Recreating yourself and be your best in 2011

to redefine and recreate who you are taking attitude and behavior changes. The focus is on you - the good news is that you start immediately! Why wait? You do not have a dream and a desire to grow to new heights!

Before you rebuild, you can understand so that, as you yourself have created up to this important point. Who are you, do not just happen. You have shaped and defined itself in a number of ways, through your thoughts about themselves, theThe words that you spoke of themselves, others and the fact that the actions as you described. The items you describe yourself and your life are important. Jay story shows how important words.

Jay "Word of the Day" When I was a kid I often stop at the candy store a block from my Junior High. It 'was a small mom and pop place where Jay and his wife have worked together. Every time I heard I would ask of enthusiasm: "Hey, like Jay are today? "Or" Jay, how are you? "Sometimes in my attempts to grow up, I venture," Jay, how's the wife? "One day I asked a question that has launched a continuous interaction that my entire eighth grade year.

By chance one day I heard my father say to someone: "What is this word?" I liked it! The next time I went to see Jay to solve my sweet, I asked, "Hey, Jay ... what is this word?"

After a long pause, said Jay, "success". He stood and waitedfor my next step. I was shocked! I was not ready for a one-word answer. It took me a step back, I asked, "What do you mean?" Jay said: "This will be the term for the media today managed to get what you want in life .."

The next day I leave for school early and stayed at the candy store. Jay was ready with a new word! He excitedly asked me to ask again: "What is that word?" Even more impressive, he said: "Together!"

Jay said that every day webe our word of the day. He added: "How we act today, if you were 'together?"

"I think that no one bothers me." "They've got it! Every day we will have a new word. Then we go out and speak for a day." I learned from Jay, that define who you are simply a choice.

So, what is your word?

What if you were asked to define who you are? What words would you define yourself? What if you started with positive, empowering and stimulatingWords in a conversation with someone? Changing the words used to describe themselves, begin processing the biggest change inside and outside ... You start building your new life. Go to a dictionary every day, and where an uplifting word - ". Word theme of the day" is used effectively to this day. Well, think about how you define yourself, what would it be for a word or words you use? Words are important!

TWA: thoughts, words and actions, which are at work or experienceThe workplace today is the direct result of daily thoughts, words and actions. How many of your thoughts are positive and empowering? How many words you speak, that are encouraging and uplifting? How many of your actions are constructive?

Through your day, every hour and minute by minute decisions, that your life is boring or exceptional, just another day at the office or a wonderful gift to defeat, or be able to personally make a painful, boring, or a sweetProgression. To create our thoughts, words, actions and, finally, the experience is a vicious cycle negative or positive, creative circle - whatever we choose, whenever you choose. What is your choice?

TNT: a completely new thinking in life is what a man is thinking all day. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Emerson explains that easy, but we actually create all the circumstances and situations of our lives thinking about them?

Research shows that we have 60,000 thoughtsper day. It all starts with a thought. The invention of the computer, the wheel, and print it all started with a thought. It 'was the collective opinion of many who have created the Space Shuttle, the Empire State Building and the bulb. We have created many things, large and small - Advanced Digital TV, Internet, snow shovels. Someone had thought to use entirely new to improve many of these "best". Along with the new thought, had to follow with new words andActions.

I believe I can fly

Two brothers saw a bird hovering. He thought about how it would be nice if the man could fly. Speaking of that dream fulfilled their days and nights. They consulted with other dreamers, engineers, and craftsmen. They started building their dream, so that finally put into practice.

On December 17, 1903 he lived a short flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. The transport mode that we now take for granted startedfirst as a spark of thought in the spirit of the Wright brothers.

There is a link created more - all discoveries, inventions, events, material and immaterial things. We call it the Creative Circle, and you're already living. Now you can learn to recognize them, while doing so. You can express Creative Circle experiences you want to use and the situations and developments that are ideal for your personal growth to create.

Personal growthhas an intimate relationship with global change. Small changes to create large changes in the world.

Change your thinking and change your life!

For more information about personal empowerment, motivation and inspiration from authors Danny and Marie Lena go

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