Why Facebook is the joy of the world of social networking

Ever wonder who really cares about what is published out there in the land of social networking?

Yes, we are all invited to connect with friends in the so-called name, but you can not really say I'm not just acquaintances or, indeed, the links of social media.

Take, for example, Facebook. They are always by friend requests from random people in developing countries I have never heard the bombs are not planning to visit. On closer inspection, their "mutual friends 7" areunfamiliar faces, which made a friend through my radar at some time in the past must emerge. These people have never bothered to say hello accept, post on my wall or even a moment to offer a simple click of the mouse on the computer "as" my review or comment. They really care about me? I doubt it.

Anyone familiar with the Oscar-winning film The social network Facebook, and as a means to share with friends, true friends, or at least the people you see connected in some way related findings, has"Maybe."

As social media has evolved, so has the ability to connect with those who hardly ever a chance for him should be first. A virtual "network" has about the world we are all the entries.

But these 1000's new friends really friends? Or are you just type in March, the "mouse click" and random people who happen to pop up on your radar suggestion?

So what's the business owner is looking for a pattern of tissue-mindedConnect with people who share openly and honestly to get the support and inspiration in that they connect with content online? - The people who really give two whistles you really connected with the real you? Finally, it was not that of social networking: to know the real you know?

Or is everything, before the right people and networks using the right look as such when the time is right for them, they draw on FacebookWell friend, have maintained so meticulously?

I recently shared a very personal experience happy, and the answer was scratching my head myself. Many people have written comments and "liked" what I shared. I was really touched by their reaction.

But not this line would like to build a strong business relationship with those with whom I have spoken many times with a little 'online and off, I would also create a relationship with. For them there was no answer. Zero. Not one in sight.

Wefallen into the trap of practices Friending? Maybe we talk about them only when it's time spent online is part of what we could be on the market?

determined and used consistently with respect, yes, I believe you can before the right people, those who are willing to share their experiences, hopes, challenges and share know-how. I met some wonderful people and continue to do online every day.

But be careful ...

Facebook is the joy of the lineNetworking World.

With his mind back to when you were in school and you will quickly see what I mean.

There were the cool kids, the nerds, athletes, the avid readers ... and many others, in themselves quite naturally in small groups that have been linked to.

They have never made close to people outside their own little cluster prefer the ranks and protect their own.

And here we all are, years later, does the same!

Kind of ironicin light of the origin of Facebook, do not you think?

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