The development of your puppy

The course of a puppy in the first ten weeks is very important. Just like a human baby, a puppy needs lots of love and care. There are many factors that can hinder a baby's physical development and mental health.

The first two weeks

A puppy is born blind and deaf, and sleep for the first two weeks of his life, he can not do much except to eat (about 90 percent of the time). While he has not seen or heard, can smell and touch, and the combination allows him to findimportant for the mother's nipples. The mother's milk contains antibodies that help the baby to survive for six to ten weeks. Guide the puppy's mother are well-developed legs and weak. The tiny legs also allow the puppies to cuddle with his brothers. The legs to develop a way to sleep during the puppies, because a shrug of the shoulders, the so-called "active sleep".

The puppy is fed by his mother, of course, heard his mother lickedStomach, small is excited to empty the bowels and urinate.

Depending on how the mother feels, people can not even allowed to collect and feed the baby every day. If so, help humans and dogs bond more easily.

The third week

This week, the puppies are beginning to use other senses. It can detect light and dark, and movement and to respond to large or sudden noises. He begins to interacthis brothers and sisters, and begins to develop social skills through this interaction, namely that the feeling with the feet and muzzle.

Learn to crawl, and starts wagging his tail. He may also venture out to his mother to urinate on their own. In some cases, the puppies, if not stopped, fed with liquid food can be recommended by a veterinarian.

The Fourth and Fifth week

During this period the puppy increases muscle to the point where it canwalking, running, jumping to his brothers. It 's a time of endless exploration and the puppies to interact with his brothers taught him a lot, even if he bites too hard - which triggers a strong reaction from a brood - and where he belongs to the aristocracy of the pack - is alternately sleep on the floor and ceiling of the puppy pile.

If your puppy is misbehaving, and letting his mother occasionally growling at him. This discipline exacerbates the puppies underof right and wrong, which may facilitate training. The process of formation is much more difficult, if not the cub covered by her mother, like dogs, orphaned.

The puppy is likely to stop child during this time the teeth for development. Mamma swallow gum, and bring the food to eat for their puppies, which has to do in the situation in the fourth week.

The fourth week is usually the time is developed as fear: fear most puppies are collectedInstinct by his mother, and is increasingly afraid of his master, if it is badly treated.

This will be part of this time when the puppy begins with the human family socialized to become more aware, the sights and sounds at home, and greater interaction with individual members.

The sixth and seventh week

This is a time of wonder and curiosity about the puppy, but it is also very sensitive to emotional harm. HisEmotions are revealed, will begin to bark for attention, complaining about the show fear, and whimpering when injured. Be careful not to frighten or disturb him in any way. It 'better than the dog is allowed to send to belong to one, with a man, so that the confidence to start building. It 's also a big fan when he should be given a supply of toys, because it is very wild and they need to interact. If he's too far to go, and his mother held him in his place. When the puppies areweaned, have their teeth and you can eat, the mother assumes the role of alpha dog or pack leader. The mother shows her puppies - with toys - if you should bite.

Puppies also attacked each other to establish dominance and to determine who is the Alpha.

The eighth week

During the eighth week, the puppies are starting to develop bathroom habits. Will own place, and is not close to where he eats his. Hefind a place for his needs sniffing about. The eighth week is a crucial moment in the socialization - which is the period of time, because of fear. Care should be exercised to ensure that all puppies are positive experiences, or may take the fear of life. For this reason, it is better to keep it until after the eighth week, a puppy to his new home. For example, if the puppy is karst, may be afraid of cars, and it will take a lot of trainingand desensitization, to enjoy riding in one.

The tenth week

Now the puppy is to stop fighting each other - the Alpha and Omega of the litter have been established. This is the best time to get an idea of ​​a puppy personality. Any fear of the puppy in a strange place, they could not see - is ready to find a new home.

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