really feel like you belong or fit in with them. To you, common people will seem like zombies. Thus it will be hard for you to remain modest, as pride and snobbiness may become part of your disposition.
You may find yourself often estranged from others, engaging them merely for superficial greetings or socializing. This means that you will find few people in life who can truly relate to you. Even the ignorant can sense vibes on an instinctual level, and they will sense that you are somehow "different" than them, vibrating at a different frequency. However, since like attracts like, you will certainly find others like you from time to time, through circumstances and coincidences. But you will not be connecting with the majority.
In addition, being able to see things that others can't and know things that others don't, you will find yourself annoyed at flaws and discrepancies that others don't get hung up on. Sometimes "ignorance is bliss" after all. Others may perceive you as "anal retentive" for noticing imperfections that don't matter to them.
An expat friend of mine, also a freethinker, had this to say on my Forum about the life of a freethinking intellectual:
"Why would the government want to properly educate the masses? They would lose their power in government cause then the average person would be able to see all their lies and fallacies. They realize a small percentage will break out of their matrix and they will either be ostracized from main society or they will be brought into the circle of power as one of their own.
To be able to break away from either of those labels takes a strong sense of purpose and some kind of divine intervention that was agreed upon before birth and intertwined into ones life. There are always people like this that break the mold, but society generally doesn't realize their greatness until they have departed the Earth plane. Individuals that are well ahead of whatever is going on in society are the ones that keep society moving forward, but are often ridiculed in the process of trying to make others see the light. Most people do not have the capability to visualize what the future will bring, or they do it wrong cause they interpret the future using their current preconceived notions of reality.
A true visionary sets themselves apart from the mainstream and isn't offended by brash comments upon their person."
That being said, if you seek to find an intellectual majority or population, your best chance, in my experience, would be in Europe, where knowledge, culture, education and broad-mindedness seem to be at the highest levels.
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