A history of Epiphone Guitars

There is a long and tortuous history, when it comes to musical instruments, all of which began over 130 years, the son of a businessman greek Anastasios wood Stathopoulo Epiphone comes. Later had a son named Epimanondas who took over his father's business after his death. The business was named after Epimanondas adding "Epi" and a departure from the Greek word for "sound". Today, Epiphone is a highly respected manufacturer of instruments.

The company was primarily EpiphoneBanjo makers, Epimanondas companies would dare to have some changes so that it can stay open. Has created a series of guitars that really did not look good. During the year the guitar is closer to perfection, when other manufacturers began to make their own types of guitars. This Corporation was to prove a great rival Epiphone Gibson and each company will be required to provide each other with the new guitar than created it.

WhenEpimanondas died, the company has gone to the younger brothers, and most could not run the company along together. One brother left, so that the whole society on the shoulders of the other brother. Due to strong competition from Gibson and Fender, Epiphone they could not stay afloat, and has established an association with Gibson.

The guitars, which were among the names-Union were made Gibson Epiphone, Gibson-made Epiphone. Many traders, not Gibson guitars sold as the new name, becauseOf course, the quality of the guitar was misunderstood by buyers. Gibson has separated its activities into two main parts, the original Gibson and Epiphone versions including the provision of Gibson. Now players have a Gibson Les Paul electric guitar and an Epiphone Les Paul.

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