Jet Li's Fearless Movie Review

Watching "Fearless" is a pleasant disc, has some fantastic fight scenes, some well composed, great pictures and powerful human themes in historical reality. It 's a pity that the film, the characters are so melodramatic and the realization of the story is treated as two-dimensional. Jet Li is a business friendly in the main role of Huo Yuanjia, the most famous Chinese kung fu masters of the early twentieth century, national pride in China, after several years behindPower struggles and infiltration from the West. Although the film is loosely based on his life, had the story has been dramatized in this film, the potential for a big epic with a strong and dramatic nuances, but disappointed by the acting Some cheese and shallow execution history. This does not mean that this film not worth seeing, but as it was completely forgotten, which is a shame because he much more.

The strongest aspect of this filmrefers to a personal journey through life Yuanjia. Since young, Yuanjia wants to fight, but his father never allowed because of the condition of asthmatic Yuanjia. Yuanjia began practicing in secret with his best friend Jinsun Nong (Dong Yong) homework, while exercising his fighting style. Yuanjia, a selfish brat, misunderstanding of the basic principles behind Kung Fu is not about fighting it comes to discipline and to help others. Yuanjia attitude is Brataggravated when the witnesses of his father voluntarily lost a challenge match in a town square, after boasting of his father's skills to other children, his son gets his father's enemies and from that day forward beaten, Yuanjia vows never be defeated again. Over time, a fighter is undefeated, but his ego has grown out of control. All his works are selfish and immature, ultimately leading to a tragic showdown, in which, in retaliation for the killing of a YuanjiaOpponent during a fight, the mother and daughter brutally murdered on his estate. As a man destroyed, came conversions Yuanjia His life away from everything that has to know, finally find the path of enlightenment and one of the more famous and humble heroes fighting in Chinese history.

There is so much rich material to engage in travel Yuanjia, least of all being, which swept Yuanjia itself, the ego-driven lifestyle ultimately led to some very tragicConsequences. Yuanjia may not have directly caused his family to death, but he was busy that led measures. This message was powerful and the strongest in the film, anger, revenge and selfishness will eventually lead to tragedy and misery. For a character like this, it seems, the bigger the ego, the greatest tragedy is necessary to put the right path. Only if Yuanjia begins the struggle for greater ideals as national pride and honor to winrespect of its historic center, including his best friend, Yuanjia Jinsun accepted as his friend after cutting during his hey days ego-driven.

The images in this film are excellent. From the beginning, great care was to reassess the early twentieth century in China, with some images curves, which are missing only from computer graphics for a couple of shots here and there increased. The colors are rich and alive, so that a visual texture of the film that is in anotherClass from other Asian Kung-Fu films. The bigwigs of the city are the most impressive, even with the CG shots stand not as a wise action, but as picturesque landscapes. The images of the rural countryside, where Yuanjia is also a large scale.

The disadvantages of this act in the film version of the story flat and melodramatic. For a story with such depth potential, it is a shame that no attempt to give the story a feeling of balance and wasDimension. It is not about midway between the film that the family is brutally murdered Yuanjia begins his spiritual journey. His success as a champion of the restoration of national pride in China is skimmed over the last thirty minutes or so, the lack of care and time in developing this part of the story make the film unengaging. Enjoy Kung Fu, but dramatically, the film is lost. It 's just a year of clinical performance that is a sinbecause the story themes were strong enough to make a film far better. The melodramatic action also does not help. The problems lie in the first half of the film in which Jet Li has the unenviable task of playing a spoiled child. It is a mixture, sometimes works, sometimes not. The actors do for him, not so good, especially Yuanjia disciples belonging to the extreme action. Only Collin Chou, the father shows Yuanjia plays deep sense of character. The secondHalf the film is better, especially in the sequences between Yuanjia and Japanese fighter Year Tanaka (Shido Nakamura), fight to the end, but have a mutual respect for each other. One can not help but wonder, is the kind of epic that spent more time developing the script and characters, there would be increased this movie in a new category.

"Invite Fearless" is a solid kung fu movies that is useful to spend a few hours free, but ultimately forgettableDue to its lack of development of the history and implementation.


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Commercial Real Estate is Big Trouble for Small Banks

The next tidal wave in the correction of the financial tsunami, as in the housing market will be in commercial property. The recession is a lagging economic impact on these properties, which is caused only now in the limelight. As companies across America to reduce rising unemployment caused close to 10% now, companies have no choice but to reduce their need for space. As these companies back floor area occupied more streamlined, cut buildingExperience much higher vacancy rates. This increasing vacancy resulted in reduced income to personal responsibility and has a negative charge on the ability of owners to pay debts.

With approximately $ 500 billion U.S. dollars in commercial loans are due annually for the next few years, you can expect to see that the highest number of delinquencies and foreclosures in recent memory. The greatest institutional impact of these measures are smaller banks. The Fed isTighten its requirements and restrictions for all banks. Small local banks, "friendly" as brothers and the default settings worked the historical heritage, lifelong relationships with people flexible small businesses may be forced to be more aggressive in their collection process, the initiation of legal action. a greater likelihood of Aller liquidity needs of the flow of funds in this market segment is to reduce future loan problem. AsMortgage funds become more scarce, prices of commercial properties certainly see cuts.

It will benefit, however, be able, through the storm because of cash flows, low debt, or have their own properties overall in this scenario for the. In addition, those with adequate cash position to facilitate the acquisition of new businesses will good opportunities for the long term. Unfortunately, some players with high debt and lowcash positions are affected, and so are some of our local banks. The prognosis is still good. The recovery is happening at a pace faster than expected by many, and what is thought a number of meteorologists should last a decade or more in the real world to catch up again 3-5 years. will in the meantime, buyers of investors / owners, good decisions and wise decisions and managing fist, do well.

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Are the cops will find me, if I decide to Shopping for auto insurance quotes Skip?

How many hours a day? No, that is not multiple choice, and is not a trick question, I promise. How many hours a day? 24 correct? Not 26, not 36 and certainly not 50. Yet we always insist on us trying to stretch beyond our means and material as possible in 24 hours and order us to burn before all is said and done.

If you spend 10 hours a day at work, spends two hours a day cleaning the house, five hours of time with family,2 hours a day hanging with friends, working an hour a day, two hours a day wading through your reading list and, oh yeah, you have to sleep somewhere remember one thing that appears on your to do list the straw that broke the camel's back. So the prospect of shopping for auto insurance quotes you probably are not dancing for joy on the kitchen table.

The question is: are the police catch you if you just say no?

Now, many stateshave laws, you pay a heavy fee to the DMV for the privilege of walking around without car insurance, for return. If you live in the moment and scratch to get the shots, cuts, cutting here and there and your insurance benefits from the picture probably sounds like a good idea. What is one less monthly bill in the grand scheme of things?

The question is what happens when the shipment bit 'shopping and football to one sidemake it easy to do? Here is a question better. What to do if stopped for speeding, or if you happen to be in an accident (if you are in default or not) and police officers Nice want to see the insurance card?

The police is notoriously intolerant of drivers decide that shopping for auto insurance quotes is too much. In addition to paying a hefty fine and must buy a policy if you want to continue to drive without license, you can alsoYour car impounded until further order, and if it is your first offense, suspended driver's license. Despite the opportunities that the police somehow always manages to find out.

This is a lot of problems and costs, auto insurance is to become, if you have avoided an hour took out of your day to go shopping for the quotes on line. When shopping online you can fill out one form and hands, have an educated "guesstimate" of your in seconds, not hours or days, andYou can use the time for the technologies made available on-line quote car insurance quotes in different pools FINDERS. So you can offer your scouting while you wait in line at the supermarket, and lost not a minute of your day!

As father time has not yet decided a few extra hours at the end of the book day, this is the best place to get auto insurance quotes you need without interrupting your already overcrowded schedule.

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Party decorations and supplies for a shot at Easter

Easter is around the corner and is one of the most anticipated day for children and adults. If you are hosting a celebration of Easter at home, you should know by now how much work to go in creating a super being together since the food, decorations and activities, there is much to do!

Decorations play an important role in determining the mood of a party, party decorations and Easter offer a wide margin for the fusion of creativity and colorcreate a festive atmosphere.

Easter Balloons and banners

Balloons and banners are a great way to decorate a rental home on Easter. From simple balloons in various colors of a butterfly or dragonfly, you can bind individually or in groups on the backs of chairs and outside the hall. Banner, to illuminate the event with messages of inspiration and lively.

Cut-outs to bring Cheer

See Silhouettes of SpringFlowers and Easter eggs and Easter bunnies hanging from the porch and inside. This will define the theme of your party and provide a colorful and cheerful.

Easter Bunny as a decorative prop

Hang Easter with a mural on one wall is a good way to tell children about the importance of Easter. You can even make a rabbit out of cardboard and hang on the walls and cabinets or on tables.

Table decorationIdeas

You can start your table decoration, covering with a pink, blue or yellow tablecloth. Have a fair number of pink rosebuds decorate the center of the table. For accessories table, there is a wide variety when it comes to going diapers, dishes and cups. Can for dishes or plastic flowers or opt for dishes with the blessing of Easter printed above.

Egg Decoration

You can decorate the eggs with the letterthe names of your guests on them with a paint pen. Put all your eggs in egg cups (you can use your own egg cartons and painting in gold or silver). How about the placement of some grass in every Easter egg?

Easter Party Favours

The main party supplies you need are the party favors to various games that are organized. You Easter baskets with goodies, such as rabbits and candy filled. bunny ears are a favorite among boys-hotSee how they run wearing joy! Painted Eggs with candles and bubbles are good for other products.

With the right decor, providing products, you can party and a wonderful holiday season!


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Acting classes in Glasgow - Where can I find?

Perhaps they always wanted to learn, an actor, or perhaps you're a "Strong Performer" to watch and to further develop your skills. In both cases, the smart choice for high quality training for investment and if you are looking for acting classes in Glasgow, there are some good options:

The Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama

The RSAMD is usually the first choice for theatrical training in Scotland. In view of undergraduate courses that provide the aspiringCast a training course of three years with their success BA course in acting, a new musical theater in BA-and post-graduate training in acting and directing. deadlines are in late March for the BA and the end of May for postgraduate studies.

