Entrepreneur Obama stimulus package less

"Too big to fail". (Obama)

"...( Then U.S. Treasury Secretary Alexander) Hamilton looks at the national debt, "a national blessing," because it allowed the sharing of resources in the hands of a small group of energetic people who invest and not just spend. "( founding brothers by Joseph J. Ellis)

There is no news that Obama has a big challenge for the U.S. economy in the face to live again, triggered by the banking crisis of the last two years. Hadanswer many difficult questions that millions of Americans are affected. What options to save and create more jobs? Had he not saved companies like Citigroup, Chrysler, AIG and others? What would the people lose their homes? They changed or loans go into foreclosure? Some companies are "too big to fail", while some of the "Main Street", the residents have the skills to help. All you really reduced to aQuestion: How should serve the government has allocated capital to the best for the common good, now and in the future?

U.S. Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton, had a similar dilemma in 1790, after the Revolutionary War. The U.S. government was broke and his debt was a surprising $ 71M. He could not meet its obligations without borrowing (sound familiar?) To compensate for its own troops could not even cash. The soldiers were issued war bonds as payment for military service, and there was little hopethe government would be able to return them. Speculators began to buy war bonds from five to ten cents on the dollar, hope for a (very profitable) miracle. Meanwhile, the government is using its meager finances to remain solvent in question.

The plan was popular only for the default loans of war. The U.S. government has no money anyway! Then came the question of fairness. "Why should we finance the bonds if the money is not one of the soldiers should go? For "In essence, the heated discussion that followed that encourages today's debate, the government should support their projects that" the rich get richer, "but does nothing directly for the average citizen?

However, Hamilton felt the payment of war loans was a great opportunity! The fact that there were speculators, money was a large allocation of capital. It was the start-up entrepreneurs in this nation of risk takers. They, byCompanies hiring people and building the economy from the ground up. With their minds and hearts, cut Hamilton felt America could reach. The financing of the speculators were able to make the best investment this country.

Obama's capital allocation plan is to save big companies and homeowners have been fights. The entrepreneur and small business owners have been forced out of the center. There will be "jobless recovery" of a product be? The much-quoted SBAStatistic is that American small businesses create 90% of the jobs the country. It is an "entrepreneur-less recovery" possible?

When I told my friends that small businesses are here in Charlotte, we are paralyzed to speak. The government programs for small businesses are a joke, not many banks participate in SBA loan, or if they do, to force us to qualify for the advanced requirements, we can not reach. Meanwhile, banks of all sizes (TARP TARP recipients and not in the same way), but the use of ourLines of credit. I'm not saying that we are all out of the market (because it is not true), but I say that our influence on this recovery to be minimal at best. We are forced, in front of the cover, and has been in the past two years.

And, yes, Hamilton has set aside funds for war bonds to go to Congress and our nation has gone from near-bankruptcy of a world power through the last 200 years. If Obama wants the U.S. to stay there, must find a way to involve usEntrepreneurs as well.

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