Commercial Real Estate is Big Trouble for Small Banks

The next tidal wave in the correction of the financial tsunami, as in the housing market will be in commercial property. The recession is a lagging economic impact on these properties, which is caused only now in the limelight. As companies across America to reduce rising unemployment caused close to 10% now, companies have no choice but to reduce their need for space. As these companies back floor area occupied more streamlined, cut buildingExperience much higher vacancy rates. This increasing vacancy resulted in reduced income to personal responsibility and has a negative charge on the ability of owners to pay debts.

With approximately $ 500 billion U.S. dollars in commercial loans are due annually for the next few years, you can expect to see that the highest number of delinquencies and foreclosures in recent memory. The greatest institutional impact of these measures are smaller banks. The Fed isTighten its requirements and restrictions for all banks. Small local banks, "friendly" as brothers and the default settings worked the historical heritage, lifelong relationships with people flexible small businesses may be forced to be more aggressive in their collection process, the initiation of legal action. a greater likelihood of Aller liquidity needs of the flow of funds in this market segment is to reduce future loan problem. AsMortgage funds become more scarce, prices of commercial properties certainly see cuts.

It will benefit, however, be able, through the storm because of cash flows, low debt, or have their own properties overall in this scenario for the. In addition, those with adequate cash position to facilitate the acquisition of new businesses will good opportunities for the long term. Unfortunately, some players with high debt and lowcash positions are affected, and so are some of our local banks. The prognosis is still good. The recovery is happening at a pace faster than expected by many, and what is thought a number of meteorologists should last a decade or more in the real world to catch up again 3-5 years. will in the meantime, buyers of investors / owners, good decisions and wise decisions and managing fist, do well.

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