This is an income per academic year. You have to meet, meet their academic admission, and get through a challenging audition process - competition is very high in some places.

As CoachScotland

For a completely alternative approach to training actors, can be one of a series of acting lessons as a coach from Glasgow in Scotland.

ACS 'acting classes are a large number of students available, from absolute beginners to seasoned professionals for a Master Class. They are run by Mark Westbrook, a coach who has worked with many actors in the UK, and is an experienced director who has written moreCritically acclaimed plays.

Mark's approach derives from his study and application of an approach to quality of education as' aesthetic practice, "the work of Pulitzer Prize-winning writer known worn / director David Mamet and Oscar-nominated actor William H. Macy. In particular It is a concept for training the actors of the award winning Atlantic Theater Company, based in New York, Mark studied is also taught.

As the name suggests, is a hand very practical aestheticspractical approach to acting classes and is based on the need of the text, the scene and the interaction between the right of the parties 'now'. Contrasts from traditional training to create the actors to focus heavily on creating emotional psychological "character."

These tend to acting classes in eight-week blocks of night run at different intervals during the year. the size of the group are deliberately small.

The University of Strathclyde

The UniversityStrathclyde drama will be performed by the Teatro ramshorn. They offer certificates of professional development in various aspects of film and theater studies, which typically invested Easter and summer schools. However, he confirmed on his website indicates the dates "2006" are worth calling to see if they are still made.

There are also a variety of short courses for a few hours a week, 8 to 10 weeks. The courses are worth credit towards an "open label studiesCertificate and topics will include "The Art of Acting", "Your Voice Finding" and "Shakespeare in practice."

The Actor's Bothy

The Actor's Bothy is a weekly studio practice for professional actors, held at the Centre for Contemporary Arts in Glasgow. Participation is required with resume and headshot.

The Bothy by James Watson, who started at Drama Studio London Studio and Focus Theatre, Dublin trained.

Bothy Players usually meet every Saturday atexplore their craft and professionals are often invited to come and give short courses, master classes and workshops.

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Are the cops will find me, if I decide to shop for auto insurance quotes Skip?

How many hours a day? No, this is not multiple choice, and is not a trick question, I promise. How many hours a day? 24 correct? Not 26, not 36 and certainly not 50. And yet we always insist on us trying to extend well beyond our means and stuff, as far as possible in 24 hours and order us to burn before it's all said and done.

If you spend 10 hours a day at work, spends two hours a day cleaning the house, five hours of time with family,2 hours a day hanging with friends, working an hour a day, two hours a day wading through your reading list and, oh yeah, you have to sleep somewhere to remember one thing that appears on the list of things to do like the straw that broke the last straw. So the prospect of shopping for auto insurance quotes you probably are not dancing for joy on the kitchen table.

The question is: are the police catch you if you just say no?

Now, many stateshave laws, you pay a heavy fee to the DMV for the privilege of walking around without car insurance, for return. If you live in the moment and scratch to get the shots, cuts, cutting here and there and your insurance benefits from the picture probably sounds like a good idea. What is one less monthly bill in the grand scheme of things?

The question is: what happens when a shipment of small shops and side footballmake it easy to do? Here's a better question. What to do if stopped for speeding, or if you happen to be in an accident (if you're not at fault) and the police in Nice want to see the insurance card?

Law enforcement is notoriously intolerant of drivers decide that shopping for auto insurance quotes is too much. In addition to paying a hefty fine and forced to buy a policy if you want to continue to drive without a license, you can alsoYour car impounded until further order, and if it is your first offense, suspended driver's license. Despite the opportunities that the police somehow always manages to find out.

This is a lot of trouble and expense, insurance car-could be avoided if you took out a half hour of your day to shop for quotes online. When shopping online you can fill out one form and hands have an educated "guesstimate" of your in seconds, not hours or days, andYou can use the time for the technologies made available on-line quote car insurance quotes in different pools FINDERS. So you can offer your scouting while you wait in line at the supermarket, and lost not a minute of your day!

As father time has not yet decided a few extra hours to stitch one end of the day, this is your best bet for getting car insurance quotes you need, without interrupting your already overcrowded schedule.

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History of the South Pole Clothing

South Pole Clothing Company was founded in 1981 by two brothers of Korean origin, and David A. Kenny The two brothers were in a family with five children who emigrated from Korea to the United States in 1977. David was instrumental in creating a clothing company with his brother Kenny and Southpole in the shop. David used $ 10,000 and $ 5,000 savings credit line for the construction of its first retail store clothing in New York.

The first store was in Brooklynand David Kenny hired to help in the shop. Later, the owner increased the rent and so David and Kenny have been forced to move to Queens. The branch has been gaining in popularity because the clothing market were targeted to early difficulties brothers to products that meet demand for their high.

In 1991, the brothers decided to make, sell an entire society, as has always been difficult to think that was very popularProducts. David decided that the new urban fashion clothing label called Wicked imported from Pakistan so dress for sale in the United States. Later changed the name of the clothing company in homage to the Korean researchers who had reached the South Pole South Pole

South Pole clothing was to establish its dominance in the market successfully and could face competition from other companies such as FUBU, which had to deal with the same style of clothing to resist. South Pole Company was able to seeits dominant position by making their products cheaper, while maintaining their high quality. Using high quality materials and thread, was popular with people from the South Pole in the urban market companies, which saw the company increase its profits.

In 1996, Kenny broke ranks with his brother and decided to venture into his company, the fashion was to focus on hip-hop. But David continued with his business and today the South Pole Clothingremains a dominant force in the manufacture of urban articles. The company may in many other U.S. cities and has to get cars in Europe and Asia, Where it's always a very good response.

Due to increasing demand for Urban Wear, South Pole also ventured into production of other products such as shoes and bags. Keeping up with the latest trend of the market, the South Pole has seen the company diversify its product range, allowing different people to meet the necessarythem. The company has also in collaboration with an ad for the creation of competition from modeling, which also involved the increased profitability in line.

South Pole was reached today, the source its products from manufacturers in Pakistan, India, Vietnam and China, capable of producing high quality products at a relatively low price. The use of retailers, like Sears and JC Penny has also helped in the sale of items of clothing the South Pole, now have aknown name in many states in the United States. In 2005, the South Pole Clothing Company is able to generate $ 350 million from the sale of its products.


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The actors keep up with the Kardashians

Keeping Up with the Kardashians debuted October 14, 2007, on E! Channel. U.S. reality TV series documents the lives of the Kardashian / Jenner family, which consists of ex-wife and children of late attorney Robert Kardashian. The show, produced by Ryan Seacrest, is now in the fourth and last season, 13 first time in December 2009 and be completed in spring 2010.

* Kris Jenner is the matriarch of the family. Serves as Manager for their daughters. Youwas Robert Kardashian, a defense lawyer, married to the inmate during the trial scene of the crime OJSimpson. She gave birth to a son named Robert and three daughters during their marriage. In 1989, Kardashian divorced and married the following year athlete Bruce Jenner had two daughters. He called a boutique for children in Calabasas, California smooch, which is currently not open for business. The show usually starts his conflicts with his three daughters of his careerManagement. Kim, its most famous daughter, has appeared in television shows like CSI NY and the instructions I Met Your Mother. She also starred in the film, Disaster Movie and was released on a commercial for Carl's Jr.. Kris keeps busy with many other things as Shoedazzle, its online store to ask for shoes for their fitness DVD and a few signature scent. You can also blog regularly so fans keep up with it.

* Bruce Jenner is the Olympic decathlon in 1976. He was immediatelyStepfather of Kris children 'when they were married in 1991. He has four children from two previous marriages. He is generally regarded as the more traditional parents still involved in litigation by mouth with her stepdaughter on their choices and decisions.

* Kourtney Kardashian is the oldest of Kris and Robert Kardashian. Previously appeared in Filthy Rich: Cattle Drive, a reality show in television. She is the co-owner of Dash, a boutique for women who shares with her sisters and pettinga joint venture between her and her mother. Both are in Calabasas, California.

* Kim Kardashian is the second daughter. He is currently out of Reggie Bush, an NFL player. And 'co-owner of Dash with her sisters. Their infamous sex tape with her ex-boyfriend singer Ray of her mouth all.

* Khloe Kardashian Odom is the youngest daughter and a co-owner of DASH. He made headlines when she was arrested for DUI in 2007. She appeared in a PETA ad campaign "I preferPost Go Naked Than Wear Fur "where her naked. She also participated in Celebrity Apprentice. In the fourth season of the show, married with the Los Angeles Lakers Lamar Odom.

* Rob Kardashian is the youngest and only son. Although it is generally used as a member of the supporting role of the series, his relationship with ex-girlfriend Adrianne Bailon attention. His decision not to pursue her modeling career instead of finishing college often leads to conflict with his family.

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Touring Broadway Shows

There are a number of Broadway shows and shows that people watch again and again love. Some of these remarkable works include Les Miserables, Cats, Miss Saigon. However, not all Broadway shows are eternal, because the theater to make room for new shows and have the opportunity for others, their play on Broadway.

If it looks like a fan of shows that have been raised, do not get angry because that does not mean it will not be able tothese shows. Most of the shows that will never need to go to Broadway and toured around the country so as to beat to reach a wider audience.

Find your favorite program

To find out where your favorite is to see, you can easily get to the Internet and go to the query. There are a number of websites, the information on this touring a Broadway show. These pages show the schedules of these shows, although it is currently being shown and wherego beyond. Some websites even go a step further and provide information on where you can buy tickets, and some websites even sell tickets.

Just because it is not a game show or a Broadway show, does not mean that the show is over. People who want to see these pieces can still be taken, as these shows go on a national tour. This shows, traveling to different cities across the U.S., and people can visit the city, where they appear. ForThe time for these shows can go to people on the Internet and discover that the information they need is just a click away.


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Transform your garden with a wooden play house

To create a perfect place to play, start with a general quadratic house (floors are easy to find online) or a prefabricated shed from most hardware stores. Watch a bit 'of paint, some fancy features and a little' imagination. Remember not to have a ribbon cutting ceremony and the regular transfer of the key.

