to earn Short Story Fame

To Earn Fame

My friend Bishan Singh was able to win the election and I was surprised that he was elected leader of the majority party and, finally, was appointed Chief Minister of the State. We were together and had been at work in the same line of the ship contractor. I know that Bishan Singh was the only graduate and also with the third division and was never appreciated by the teachers of the school or college a lot. Although I was an average student, butThe results were always higher on the page. So had to Bishan for my help and advice sought in his work. We were both filling and both races have always been of the work and eventually we both were sharing a joint. We were able to develop family relationships and so did the people of this area is uncertain if we are true friends and brothers.

Its always on the Chief Minister of the State. I had been with him in all the festivities.After working as a Chief Minister for a month or two, I called and asked me, the methods by which he could do something for the people and could also gain a good reputation, so that the next time victory should be protected . We had both worked on different ideas and finally I said,

"Bishan, it would be best to carry out the construction work.

They must commit to roads, bridges, buildings, Panchayat Ghar, schools, hospitals, schools, and buildUniversity. We will work with the name of others, while other contractors who may have to work under the contract staff pay a large amount of commission.

Now a day 15 percent commission is common in public buildings. You must earn money while people are around to see all this development and appreciate your work and lead. You must earn a name and your victory is a reality any time soon. I will winbecause most of the commissions are to get my share. Be sure you also pay the prescribed fee from my earnings. "

He took me in his arms and said. "A friend in need is a friend indeed"

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