History of the South Pole Clothing

South Pole Clothing Company was founded in 1981 by two brothers of Korean origin, and David A. Kenny The two brothers were in a family with five children who emigrated from Korea to the United States in 1977. David was instrumental in creating a clothing company with his brother Kenny and Southpole in the shop. David used $ 10,000 and $ 5,000 savings credit line for the construction of its first retail store clothing in New York.

The first store was in Brooklynand David Kenny hired to help in the shop. Later, the owner increased the rent and so David and Kenny have been forced to move to Queens. The branch has been gaining in popularity because the clothing market were targeted to early difficulties brothers to products that meet demand for their high.

In 1991, the brothers decided to make, sell an entire society, as has always been difficult to think that was very popularProducts. David decided that the new urban fashion clothing label called Wicked imported from Pakistan so dress for sale in the United States. Later changed the name of the clothing company in homage to the Korean researchers who had reached the South Pole South Pole

South Pole clothing was to establish its dominance in the market successfully and could face competition from other companies such as FUBU, which had to deal with the same style of clothing to resist. South Pole Company was able to seeits dominant position by making their products cheaper, while maintaining their high quality. Using high quality materials and thread, was popular with people from the South Pole in the urban market companies, which saw the company increase its profits.

In 1996, Kenny broke ranks with his brother and decided to venture into his company, the fashion was to focus on hip-hop. But David continued with his business and today the South Pole Clothingremains a dominant force in the manufacture of urban articles. The company may in many other U.S. cities and has to get cars in Europe and Asia, Where it's always a very good response.

Due to increasing demand for Urban Wear, South Pole also ventured into production of other products such as shoes and bags. Keeping up with the latest trend of the market, the South Pole has seen the company diversify its product range, allowing different people to meet the necessarythem. The company has also in collaboration with an ad for the creation of competition from modeling, which also involved the increased profitability in line.

South Pole was reached today, the source its products from manufacturers in Pakistan, India, Vietnam and China, capable of producing high quality products at a relatively low price. The use of retailers, like Sears and JC Penny has also helped in the sale of items of clothing the South Pole, now have aknown name in many states in the United States. In 2005, the South Pole Clothing Company is able to generate $ 350 million from the sale of its products.


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