For the actor or actress, you can create a stage to keep their attention for hours. Add a tent outside the house, a ticket window and Numbered BankSeats to wrap at a time in relief. Do not forget to add disk space for these key requirements, a dressing area for your star and a curtain of puppets.

There is a knight or a girl in your kingdom? Then you need a castle. Start with a small house and build a generic square tower, with stairs rising. Need a window Rumpelstiltskin and climbing up the window. The interior design was a simple wooden table and chairs, rustic box. RoundYour child bunk with a coat of arms designed and flags.

Princesses will pray with a Tudor-style house just their size in their backyard. To submit your home game, you can add real plants for window boxes or plastic flowers. Search or double-clicking the Dutch door and install a couple of press framed windows to let in some light. Putting on floral wallpaper with a sponge or soft pastel paint stenciled with hearts. Add your attic ladder and your princess is inSky.

I know a fireman or firefighter perspective? Paint your box red double doors for easy installation "fire truck" Access, an actual fire station bell and a hose. Installation of a pole that leads to the attic floor so that the little firefighter can slide down, and even travel to fight fires. Remember, fire station mascot - a Dalmatian wood.

Strong are classic and still a lot of fun. These are ideal if you have limited space because they are usually big and strongnarrow. Entering the second floor is through a ramp, stairs or even a climbing wall. Sand boxes make ideal places to play at ground level surfaces for short. Or add a garden, if your child has a green thumb.

Tower gambling houses offer ample space for a swing, slide, rod or sand underneath, as he is on stilts. Try a rope ladder to the platform, or set beside a tree with nails and wooden pegs in the trunk of a ladder.

Are not limited to a home game theme, even.Consider this added mini-house:

or terraces or balconies

landscape or dwarf trees

Zip-O lines

Budget committees O

Bridges or

or skylights and sunroofs

or slides

Kitchen features or

battery or operated bells

Milk Crate chairs and climbing block

Or Mailbox

or curtains and blinds

or chimneys

o All other desires of the heart ONE young.

In addition to providing hundreds of hours and schadenfreudeadd animation, games, outdoor facilities on the resale value of your home. While the investment of the theater do-it-yourself are usually pretty cheap, you can add 75% to the cost value of your home. Will again use most of the costs and bring with you is all the fun memories of a wooden theater.


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A history of Epiphone Guitars

There is a long and tortuous history, when it comes to musical instruments, all of which began over 130 years, the son of a businessman greek Anastasios wood Stathopoulo Epiphone comes. Later had a son named Epimanondas who took over his father's business after his death. The business was named after Epimanondas adding "Epi" and a departure from the Greek word for "sound". Today, Epiphone is a highly respected manufacturer of instruments.

The company was primarily EpiphoneBanjo makers, Epimanondas companies would dare to have some changes so that it can stay open. Has created a series of guitars that really did not look good. During the year the guitar is closer to perfection, when other manufacturers began to make their own types of guitars. This Corporation was to prove a great rival Epiphone Gibson and each company will be required to provide each other with the new guitar than created it.

WhenEpimanondas died, the company has gone to the younger brothers, and most could not run the company along together. One brother left, so that the whole society on the shoulders of the other brother. Due to strong competition from Gibson and Fender, Epiphone they could not stay afloat, and has established an association with Gibson.

The guitars, which were among the names-Union were made Gibson Epiphone, Gibson-made Epiphone. Many traders, not Gibson guitars sold as the new name, becauseOf course, the quality of the guitar was misunderstood by buyers. Gibson has separated its activities into two main parts, the original Gibson and Epiphone versions including the provision of Gibson. Now players have a Gibson Les Paul electric guitar and an Epiphone Les Paul.

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so magical magic tricks - with coins, cards and even animals

How to do Magic? - Magic begins with fraud

Many of us love entertainment. Magic is one of the most enjoyable forms of entertainment. A magician feels so funny when the audience show their love. The question is: how did they do? What is the trick? But above all, how do the magic?

Magic is like any other form of hobby or sport, everyone needs practice. The only difference is that it can be quite easy since you do not like when you make musclesSports. Like magic?

It depends on what you want to do the kind of magic trick you. If the map is not magic tricks, then you probably need the practice has raised the cards quickly with a finger. Most card magic tricks the magician needs the paper around the other side. Sometimes it is once again not a single card, but a 3.2 cards with a finger. The trick is to make it appear as if I were to turn only one card. Some cards are made for some magic secret. OfFor example, the "Guess the Card" is selected for your audience. Magicians practice reading the secret code that is specified in the manual that card special magic. This is how to do magic with cards.

So how do the magic with coins? For coin tricks, you really need to know how to distract the public, because there are times you need to keep in your pocket. How to card tricks magic tricks coin to need a lot of practice if you really want to be good.And of course you can also use some coin magic in the Magic Shop tricks like biting blow to the currency and restart it.

These are the two common magic tricks that you can do. Some spells require preparation, such as the creation of an adhesive backing or a broken game join two strings. Others require some knowledge of science and physics. An example is a paper to break a pencil. It may seem impossible, but this is what is magical.

Finally, everything is magicon the practice. You really need to work the illusion of circulation. If so, how do the magic with animals or animal life are interesting, you should visit MagicDo the best free magic tutorials.


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As someone else pay for retirement

I am the older sister, two brothers. Like any big sister, made a I care of them when they were little and I am concerned they are doing now. I'm worried about their future, and I'm worried more recently in my little brother.

He is a carpenter with. Had to be a leader, and he was very good in this too. You can also rebuild or repair any type of car. His experience, patience and attention to detail, everything is strange. But this is not true when it comes to howmanages his money.

He is only in the early '30s, he thinks it's time for him to continue working and save the left. He points to the fact that virtually nothing has saved her time as an excuse. So I'm worried that the government take care of us in our old age pensions are a thing of the past. When he's not saving anything for retirement soon, he will not have enough to go to never retire. It could not.

When his older sister, I decidedHelp making a plan. Now my brother has three cars, and does not need all three. I convinced him that a car should be sold. The money he makes from the sale may be used to start a savings account, and will save $ 500 a month for savings.

It can also be extra money to take additional jobs. These should not be full-time jobs or side jobs as kitchen renovation building fences. Carpenters are making very good craftsman. Although onlyThe work on the weekends can save enough for 10% below a $ 200,000 home is gone in no time. Maybe a year or less.

Since he is a carpenter, you can also buy handyman's special. If he lives there while setting up, he can save even more. For some years, has rented the house for about $ 1,400 per month. Now is the time to buy and move into new property.

Fast forward 25 years, we see what he has.

When added $ 25,000 value of the house, staring at him, andthe property goes to 4% on average each year, then in 25 years, the property is worth almost twice what he paid for it. And the best part is the tenant to pay the mortgage. This is like someone else to contribute $ 1,900 per month for your savings.

If you wonder where 4% is historically features an average increase of 4% per year, albeit with ups and downs. But this is not so high, by renting, tenants have not paidThe mortgage on the period of 25 years. Now that the mortgage is paid, the building is a positive cash flow for its withdrawal. Remember, traditionally the hiring of around 4% a year.

In 25 years, he has to pay his true home away. The two properties would have $ 1,000,000 in equity. This is a nice little nest egg for your retirement or something!

When I told my brother, my plan, got excited and sold a car. With the money that is going throughhelps us with one of our properties, is saving for a down payment for a house of fat. You can too! Why do not you?

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Twilight Movie Review

BOTTOM LINE: A single public take the old vampire emotional story of age and who could be dramatic if not for the music video style sequences and a constant lack of willingness on the part of young film directors to expand the sound of their core .

The good: Twilight deserves praise for creating a unique history take the vampire story, literature and was so well covered in both films. You can thank herStarting material in the novel by Stephenie Meyer, the only world and the logic that works very well and this relationship was most likely between a teenage girl and a vampire who used to create looks 17 but is actually much, much older. The chemistry between the leads Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, Bella and Edward to play, what does all the work, draw their characters with a vulnerability that is appealing and sympathetic, particularly in the case of Edward, who is strugglingto satisfy every impulse in his body, his natural instinct to suck the blood from Bella. However, it is unlikely to appear in a teen romance to choose the topic of overcoming the natural instinct and person to become a bit 'at the center of the film, with Edward and his family choice, not Blood Feast of people make vampires benign. "We love vegetarians," says Edward at some point. Another more unexpected is the use of humor. There are a number ofMoments that make you smile, stand out as a Bellas father loaded his rifle, when Bella and Edward at home. In general, this is a film that is unique and worth, is for this reason.

The bad: The main problem with this film is its style, but given the main audience of this film is adolescent in nature, the filmmakers have decided, in effect, a two-hour music video. Moreover, the darkness is associated with a weakened vampire storysignificantly to the success that the same audience. As a result, the film has moments of dramatic or exciting, relying only on the chemistry between Bella and Edward, to enforce it. The climatic battle scenes between the good vampires and bad are shoddily made, there is no real emotion. You know the good guys win its just an exercise to go through the motions. You will be notified on a great background story of how vampires came into the area and solve their stand off with the wolvesbut that was never really in the foreground (I think that is the sequel to!) led. With great potential in the story, Twilight would be something special, but unfortunately only a teenager can definitely get value from the final product.

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Best Christian Home Based Business Opportunity

If you are a committed Christian and if you are looking for a excellent home business the Christian home based business is most excellent for you. Have sizes of online resources that help many Christian brothers and sisters at home money earned from your work as. Some of the best Christian home based businesses to help spread the word of God at work. At the same time, help reduce the financial burden you may have.

If you subscribefor the best Christian based home business, you get a good opportunity to raise funds for the church.

Great Opportunities for Best Christian Home Based Internet Business:

A Christian bookstore on the Internet is a huge business for you. These allow you to spread the word of God throughout the world. In addition, you may be a place to educate how to be a good Christian and help with the care of your community.

* Another great source of income through the sale ofChristian products and services. Here you can connect with other Christians and aid in the profit participation of the community. Some affiliate programs help individuals to market and sell products. You can control one of them.

