Jet Li's Fearless Movie Review

Watching "Fearless" is a pleasant disc, has some fantastic fight scenes, some well composed, great pictures and powerful human themes in historical reality. It 's a pity that the film, the characters are so melodramatic and the realization of the story is treated as two-dimensional. Jet Li is a business friendly in the main role of Huo Yuanjia, the most famous Chinese kung fu masters of the early twentieth century, national pride in China, after several years behindPower struggles and infiltration from the West. Although the film is loosely based on his life, had the story has been dramatized in this film, the potential for a big epic with a strong and dramatic nuances, but disappointed by the acting Some cheese and shallow execution history. This does not mean that this film not worth seeing, but as it was completely forgotten, which is a shame because he much more.

The strongest aspect of this filmrefers to a personal journey through life Yuanjia. Since young, Yuanjia wants to fight, but his father never allowed because of the condition of asthmatic Yuanjia. Yuanjia began practicing in secret with his best friend Jinsun Nong (Dong Yong) homework, while exercising his fighting style. Yuanjia, a selfish brat, misunderstanding of the basic principles behind Kung Fu is not about fighting it comes to discipline and to help others. Yuanjia attitude is Brataggravated when the witnesses of his father voluntarily lost a challenge match in a town square, after boasting of his father's skills to other children, his son gets his father's enemies and from that day forward beaten, Yuanjia vows never be defeated again. Over time, a fighter is undefeated, but his ego has grown out of control. All his works are selfish and immature, ultimately leading to a tragic showdown, in which, in retaliation for the killing of a YuanjiaOpponent during a fight, the mother and daughter brutally murdered on his estate. As a man destroyed, came conversions Yuanjia His life away from everything that has to know, finally find the path of enlightenment and one of the more famous and humble heroes fighting in Chinese history.

There is so much rich material to engage in travel Yuanjia, least of all being, which swept Yuanjia itself, the ego-driven lifestyle ultimately led to some very tragicConsequences. Yuanjia may not have directly caused his family to death, but he was busy that led measures. This message was powerful and the strongest in the film, anger, revenge and selfishness will eventually lead to tragedy and misery. For a character like this, it seems, the bigger the ego, the greatest tragedy is necessary to put the right path. Only if Yuanjia begins the struggle for greater ideals as national pride and honor to winrespect of its historic center, including his best friend, Yuanjia Jinsun accepted as his friend after cutting during his hey days ego-driven.

The images in this film are excellent. From the beginning, great care was to reassess the early twentieth century in China, with some images curves, which are missing only from computer graphics for a couple of shots here and there increased. The colors are rich and alive, so that a visual texture of the film that is in anotherClass from other Asian Kung-Fu films. The bigwigs of the city are the most impressive, even with the CG shots stand not as a wise action, but as picturesque landscapes. The images of the rural countryside, where Yuanjia is also a large scale.

The disadvantages of this act in the film version of the story flat and melodramatic. For a story with such depth potential, it is a shame that no attempt to give the story a feeling of balance and wasDimension. It is not about midway between the film that the family is brutally murdered Yuanjia begins his spiritual journey. His success as a champion of the restoration of national pride in China is skimmed over the last thirty minutes or so, the lack of care and time in developing this part of the story make the film unengaging. Enjoy Kung Fu, but dramatically, the film is lost. It 's just a year of clinical performance that is a sinbecause the story themes were strong enough to make a film far better. The melodramatic action also does not help. The problems lie in the first half of the film in which Jet Li has the unenviable task of playing a spoiled child. It is a mixture, sometimes works, sometimes not. The actors do for him, not so good, especially Yuanjia disciples belonging to the extreme action. Only Collin Chou, the father shows Yuanjia plays deep sense of character. The secondHalf the film is better, especially in the sequences between Yuanjia and Japanese fighter Year Tanaka (Shido Nakamura), fight to the end, but have a mutual respect for each other. One can not help but wonder, is the kind of epic that spent more time developing the script and characters, there would be increased this movie in a new category.

"Invite Fearless" is a solid kung fu movies that is useful to spend a few hours free, but ultimately forgettableDue to its lack of development of the history and implementation.


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