Short Story-reputation of a woman

Reputation of a woman

Dalip Singh Wasan, Advocate.

I was a kid, my mother told me that a woman must be neat and clean and need to earn a reputation. He also told me that once a woman loses her reputation, she would not be able to gain the reputation back, once again, and she was a poor woman in the whole society in which they live are branded. Continuetold me that a woman must marry in order to protect a man, and if the husband dies, she must try to get another husband or she should return to the home of their parents or should live with their children and must receive their protection. He told me that men live around the woman are not good people and are always ready to destroy his reputation. Therefore, a woman who tries to see that are not exposed to the people.

I had such a hearingSpeeches at the side of my mother and my grandmother confirms these lessons. I was in school, then to school and I stayed at the University for about four years. I went there as a Ph.D. scientist and had done there. I had been brought in connection with many boys and some of them were very close to me. There I could understand the true meaning of my mother's words had been delivered to me. I noticed that some of the boys tried to get close to me and whenwere close to me, I have begun to suggest that we go out and stay in some hotel rooms for a few days. They have offered to meet all costs and that will keep everything secret and no one will know of this tour. At this point all I could remember what my mother told me. When I left the station with some guys and stay away from home for a few days away, people at home, his mother, his father, his brothers and sistersdoes not accept this and keep my sisters before me to the neighbors, and they all need to communicate these facts to their parents. And if this is so loses all respect and honor in the society in which they live.

Despite all this I had the desire in me to go with one of my young friends and enjoy life. I thought of a modern girl and I wanted to ignore everythingthe honor of my family and my parents.

What I had Hindi movie, in which boys and girls have been meeting each other and had sex and then the girl was pregnant and then turn had to decide who give birth to the child and not allowed to perform abortions . But my friend Suneeta was not accepted my proposal, and they told me: "It 's very easy to watch a Hindi movie and see the girl is suffering, but it is.very difficult to live such a life. His father is the supervising engineer is at the Department of Public Works, the brother from the District Treasury Officer, your sisters and your mother is a teacher is still the principle of a secondary school. They have their status in the society around them and so do not take kindly when they hear that their daughter had been absent from home for several days and had been with a guy roaming in Shimla. Somany people in this city takes on Shimla and so many people have to recognize you and then spread all over the news, people who were not present at Shimla. Therefore, it can be modern, but you should not venture into these locations, because our society is so advanced. "

I was not happy with my friend Suneeta and so I ignored his advice. I read a newspaper, in which there was a story about a divorce. When I read theNews was, it involved one of my classmates Ranjana. He had a friend from the station for several days and turned in pregnancy. As they approached the boy, her marriage, she said, "I do not want to marry a girl pregnant. What people say. You're a girl, and you should be clean. If you could keep your reputation intact, not you are more respected member of society. People do not want to see that I married a girl pregnant. "It 's beenthe newspaper approached the judge and the judge could not direct the boy to have that marriage with girls. His lawyer had suggested that they may claim damages from the boys and if the child is, he or she would be able to perform maintenance and the child must also be encouraged to take ownership of the child's father is. This was the news in the newspaper, which led to a clear picture in my head so I went straight to the paper andYoung, who was very eager to take me to a hill station and said: "If anything, we are very interested in me, do your wedding is for me, and only then will we be able to provide a hill station very .. to go alone or I would not take such a risk, "This was his answer is simple:" I was in my head only the joy that every young person wants that at this stage of marriage is another issue that so many. aspects must be controlled, and I am not able to decide,of my long marriage. "And this response from the kids was enough to confirm for me what my mother told me.

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