* The lives of other fellow Christians, if we teach the word of God to transform others.

* You can start raising funds for the church and earn a good income from it. For this you can create a web-based or use the church is founded, sold to raise fundsProducts and services for the benefit of other Christians. You can make money with this excellent, if you choose full time or part time. It 's a very cheap venture to make for a great cause.

* You can also launch several other services around the church and the Bible, such as collecting funds for poor services and Bible reading.

* You must learn to leave your desk and move in a secular place where you can find spiritual fulfillment. Although it mayTake some 'time for you to start such a business, you can learn to slow as income.

There are a lot of Christian origin best businesses established in the area of social services for Christians. Just follow the plan and the path of God and serve Him and help others better. Remember, the more you give, the more you stand to receive.

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The top 10 most famous women named Sue and Susan

Last year, I collected the famous names. These are all people, but they are the most popular? Today we count down the most famous women named Sue and Susan.

The most famous person (based on gossip online) with the name Sue and Susan are:

10th Susan Tedeschi - Musician (waiting for my hope and desire, Back To The River)

Ninth Susan Lucci - Actress Emmy excellent (All My Children, Dallas, Dancing with the Stars)

8th Susan Rice - ItalyU.S. Ambassador to the United Nations

Seventh Sue Sylvester - GLEE characters on TV series

Sixth Susan Smith - killed his two young children

Fifth Susan Collins - Senator, Maine

Fourth Susan Sontag - Author (in America, The Volcano Lover, "The Way We Live Now)

Third Susan Dey - Actress (The Partridge Family, LA Law, Love and War)

According to Susan Sarandon - Academy Award winning actress (Dead Man Walking, Thelma and Louise, Atlantic City)

... Ethe most famous woman named Sue and Susan by a landslide ...

Before Susan Boyle - Singer Britains Got Talent 2009 discovered that recently started their first CD entitled "I Dreamed a Dream

Sue can not make the Top 10 were S. Bird - basketball player for the Seattle Storm, P. Foley - Musician (Time Bomb, "Love Comin 'Down, Young Girl Blues), Henry S. - Author (Alaska mystery series, Jessie Arnold Mystery Series, Maxie and Stretch Mystery Series), S. Herero - TelevisionReporter for CNBC, S. Lowden - U.S. Senator from Nevada, S. Lyon - actress (Lolita, Night of the Iguana, The Flim-Flam Man), S. Simmons - The news anchor for WNBC, P. Webster - Artist, who works as a team with Tim Noble.

Susan does not make the top 10 were Anthony S. - Actress (Stop Susan Williams!, Golden Girl, Spring Fever), S. Atkins - a member of the infamous Manson Family, S. Barrantes - mother Sarah Duchess of York St. Cooper - Author (The Dark Is RisingSeries, The Magician's Boy, King of Shadows), S. Decker - former president of Yahoo! Inc., St. Hutchison - political candidate and former Television News Anchor; S. Isaacs - Author and screenwriter (compromising positions, Shining Through, Past Perfect), housewives S. Johnson - Romance Author Romance (Hot Spot, a force of nature, Sinful), S. Mayer - character in the television series Desperate, S. Olsen - actress (The Brady Bunch), p. Pevensie - notional person in CS Lewis' The Chronicles ofNarnia series, p. Powter - Author, Motivational Speaker and Personal Trainer, S. Ward - actress (Sunset Beach, The In Crowd, Make It or Break It), S. Wiggs - Romance Author novel (of the night, The Lord of Charm School, Lakeside Cottage), p. Yeagley - actress (Best Week Ever, soup, Dame Delilah).

A good mix of professions for the two musicians Sue and Susan (Boyle, German), a senator (Collins), authors (Sunday), an ambassador of the United Nations (Rice), a murderess (Smith), acharacter (Sylvester), and three actresses (Sarandon, Dey, Lucci). If it were not for these beautiful Sue Sylvester the name of Susan, all top ten places would take.

I compiled the list by checking each of Suez and Susan to a series of search engines ranking them according to the number of websites, discussion forums, photos, videos, etc. that are available online.

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The new Wembley Stadium - Home of English football

For any fan of football, a visit to the new Wembley Stadium is a must. It is not only one of the most important stages of the modern world, but hosts the best of English football and a real "footie-fest" of the nation's leading Cup final and the Football League playoffs in every season.

The Football Association - governing body of sport - is planning a 12 million pounds transfer of the headquarters in Soho Square for the new stadium in July 2009. As Wembleyis also the seat of jurisdiction for any international match, England plans - including qualifiers for the 2010 World Cup final - the move will be the anchor stage as the "home of English football."

progresses as the season of English football for its climax in May hosts a series of prestigious final at Wembley, including the traditional end of football season - the FA Cup final but before the season starts in the Cup final is the end of February or early March with theStaging of the Carling Cup final. This showpiece cup competition, the Football League will be his 50th birthday in 2010 at Wembley Stadium to celebrate.

Subsequently, the Johnstone's Paint Trophy final at Wembley, played in early April. This contest is restricted to clubs in League One and League Two Football League competition. The 2009 final was an absolute thriller against Luton Scunthorpe 3-2 after extra time before a lot of football less53 378.

In May, the games are thick and fast in the stadium, starting with the FA Trophy FA Vase final and final on consecutive days during the second week of the month wins.

Next, in May to host the football championship, play-Final points last promotion for the Championship, League One and League two will be decided. In fact, the Football League Championship Play-off final - usually held in late May Bank Holiday Monday - billed as the most profitable football "I play once. The winners will be promoted to the Barclays Premier League and terms of access to the lucrative television money.

Finally, the weekend of May sees the traditional final season, the FA Cup Final This is one of the few "protected" games will be broadcast live on terrestrial channels and is the mother of all football final competition. As you can see, the month is May, when the owners of hotels in London - particularly those located in Wembley rub - hands on> Delight in the abundance of "vacancy" signs as they followed home to thousands of football fans travel to the capital to watch their teams.

But for football fans who do not receive a ticket to a game at Wembley Stadium, not to despair. You can still access the stage and its wonderful qualities of the sample at first hand, buying a ticket to tour the stadium.


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A summary of South Park

South Park is one of the most popular cartoons on all adults in the air. This article describes some of the main characters. The show will soon begin its fourteenth season, and many people across the country are waiting for next Wednesday. The show can be seen on Comedy Central, a channel is available through your cable or satellite provider. A description of some of the main character follows.

Eric Cartman is a fat child, which the protagonist is in many episodesto display. He is usually depicted as a fearful, superstitious, self-service levels and have a very strong conviction of most social stereotypes.

Brovlofski jew Kyle is a guy with red hair. The character appears with Stan Marsh, as a rule as a solver of the situation. Often at the end of most episodes of Kyle and Stan was a kind of moral to be drawn from the story line for the solution of the situation. Kyle's father is a lawyer, andoften portrayed as rich.

Stan Marsh is your run of the mill American boy. It is usually a blue cap and sports along with Kyle Brovlofski is usually the solver of the situation. Stan's father is shown as a geologist and are seen as a typical middle class.

Kenney McCormick is a character whose face was never seen as it is always covered by his parka. His character is generally seen as an accessory to the story line and is usually seen as disposable for Comic Relief.


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I can watch TV episodes online?

In a word, yes! You can watch TV episodes online. Everything, therefore, is like a catch: you can not usually receive cable programs, and there are restrictions on country of origin to other programming languages. Watch TV episodes online can be fun if you have the right tools. These tools are available in the form of a client to stream TV programs on your computer.

If you're a TV network that can monitor their online sites after episodes. Usuallyplace the day after the program aired. This is a win-win situation for them because it pursues the public concerned and are more likely to turn on the television to watch the next episode. The problem, if you're not in the country where the show aired, we can not all be seen is, I am. And even if you now have the episodes online for a limited.

Cable TV is reduced even more. cable operators subscribe to a user, have exclusive rights to the showPrograms broadcast. Put the episodes online at its website defeats the purpose. You can go to torrent it, but if you do not want to take this road because of the law, or perhaps the lack of disk space, then there are alternatives.

You can easily take a client that provides access to cable programming. The nice thing is that not only the programming cable from your country but around the world. There are customers free, but it is very likelynot a good thing will be to travel by this route, because "free" may be the price later. You are better, one-off shall be paid the customer and from then on, the programs are free, the bonus is that we do not have to pay a subscription cable TV again. What's even better that you get the free to air channels with air.

Watch TV episodes online can be fun, and you will never stand at the coffee machine, with a white face, because you need to program the situation is notthat everyone talks about. There is only a flow of programs on your computer and you're there.

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Texting and Driving - Writing My First Novel in the Car

Texting while driving is so time-efficient. How can you pass this technique up? I do lots of driving, and I also wanted to write my first novel. Bam: combine the two. What a great way to pass the time going from point A to point B. No more boring drives for me. I'm accomplishing one of my life's biggest goals: writing my first novel. It's a long and complex spellbinder, too. And, to think that I get to do it all in the friendly confines of my car is just too irresistible.

It's a murder mystery about 4 guys who go on a road trip. All they do is text and get gnarly with all their friends. The driver in my novel is much more rigid than the other 3 passengers, refusing to text while driving because it's just too dangerous. Guffaw.

Look, texting while driving is not like your drinking and driving. It's nowhere near that bad. Plus, anybody knows you have no chance of writing a good novel if you're drunk all the time. That is literary suicide. And, technology now affords us all the opportunity to creatively communicate in many new and exciting ways. The "what will they think of next" mantra of civilization can be heard on practically every corner. So, being as though we have these unique and very portable powerhouses of prose, we might as well use them, and use them often. And, use them anywhere, like in a car while driving to Poughkeepsie.

I'm no moron. When I see that my dream of writing a bestselling novel can be multitasked while doing the mundane, like when I'm behind the wheel, bring it on! You'd be an idiot not to take advantage of such a perfect opportunity. Heck, I'm nearly halfway through with my first draft, and it's already over 200 pages!

