Texting and Driving - Writing My First Novel in the Car

Texting while driving is so time-efficient. How can you pass this technique up? I do lots of driving, and I also wanted to write my first novel. Bam: combine the two. What a great way to pass the time going from point A to point B. No more boring drives for me. I'm accomplishing one of my life's biggest goals: writing my first novel. It's a long and complex spellbinder, too. And, to think that I get to do it all in the friendly confines of my car is just too irresistible.

It's a murder mystery about 4 guys who go on a road trip. All they do is text and get gnarly with all their friends. The driver in my novel is much more rigid than the other 3 passengers, refusing to text while driving because it's just too dangerous. Guffaw.

Look, texting while driving is not like your drinking and driving. It's nowhere near that bad. Plus, anybody knows you have no chance of writing a good novel if you're drunk all the time. That is literary suicide. And, technology now affords us all the opportunity to creatively communicate in many new and exciting ways. The "what will they think of next" mantra of civilization can be heard on practically every corner. So, being as though we have these unique and very portable powerhouses of prose, we might as well use them, and use them often. And, use them anywhere, like in a car while driving to Poughkeepsie.

I'm no moron. When I see that my dream of writing a bestselling novel can be multitasked while doing the mundane, like when I'm behind the wheel, bring it on! You'd be an idiot not to take advantage of such a perfect opportunity. Heck, I'm nearly halfway through with my first draft, and it's already over 200 pages!

I've got plans in the works to write a sequel, and if the these books take off (which I am fully expecting), I can easily "make more!" Imagine traveling the long road to the inlaws while writing the screenplay for the first movie? Oh my God, I can barely wait. And actually being happy to visit them so I can write on the way will be the first time that's ever happened. Man, I love writing.

I so love the combination of texting and driving, I have just coined a new word for it: "Drixting." When modern technology meets engineering marvels of the past, it is an amazing serendipity that I can not quite explain. It's such a rush of joy-meets-necessity that I can barely contain my glee!


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