Top 5 Irritating Facts About Television

If you watch a lot of television then this list will feel very familiar to you. We made a simple list counting down the top 5 of irritating facts about television.

5. In show advertising.

Advertising is big business and required to successfully run a business. However with the arrival of TiVo and digital alternatives, people finally received the power to skip the normal commercial blocks. When advertisers noticed this in show advertising was born. A simple pop up or mention is pretty common these days. It's really irritating and makes our top 5.

4. Voice over.

Remember the day that you could actually see the people talking to you? Well I barely can. Shows are slowly switching to the voice over technique. Benefit is that the guy talking doesn't have to be on location and that it is easier in the development. This makes or list because a lot of programs who use these voice overs have guys trying to be overly funny or talking about irrelevant stuff.  Clear examples are reality programs, cooking programs and such. 

3. Programs copying.

This one was hard to give a spot in our top 5. Because it can be a good thing (thousands of shows on your favorite topic like cars) or it can be a highly irritating thing (12 programs on how to cooking). It makes our list without a doubt though because it overall lowers the quality of television.  A new innovative show therefore is rarely seen these days because its likely success rate is lower. And the programs that networks do try out are copied within months if the initial numbers are good.

2.  One presenter to rule them all.

The second thing concerns the presenters of these shows. I remember watching F1 the other day and a new presenter was announced for that particular season. It was a sweet girl who already presents various other programs on the same network with topics ranging from cooking to football. And yes the likely happened. She tried to add something (her opinion?) to the program after each race but rarely knew anything about it. This really annoyed me because it made the program unwatchable. This one time there was a guest on the show who confirmed my suspicion and basically said she knows nothing about the subjects she is trying to talk about.

1. Commercial windows.

I don't like commercials on but I usually skip them (if I have the option) or I switch to another channel. Problem is all channels air their commercial break at the same time. Every 30 minutes on average. So switching only leads to seeing other channels commercials. This means I can either wait 10 minutes to skip the commercials or just wait each block out. While this might seem like a spoiled western thing, I'm a busy man and respect every minute I have of the day. So I just don't want to waste it watching long commercials.


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