I've got plans in the works to write a sequel, and if the these books take off (which I am fully expecting), I can easily "make more!" Imagine traveling the long road to the inlaws while writing the screenplay for the first movie? Oh my God, I can barely wait. And actually being happy to visit them so I can write on the way will be the first time that's ever happened. Man, I love writing.

I so love the combination of texting and driving, I have just coined a new word for it: "Drixting." When modern technology meets engineering marvels of the past, it is an amazing serendipity that I can not quite explain. It's such a rush of joy-meets-necessity that I can barely contain my glee!


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Fun Christmas Holiday Plans That You Might Consider Doing

The Christmas season is one of the holidays that most teenagers await. It is a short but very festive break away from school work, activities and projects. When this time of the year approaches, we would not miss to make our plans of making it even more enjoyable than last year. Either we spend it with the family, our friends or just by our self, as long as we will really feel the spirit of joy and love in this few days then we would have one enjoyable and fun experience for the holidays.

The bite of the cold and the freezing temperature outside our home is not a hindrance for us to stay locked up in our rooms. If you feel like being fired by a tazer X26, all tired and weak, then heat up and get hold of the outfit that will make you feel good in this type of weather. Through this, you will be able to pursue your plans for how many days and venture into something memorable this year.

Spend time with your family and do something enjoyable with them this Christmas holiday. It is a very nice experience if you would have the moments of your life with them and when you think about it in the future, you would smile and realize that you spent it with the most important people in the world.

If you do not feel like going out in the snow, then stay at home and try to have a quality bonding time with your family. You can just stay together in the living room by the fireplace while talking about things that happened to you this year and drinking a hot chocolate that you just made. Aside from that, you can have a marathon of your all time favorite movies and cuddle all together in your couches.

Moreover, when you already feel like facing the cold weather then go skiing or snowboarding in some resorts. Even in your own backyard, you can jump into the snow, form snow angels and even do snow ball fights. Find a sled and glide through the different snow slopes. Think of travel plans where you would go to places where you have never been before. Certainly, you can think of a lot of ways where you can really enjoy the season outside your home.

However, when you are away from your family and you are all alone in your place then come up with a plan to hold a party. You can do exchanging of unexpected gifts this year. You can give the coolest stun baton to a girlfriend. She would surely laugh at the thought of you giving it to her. But that would be a very good idea for gift-giving surprises for the season. Do not spend your Christmas all alone. Join parties and enjoy the night with your close friends.

Widen your imagination and do something new and enjoyable during your Christmas holiday. You can plan for something which will take away your mind and stress from school. Have a good time in your break and do it with people close to you to make it even unforgettable. End your year with fun experiences.

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Medieval Shoes

If there's one thing I have proven over the many years of attending renaissance faires is that whatever you do, you cannot beat using the correct shoes. You may have the perfect medieval clothes but if you don't have the perfect medieval footwear to go with it, then your clothes aren't really worth anything! And if worst comes to worst, the use of the wrong footwear would leave you looking stupid and out of place!

But why are shoes that important?

One of the things that people tend to forget when they buy costumes online is the need to also purchase footwear that matches their medieval clothes. Most of the time, we go with what we have already, not knowing that our chosen costumes and the footwear we have also chosen, directly affects one another!

Think of wearing a dress and some crummy old tennis shoes to go with it or how about a tuxedo and a pair of rubber shoes? While you might be sporting the best outfit or even the best pair of shoes, the fact that your shoes do not match your dress or wardrobe directly messes up everything. That's how important shoes are!

So if you're still wondering about what kind of footwear there is out there, we've compiled a list of common footwear available that you can choose from. These shoes are really cheap, are less than a hundred dollars, and are a perfect companion to your clothes, even if you are under a tight budget.

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Hip Hop Beefs

Firstly, I should define what a "beef" is for those of you reading this that may not be privy to the hip hop lingo. A beef is a term used in the hip hop culture to describe a grudge between two individuals. In normal society a grudge for the most part may occur without any real ramifications but in the hip hop industry no beef ever goes by without some real fireworks associated with it.

Beefs in hip hop were created with two purposes in mind. One being that two artist with legitimate gripes between each other would be able to settle their differences while at the same time promoting their respective albums. One of the first highly publicized beefs in the hip hop industry was between a young up and coming rapper by the name of LL Cool J and a previously established veteran by the name of Kool Mo Dee. Most people don't recall what the main dispute was between the two but the songs they made in an effort to discredit each other were true classics at that time. The universally accepted winner of the beef was LL Cool J and his record sales certainly benefited from it. In this instance the hip hop beef worked to perfection and the animosity disappeared and there were no acts of violence between the two. This would not be the case in of the most publicized beefs in hip hop history. Tupac Shakur, who was a prominent hip hop artist from the west coast and the Notorious BIG who was the most prominent rapper in the east at that time used to be pretty good friends. Tupac Shakur was then said to have had relations with the Notorious BIG's wife which resulted not only in the two ending their relationship but also in the most historic battle in hip hop. For months the two hip hop artists went back and fourth with songs against each other until one day Tupac Shakur was shot outside a studio in New York. Tupac Shakur believed that either the Notorious BIG was involved in the shooting or knew of it in some capacity. The fact that the shooting occurred in the east and Tupac was a rapper from the west caused an uproar amongst west coast hip hop fans. The two coasts were no longer collaborating together on musical projects and it was actually quite dangerous for either artist to even venture to the other coast. The result of this east coast west coast beef was monumental. Both Tupac Shakur and the Notorious BIG were killed 6 months apart from each other. Those two deaths marked the falling of the universally recognized best rappers of all time.

Although hip hop beefs were created to have an outlet or forum for two artists to air their grievances the cardinal rule of keeping it on record was constantly disregarded and many deaths have occurred. It's sad to say but 10 years after the deaths of the Notorious BIG and Tupac Shakur, beefs are just as prevalent if not more so then they were at the time of their deaths.


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Talk About Purpose

What better example than Jesus' life to explain about having a life's purpose? No other example I can think of, can you?

From the moment he was born--wait, hold up...BEFORE he was born, His purpose was already established. And so was yours.

Jesus was born to the exact parents He needed to be born to, in order for him to fulfill his life's purpose, and so were you.

Mary was a virgin. Just so happened, she was about to be married. Coincidence? I think not.

Nowadays, things are a lot different than they were back then. And some people, or should I say, society as a whole, no longer frowns on woman who have children out of wedlock. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that women didn't get pregnant before they were married back-in-the-day, but most of the time it resulted in a gunshot wedding.

Mary didn't have to have one of those because she was already planning her wedding when she became pregnant. There are no such things as coincidences.

Mary was also a direct descendent of Abraham. Coincidence? I think not.

Now, when Joseph found out that Mary was pregnant, like any other man, he got mad and started not to marry her. I can see it now. Picture this: Mary calls Joseph (or wait, no phones yet), Mary goes to see Joseph and tells him she has something really important she has to tell him. She's a little nervous because she can't imagine what he is going to say. She
finally gets up the nerve and says, "Uhm, Joe, uhm, (fake smile) guess what? I'm pregnant." (Can you imagine that?)

Not too many people, or at least not the brothers I know, would have ever believed that story. OK, I'm laughing right now because I just got a visual of my husband. If I had said something like that to him, he would have first, gave me that look. Then he would have said, 'wait, how is that possible? I've never even touched you.' Then, if I would have
started explaining that I was pregnant by God...

But an angel spoke to Joseph and explained the situation, so Joseph was cool with it real fast and never questioned it again. Joseph was the right earthly father for Jesus.

When Jesus was 12 years old, around the age when most of us first start to experience our first taste of independence--he found himself mentors--people who could teach him what he needed to know about the word of God.

This is exactly what we need to do to develop our craft, our skill, and our purpose. Find yourself a mentor. Someone who is doing exactly what it is that you want to do and ask them questions; offer to help out so that you may learn. You aren't born knowing everything, but there are others out there that know what you need to know. Go where they are. Ask them questions. Find out what they know. Research--until the student
becomes the teacher, the same way Jesus did.

There really isn't any information available to us about what was going on in Jesus' life between the ages of 12 and 30. I'd venture to say that he was just like all of us. He was finding himself.

Oh, I'm not suggesting that he didn't know His purpose but it wasn't until the age of 30 that he started living His life's purpose completely. I think this is important. I personally believe that before you reach the age of 30, you haven't fully matured. I know it was that way for me. During your teen years you are just learning a little about yourself. During your twenties, you are finally learning about what it means to be completely independent of your parents--you are now on your
own. By the time you are 30, you are generally through with the hanging out, having no direction in life and are ready to start taking life seriously. This is usually around the time when you start to think, "Why am I here? What is the meaning of life? What is my purpose?"

There are exceptions and some people find themselves a lot earlier in life--I'm not one of them.

Once Jesus was certain of his purpose and armed with the knowledge he needed, he took the world by storm. For three years he spent all of his life living his purpose. He never worried about whether or not his purpose was the right purpose for him. Whenever he needed guidance, he prayed. He didn't worry about whether or not he was "big" enough to handle his life's purpose. He didn't worry about whether or not it was
paying the right salary or whether he would make enough to eat or buy the clothes that he liked. As a matter of fact, he told his disciples not to worry about what they would eat or where they would sleep. He even told them not to worry about what they would have to say when the time came for them to talk. God would take care of all of that. He knew his purpose and knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that everything was going to work exactly the way it was designed to work.

Even down to his selection of his disciples. He knew exactly whom he was going to select to be a part of his team and why. He went along and developed a crew. He knew exactly whom he needed in his posse and they knew it too. Not one person said, 'oh, no I can't do that, Jesus. This sounds good and all that, but fishing is how I make a living, regardless if I enjoy it or not, my family has got to be fed. I don't know what's
going to happen if I come and follow you. I got this thing going on already and your thing just doesn't seem all that stable to me. What will my friends and family think? How am I going to make a living?'

They didn't say any of these things. They realized their purpose and when the opportunity came around, they leaped at it and never looked back.

Are you ready to take that leap? Are you prepared to start living your life's purpose? All you need to do it is faith. So long as you believe with all your heart that God will provide, He will.

At anytime you can walk away from the dead end job that you know is causing you ulcers and stress. BUT, just like Jesus, you have to be prepared. You will have to learn all that you can about your craft, your skills and your passions. All it takes is some action. Instead of wanting to be like Mike (do people still say that?), design your life after Jesus. There's no better person to pattern your life after than him.

Find your purpose and start living your life with passion, excitement and faith. You can do it. I know you can because you were born a winner!


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Watch Heroes TV Shows Online And Miss No Episode!

Probably, not everyone knows about the possibility to watch Heroes TV shows online. Like popular movies, live sports and news, serials too can be watched online, and you do not need anything for that, except for Internet access, of course.

The Heroes show is really loved by viewers. The idea of ordinary people discovering super powers within has a universal appeal. The series have become immensely popular not only in North America, but also in Australia, New Zealand and other countries.

The famous serial has a strong fan following even in some countries, where it was not shown on TV. This is because so many people choose to watch Heroes TV shows online, along with dozens of other popular TV shows.

Even if you try and catch every episode of your favorite TV show, there are situations when you simply can't be home on time in front of your TV set. Probably, you are stuck in a traffic jam, or working late, or have a business meeting, or traveling, or...

Isn't it frustrating to miss a TV show you are addicted to? Now you don't have to. As long as you are connected to the Net, you can watch Heroes TV shows online - in the office, away from home, anywhere! And the most wonderful part is that your laptop or PC can be converted to a satellite TV set within minutes and with no additional hardware installation required.

The method is based on specially designed software, which allows tuning to hundreds and even thousands of free-to-air satellite TV channels. With all the advancement of the software, it is very easy to use and a person with minimal computer skills will be able to figure out the way it works within minutes.

After downloading and installing the software, you can watch Heroes TV shows online instantly, or check out a wealth of other exciting programs, including news, sports, movies, serials, music videos, etc. Go further and see what various international channels have to offer you. There is no dull moment with satellite TV on your PC!

As for the cost, you really don't have to worry about it. The software can be downloaded for around $50 from most online retailers and once the price is paid there are no recurring charges for anything. To view any channel, any program is completely free!

Grab the opportunity to watch Heroes TV shows online - visit my blog and find out how.


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Ayat-Ayat Cinta, Ahmadiyah and Pancasila

The phenomenal success of both the movie and the book Ayat-Ayat Cinta (AAC) is a reflection of our social conditioning and aspirations. What is interesting is that AAC has been able to dilute the "differences" in such conditioning and aspirations to the extent of being unrecognizable. The movie and the book have been equally appreciated by our President, our clergy and normal people.

The question is, do we need a book or a movie like AAC to unite us? If we do, then we have some very serious problems here.

"Ayat", to my understanding, is Arabic for "proof" or "evidence". "The proofs or evidences of the Lord's presence are scattered all over." All our scriptures agree on this. "Those with eyes can see them clearly."

Does AAC bear witness to the "presence" of our Lord?

Or does it bear witness to the presence of a "God" as envisioned by one particular religious group? The book clearly promotes certain religious values, as "understood" by the author based on his social upbringing.

A Christian girl praising Islamic values and falling in love with a young Islamic hero is not only acceptable but desirable. For a change, what about a Muslim girl praising Christian values and falling in love with a young Christian hero?

I wonder what would be the reaction of our distinguished clergy who spoke so highly about the film, and even appeared on television to promote the same.

I wonder if the producer of AAC would be willing to produce a movie along the above "opposite" line. As pointed out by a dear friend of mine, writer Ayu Utami, this is a "dakwah movie". It promotes "certain" religious values. I agree with her. The author does too. So, it is quite natural that those particular values are upheld over others.

The producers of the movie may not be interested in promoting anything other than their business. After all, they are entertainers. They would rather keep away from polemic. Had they been in the West, they would be filming just the opposite of AAC -- a Muslim hero or heroine appreciating Christian values and falling in love with a Christian. Ayu Utami rightly says that the movie has the same plot as Hollywood movies of the 1950s.

What does this prove? What are these ayats pointing at? First, we are still very much conditioned by our narrow religious upbringing: I can tolerate you, but whatever is said and done, my religion is the best.

Second, my business is business. Do not confuse me with other things. I am just an entertainer. I believe in the second part of Machiavelli's doctrine of "food and circus" to keep people busy, so they do not think critically and do not pose any problems to the establishment.

The movie is pluralistic in the sense that it has a Christian character. I hope we do not believe that to be the definition of being pluralistic. Even then, the author Habbiburrahman has been criticized by hard-liners. They argue, "Why should a Muslim defend the rights of an American in Muslim Egypt?" The author's defense is actually based on civil and human rights. And this is my third point: many of us are not appreciative of other peoples' rights.

No wonder we are not sensitive to the plight of the Ahmadis. They are being persecuted, but our authorities, our clergy and an overwhelming majority of our people are not at all concerned about it. Madi of Selena village was brutally killed; the Ahmadis could be killed too. At least one of our hard-liners is caught on video shouting and screaming, "Kill, kill, kill the Ahmadis." We are silent.

Our dear and beloved President could shed tears watching AAC, but his eyes are dry at the plight of Madi, Ahmadis and others. Or, perhaps we lack paparazzi. Perhaps, he has been shedding tears in private. Perhaps the media just haven't caught him doing it.

I have nothing against AAC and its author. Let us however see AAC in the light of our indigenous cultural values as enshrined in the five points of Pancasila. What are the highest spiritual and universal values in the movie that are not found in Pancasila? Indeed, Pancasila is at least one important step ahead of AAC. A Christian does not have to convert to Islam to appreciate the universal values in Islam and in the prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon Him).

Our people are mesmerized by the Middle Eastern, Egyptian setting of the movie. We value their traditions above our own, and we are both sentimental and emotional about them. The Egyptians, however, did not reciprocate our sentiments. The producer of this movie had to film some scenes in India, for a purely "material" reason.

AAC holds "males as the hero". Women are subordinates. They are all around the hero, and not vice versa. This is not Indonesian. This is very Middle Eastern. The "male" and the "masculine" in AAC are so implicitly but definitely promoted, that one begins to wonder if love is masculine.

AAC is truly a reflection of our present society. It has served well in pointing out to us the conflict going on within us. AAC's stand on polygamy is a reflection of such conflict. This is my fifth and last point. Deep inside we are torn between foreign and indigenous values. Just consider our reaction to Ustadz A.A. Gym, Wong Solo, and their polygamy. We could not accept it.

This article is also published on Jakarta Post | Tue, 05/06/2008 9:40 AM | Opinion

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Are the Cops Going to Catch Me If I Decide to Skip Shopping For Auto Insurance Quotes?

How many hours are in a day? No, this isn't multiple choice, and it isn't a trick question, I promise. How many hours are in a day? 24, right? Not 26, not 36 and definitely not 50. And yet we always insist on stretching ourselves well beyond our means to try and cram as much as possible into those 24 hours-and end up burning ourselves out before it's all said and done.

When you spend 10 hours a day working, 2 hours a day cleaning your house, 5 hours a day spending time with family, 2 hours a day hanging out with your friends, one hour a day working out, 2 hours a day wading through your reading list and oh, yeah, you need to remember sleep in there somewhere, adding one more thing to your to-do list seems like the straw that broke the camel's back. So the prospect of shopping for auto insurance quotes probably doesn't have you dancing with glee on your kitchen table.

The question is, are the cops going to catch you if you just say no?

Now, many states have laws in place that let you pay a hefty fee to the DMV for the privilege of driving around without any auto insurance to back you up. When you're living hand to mouth and scraping to make ends meet, cutting corners here and there and cutting your insurance payments out of the picture probably sounds like a really good idea. What's one less monthly bill in the grand scheme of things?

The question is, what's going to happen if you kick that little shopping expedition to the side and just make do? Here's a better question. What are you going to do when you get stopped for speeding or you happen to be in an accident (whether you were at fault or not) and the nice policeman wants to see your insurance card?

Law enforcement is notoriously intolerant of drivers who decide shopping for auto insurance quotes is too much trouble. Aside from paying a hefty fine and being forced to buy a policy if you want to continue to be licensed to drive, you could also find yourself with your car impounded until further notice and, if it isn't your first offense, your license suspended. Despite the odds, somehow the police always manage to find out.

That's a lot of trouble and expense that could be avoided if you took a half hour out of your day to go shopping for auto insurance quotes online. When you're shopping online you can fill out a single form and have an educated "guesstimate" in your hands in a matter of seconds instead of hours or days, and you can use the technology provided by online quote finders to pool multiple auto insurance quotes at a time. So you can do your quote scouting while you're standing in line at the grocery store and not a minute will be lost out of your day!

Since Father Time hasn't yet acquiesced to tacking a couple extra hours on at the end of the day, this is your best bet for getting the auto insurance quotes you need without having to interrupt your already jam-packed schedule.

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Hindi Movie Industry

The Bollywood movie industry began in silence in 1913 with the film Raja Harischandra. When sound movies became popular during the 1930's Hindi movies were ranked among the top despite the depression the country was experiencing. Most people think of Bollywood as India's version of Hollywood, but in fact, the Indian version of Hollywood started with Tollygunge. Tollygunge was the hub of Bengali film making in the early years. By the 50's, the Hindi movie industry was booming with success and this relation did not surface until the 1970's when Mumbai was still identified as Bombay.

Madhubala, the lead actress of the most highly ranked movie of all Bollywood movies, was one of the most beautiful of all time. Mughal-e-azam, released in 1960, is the top rated Hindi movie followed by Mother India released in 1957 starring Nargis; another beautiful and naturally talented Hindi actress.

Since the apex of the 1950's, Bollywood has made its way around the world earning awards and achieving international acclaim. Most recently, the movie industry took its popularity to the bank thanks to the movie Slum Dog Millionaire starring the lovely Freida Pinto as lead Hindi actress. Actor Dev Patel played her love interest. This movie won eight of 10 nominations including best picture in 2009.

When it comes to beautiful Hindu actresses, Freida Pinto is joined by many others who have made names for themselves since the days of Nargis and Madhubala. The toy manufacturer Mattel is considering making a doll in the image of Hindi actress Katrina Kaif who plays lead in Love Aaj Kaal. There is no shortage of beauty when casting is implemented for lovely leading ladies for the movies.

These movies are more frequently incorporating the English language in its films, adding more depth and dimension to these works of art. This language merger could mean seeing your favorite actress broaden her scope of possibilities from Bollywood to Hollywood.

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Buy Online TV

There are a lot of shows that we miss every year due to work and family obligations, and now there are plenty of online TV shows to buy. While you may think it is not worth it to buy shows from the internet, there are several reasons to purchase shows online. For example, you may keep hearing about one show that everyone you know loves, but you just cannot find some time to watch it.

Buying your show online will keep you updated on the latest TV craze in town, and be able to discuss what is going on in the shows with your friends. Although not everyone wants to be able to discuss TV shows, there are still benefits to buying shows online. For one, you can "try it before you buy it." If you purchase one episode of the show, and love it (or probably hate it) then you will find out soon without having to go and purchase a whole season of shows.

The last reason for online TV to buy is that you can pick and choose among the vast amount of shows that are available on the web. If you know you want a certain episode, and only that episode, buying it online will save you time and money. You would not have to wait until there is a rerun of the show on TV to record, and you would not have to waste your money buying a whole season when you only want one episode. You may also want to share a particular episode of a documentary or reality show with your family or friends, and buying one episode is a great way to do just that.


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The Reason For Wii's Success

When video games first began, there was this huge explosion of excitement. Everyone was interested and wanted to see "the next best thing." There was no avoiding the presence of this interactive medium. You'd walk into your local restaurant, only to find huge line-ups for that next game of Donkey Kong, or Pac-Man. Video games were the new kids on the block. They were new, fresh, fun and exciting. In the early to mid 1980's, the video game industry was experiencing a crash. Was it the beginning of the end? As it turns out, fortunately that was not the case.

A newcomer in the industry, Nintendo, was responsible for releasing the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System), that essentially single-handily revived the entire industry. Although Nintendo is over a century old, video games in particular were a new venture for them, so there was a lot of skepticism. That skepticism was quickly silenced once they released their first game console, with the globally recognized game mascot, Super Mario Brothers. This one game alone was responsible for putting the industry back on the map. One of the reasons for the game's huge success is not solely catered to the characters cute personality, but largely due to the fact that Super Mario Brothers, in and of itself, was a revolutionary game. There was nothing like it at the time. It was a whole new wave on interactivity, and thus a new generation of gamers were born. Back in the early days, there's was one particular element that all games had in common: Ease of use.

Games were fairly easy to pick-up and play, and as a result, this allowed a large number of people that were interested in the medium to give it a try. As time went by, games naturally evolved. At the same time, as games started to evolve more, so did the complexity of playing them. Historically, all video games were presented in two-dimensions (2-D). In the mid-90's though, we were introduced to games that now leaped to the third (3-D) dimension. As a result, a whole new dimension of complexity, if you will, tagged right along with it. Although games being in 3-D may have had some affect on the "ease-of-use" factor, a large part of games becoming too complex had to do with the natural progression of the game controllers. Essentially, the tools that gamers use to control what's happening on-screen.

As a result of this, people that used to play and enjoy games, all of a sudden turned their backs on it. Not because they weren't interested, but more because they simply couldn't handle the difficulty levels that were now presented before them. If you do some research, you'll find that this increase of difficulty was also reflected in the sales, or lack-of industry growth. The amount of people that used to play video games were all of a sudden decreasing. This put the industry in a sort of frenzy. There was one company though that really showed their concern - that company was Nintendo. It was around 2004 when Nintendo stated they felt the industry needed to change, and so procedures were taking place to make those changes happen. The result: Both the Nintendo DS and Wii.

You'd almost have to be living under a rock in order not to hear of those systems. Their success thus far is simply unprecedented. But why is that? The answer is actually quite simple - those two systems are really easy to use. In a way, they go back to the basics of when games could be played by anyone. The DS uses a touch-screen as it's interface, and a stylus as it's "controller." Yet, this combination really works, and it's evident by the sales reflected by the system. The Wii on the other hand is motion-based, with a controller that looks like a, get this, T.V. remote! Who doesn't have and uses a T.V. remote? Nearly everyone does, and thus the reason why the Wii remote was developed the way it is. The Wii's interface makes playing games easy again, looking no further then the latest sales generated by the system to prove this point. The brilliant thing that Nintendo did was use the latest technology, but in a way that simplifies the process so anybody can use it. In other words, cutting-edge technology that's easy to use. Brilliant!

Industry analysis shows that after the release of Wii and DS, the industry started to expand again. People that once stopped playing games, started to play again. Even more importantly, people that never touched a game before, were all of sudden getting involved. It seems now, that the industry as a whole, is working on expanding the market, reaching people of all ages and nationalities. A goal, where one day, people will look at video games as a legitimate form of entertainment - a medium that can proudly stand next to other forms of entertainment like movies and music. Rest assured, that day will come!

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Preview - Atithi Tum Kab Jaoge

Ajay Devgan's tryst with comedy continues with 'Atithi Tum Kab Jaoge' which would be the first release for the actor after his home production 'All the Best'. The film features some of the big names in the Indian film industry like Ajay Devgan, Konkona Sen Sharma and Paresh Rawal in lead roles. The film is also backed by Warner bros. who is producing the Bollywood extravaganza after Chandni Chowk to China.

The film promises to be a laugh riot and will give some relief to Bollywood in comedy segment where the quality movies are far and between. The film revolves around the life of its chief protagonist Puneet (played by Ajay Devgan) who is happily married to Munmun (played by Konkona Sen Sharma). Puneet is a writer by profession and lives in an apartment in Mumbai with his wife and son. He strives hard as a writer in Television world but now his dreams come true when he manages to write a film. This is the opportunity that he was waiting since his career began.

But as the Indian films have it, there is a twist in the tale with the arrival of a long lost uncle of Puneet named as Chachaji in his household and it is giving him the toughest time of his life. Now, a film starts to unravel in his home itself and he has to draft a happy ending to it. This is the most cumbersome task that he has taken in his entire life of thirty years.

Munmun (wife of Puneet) is a homely woman who is an interior designer by profession but traditional family values are rooted in her and she knows how to respect the elders and be a perfect host. Her ambitions and future plans for career doesn't come in her way of attending family and guests, albeit she enjoys the affair thoroughly. She enjoys the different shades of womanhood as she plays a perfect host to Chachaji. It is only later when Chachaji's stay becomes prolonged and unbearable she feels drained and asks Puneet to get rid of him. What happens next is a laugh riot exclaims the director of the movie.

Inviting and serving a guest is a customary Indian phenomenon and is taken by pride amongst Indians at large. They feel elated while serving their guests as it has been said quite often that a guest is equivalent to God (age old saying- Atithi Devo Bhava). With the advent of globalization in modern times the concept has found new meanings and adaptations. There are more and more people who throng to their relatives in cities and pose a problem in their short and cash strapped family. Initially they are welcomed but it is their extended stay that causes problem in an otherwise happy situation. The director of the film has stressed out this point in various promotional events.

It is best left to the Indian viewers that whether this experiment with traditional Indian values will reap rich dividends or will it be discarded by audiences as it appears to be opposing the age old Indian culture. This is a question that only audience can answer and it should be left to them only.

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Top 5 Irritating Facts About Television

If you watch a lot of television then this list will feel very familiar to you. We made a simple list counting down the top 5 of irritating facts about television.

5. In show advertising.

Advertising is big business and required to successfully run a business. However with the arrival of TiVo and digital alternatives, people finally received the power to skip the normal commercial blocks. When advertisers noticed this in show advertising was born. A simple pop up or mention is pretty common these days. It's really irritating and makes our top 5.

4. Voice over.

Remember the day that you could actually see the people talking to you? Well I barely can. Shows are slowly switching to the voice over technique. Benefit is that the guy talking doesn't have to be on location and that it is easier in the development. This makes or list because a lot of programs who use these voice overs have guys trying to be overly funny or talking about irrelevant stuff.  Clear examples are reality programs, cooking programs and such. 

3. Programs copying.

This one was hard to give a spot in our top 5. Because it can be a good thing (thousands of shows on your favorite topic like cars) or it can be a highly irritating thing (12 programs on how to cooking). It makes our list without a doubt though because it overall lowers the quality of television.  A new innovative show therefore is rarely seen these days because its likely success rate is lower. And the programs that networks do try out are copied within months if the initial numbers are good.

2.  One presenter to rule them all.

The second thing concerns the presenters of these shows. I remember watching F1 the other day and a new presenter was announced for that particular season. It was a sweet girl who already presents various other programs on the same network with topics ranging from cooking to football. And yes the likely happened. She tried to add something (her opinion?) to the program after each race but rarely knew anything about it. This really annoyed me because it made the program unwatchable. This one time there was a guest on the show who confirmed my suspicion and basically said she knows nothing about the subjects she is trying to talk about.

1. Commercial windows.

I don't like commercials on but I usually skip them (if I have the option) or I switch to another channel. Problem is all channels air their commercial break at the same time. Every 30 minutes on average. So switching only leads to seeing other channels commercials. This means I can either wait 10 minutes to skip the commercials or just wait each block out. While this might seem like a spoiled western thing, I'm a busy man and respect every minute I have of the day. So I just don't want to waste it watching long commercials.


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Pots and Pans - Bring Them On

Remember the joy and sheer glee you felt as a toddler when Mom allowed you access to the cupboard with all those lovely, shiny and oh-so-noisy pots and pans? They gave you such a sense of freedom, from banging the pots, making uproarious sounds that were music to your ears to imitating Mom cooking, stirring and pouring your make-believe food from one container to another. You simply could not decide if you wanted to be a heavy metal musician or a chef from the Cordon Bleu. Such memories...

Thirty years later you have decided that cooking leaves much less of a headache than does a rock band. You have grown up to covet those magnificent pots and pans you see online or in a gourmet shop. Your time has come. Bring on the pots and pans!

One of the first things to consider when building your pot and pan collection is to determine how extensive a collection you want. Do you want the bare minimum or do you wish to create your own culinary Christmas, with pots and pans on every conceivable surface of your kitchen? How much time you spend in the kitchen and the ease with which you would like to turn out your creations will also play a part in your considerations. Oh, yes - if you are not a Lottery winner you will need to carefully plan your budget. Sometimes it is better to spend more for fewer high-quality pieces rather than grabbing every piece of cookware in sight on the bargain table.

What will you need to start? Everyone, from novice to master chef, needs the basics. The basics include ROASTERS, SAUCE PANS, and SKILLETS.

Roasters include the ROASTING PAN and the ROASTING PAN with HIGH COVER. A standing roasting pan is rectangularly shaped with low sides. With the low sides, the heat from the oven envelops the meat, giving it full coverage. A very important accessory to the roaster is a rack which allows the meat to be suspended above its own juices and fatty drippings. Several different materials can be incorporated in the manufacture of the roaster: stainless steel, nonstick-surfaced aluminum, anodized aluminum, and granite.

What sets off a roasting pan with a high cover is its familiar oval shape with deep sides and a domed lid. Again, a rack is very useful. This type of roaster can be made from any of the above materials. Speaking of granite, do you remember the black or dark blue roasting pan, speckled with "freckles," that your mother used every Thanksgiving to give that roasted turkey a golden glow? I can still remember the turkey aroma wafting itself throughout the house, teasing my nose!

SAUCEPANS, and SAUCE POTS, are round pots which branch out into many varieties. Key identifying points of this category are high, straight sides and a flat bottom. Saucepans have many uses, from heating a can of soup to making a sauce, with an infinite number of foods in between. A WINDSOR saucepan starts out as an ordinary piece of cookware but has sloped sides. A SAUCIER has rounded ones. Both provide increased exposure; sauces are reduced more quickly and it is easier to whisk food away from a round surface. Heat-responsive materials such as lined copper or stainless steel with a copper core are commonly used in the fabrication of saucepans. Saucepans come in a variety of sizes and most come from the factory with a tightly fitting lid. Sauce pots are similar in appearance to Dutch ovens and have one long handle for the smaller pots; the larger-capacity saucepots have a long handle on one side plus a loop handle on the other to help balance it when lifting off the stove.

A SKILLET is the same as a FRYING PAN. They both have a flat bottom and short flared or sloped sides, allowing for ease in tossing and turning food. A frying pan should be made of heat-responsive, heavyweight material. such as cast iron (which must be oiled and seasoned prior to its initial use). Frying pans that have been coated with a nonstick substance such as Teflon can be used for frying foods or for sautéing. As with saucepans and roasters, skillets (or frying pans) come in an array of sizes and usually with a lid.

A plethora of styles of saucepans is available to enhance your cooking experience. Besides the saucepans discussed above, a chef will want to acquire several other types of pots and pans, including the following: CHEF'S PAN, DOUBLE BOILER, DUTCH OVEN, OMELET PAN, SAUTÉING PAN, SAUTEUSE PAN, STOCKPOT, and WOK.

A CHEF'S PAN is a saucepan of medium depth and has sides that can be flared, rounded, or even straight. The wide mouth, combined with a flat bottom, enables the accelerated evaporation of liquids. A long handle and tightly fitting lid are generally standard features of chef's pans. Made of metal, a chef's pan has a thick ground base allowing for rapid temperature changes. The high sides make room for ease of frying, sautéing, or steaming of foods without food accidentally spilling out all over the stove top. Chef's pans and sauciers can be used interchangeably.

A DOUBLE BOILER is basically two saucepans, with the slightly smaller top pan nesting inside the lower pan. The construction is deceptively naive and simple, but once you have had a chance to cook with a double boiler, you will wonder why you had not already been an ardent fan of one. Hot water is placed in the bottom pan, providing the heat source for the ingredients in the top, anything from melting chocolate to delicate sauces. Double boilers can be made from many materials, including stainless steel, enameled steel, aluminum, or glass which allows you a close and personal view of the contents on top as they swirl and move about.

DUTCH OVENS tend to be rather heavy in weight. They are round or oval and have a domed lid much like that on a covered roaster, and steep sides. They range in size from 2 to almost 5 inches high and have a capacity ranging from 2 to 6 quarts. In essence, a Dutch oven is an overgrown saucepot, good for preparing a wide assortment of foods, including roasting a rump roast, stewing, braising, making homemade soup with myriad ingredients, or boiling all sorts of pasta. As well as being made from the usual materials as previously listed, Dutch ovens made of cast iron are popular at a campfire or fire pit. A FRENCH OVEN is very similar to a Dutch oven but the sides are lower. Both types of ovens can go from freezer to stove to table. Because the French oven is made of enameled cast iron, it can be washed without harm in the dishwasher.

A SAUTÉING PAN is much the same as a frying pan or skillet. It has straight, short sides. It needs to be made from a heat-resistive material such as lined copper or stainless steel with an aluminum or copper core. It can be used interchangeably for sautéing or frying. This type of pan comes equipped with a long handle on one side but larger models may have a loop handle on the other side to balance out the weight of the pan when removing it from its heat source. Usually there is a lid. The sauté pan comes in diameters of 6 to 16 inches.

The SAUTEUSE is a round and lidded pan with a looped handle on either side and short to medium outward sloping sides. Popular in households all over Europe, the sauteuse pan is perfect for cooking casseroles, pasta dishes, and stews. It is also used for meat and poultry entrées. Sizes range from a relatively small 2.5 quarts to a hefty 7 quarts.

The STOCKPOT is to the Dutch oven as the Dutch oven is to a regular saucepan, each pot getting larger than the previous one. It is deeper than it is wide, with straight sides. Like the Dutch oven, the stockpot has loop handles on either side, large enough to accommodate oven mitts or pot holders. The stockpot is interchangeable with a SOUP POT, STEW POT, or STEW PAN, for they all function in the same manner. One of the larger pieces of kitchenware, a stockpot is ideal for producing all sorts of food for larger families and group gatherings. It is able to simmer large quantities of liquid; you might find a chef simmering stocks, thick soups, and stews as well as hearty chili, and boiling pasta. A stockpot does not need to be made of heat-resistive material. However, to prevent burning and scorching, it needs a heavy bottom. These pots range in size from a moderate 6-quart capacity to a mammoth 20 quarts. That's a lot of chili!

It is a good idea to have a PASTA INSERT for your stockpot. Usually made of stainless steel, it acts as a convenient colander. Unfortunately, one of these inserts can cost nearly as much as the stockpot itself. Choices, choices! Some brands of stockpots come with drainage holes drilled into the lid.

The STIR-FRY PAN is a round and deep piece of cookware fashioned in one of two styles. The most common option has a round base sloping out and upward, much in the style of a Windsor pan while the other choice has straight sides joined to a slightly curved base. The design of the stir-fry pan lets heat distribute itself evenly. The sloping sides give easier access to the food which needs to be tossed and turned, as in Asian cuisine. Stir-fry pans are very efficient when quickly searing a mélange of meats, vegetables, and sauces. Aesthetically, the stir-fry pan allows for the preservation of colors and textures.

The WOK is very much like a stir-fry pan except it is designed to rapidly cook bite-sized pieces of food over exceptionally higher temperatures than an everyday pot or pan would require. Designed with either a flat or a rounded bottom, either style can be used over a flamed heat source. Woks with a flat bottom are primarily used on an electric burner, as well as the gas flame. Materials such as stainless steel, cast iron, or metal coated with a nonstick surface are used in the construction of a wok. Like a cast iron skillet, you must remember to oil a cast iron wok before its initial use. Several arrangements of multiple handles are used: one long handle; two short handles, or one long handle in conjunction with a loop handle on the opposing side. Available in diameters from 12 to 20 inches, the wok is to be admired for its myriad functions. As well as the traditional stir-frying , it can also be used to sauté, steam, or deep fry.

An OMELET PAN is pretty much the same as a frying pan. Omelettes can be made in one of several types of pans. Traditionally, an omelette pan has low curved edges. The bottom has a wide diameter to assure the omelette will be able to be flipped over easily; a nonstick surface eases the actual act of folding the omelette over. If the pan has a metal handle it can be used in the broiler, as well. There is another version of the pan that consists of two half rounds, hinged in the middle. Each portion of the pan is filled with the omelette mixture and then the various fillings - cheese, mushrooms, broccoli, onions, sausage, olives, etc. - are gently dropped onto one or both sides. When the omelette is cooked, fold one half of the pan over so that the two halves join together and ta da! your omelette is ready to be admired and eaten.

A BRAISER PAN does just that - braise! The pan is round or oval with safe-to-the-touch handles on either side. It uses a heavy domed lid that make the tight seal necessary in preventing liquid from evaporating. In order to be braised, the food should be quickly seared and allowed to bathe in its natural juices. Braiser pans come in diameters of 10 to 14 inches and are able to hold 2 to 4 quarts. A braiser pan is interchangeable with a casserole pan.

A CASSEROLE PAN is round or oval. It has steep sides and has a capacity as few as 2 quarts all the way up to 12 quarts, while the most common capacities are from 5 to 8 quarts. It can be made from materials such as saucepan metals or glass, ceramic, or clay. It has a lid which is normally not used while food is cooking in the casserole pan(so the food can brown). Generally used in the oven, it has a base and sides that are of equal thickness, allowing even distribution of heat. A CASSEROLE POT is basically the same thing as a CASSEROLE DISH, a BUFFET CASSEROLE, and a CASSOULET. All of the above can be used for cooking and/or serving a one-pot dish on the table. Cassoulets seem to be made of hard anodized aluminum, stainless steel, or copper core. The cassoulet is particularly efficient in retaining heat for the food sitting on the table, waiting to insure your second and third helpings are still warm.

And finally, there is the EVERYDAY PAN hanging in your kitchen for you to start your next delicious meal. As the name implies, it can be used to cook almost anything, such as casserole baking and braised meat and vegetables, just to name a few. Some everyday pans even have a flared lip on either side for drip-free pouring. It is great for dishing up soups and other liquids threatening to make a mess. I need all the help I can get...


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