Sexy Macho Vintage

Not only are the women who strut around in their 60s and 70s gear. Man may be cool, jacket or shirt in the '60s disco. A clock will add drama to her retro fashion statement, no fear here. Another thing - you can add a sparkle to walk away with platform shoes.

Man Dress Up

Men and women are wired differently, parallel worlds mutually exclusive, nor psychology can change or laboratory work. But the retro fashion talk, take Twain. Fashion unitedthe two different spheres and with good results. Women have their mini-skirts, fishnet stockings, post-war American bebop formal and Grace Kelly. Do not forget the peddle-pushers and capri pants.

Men, on the other hand, dress their skins with butterfly collar shirts, jackets, coats e. They also have their pink shirt and tie and knit shirts that make a strong statement in the boardroom. The dance floor, retro-style hot shaman. Now, who says that men can not goRetro? As soon as a pocket flash, the image is ultimately tied to the last paragraph missing.

Vintage fashion and accessories do not affect the sex appeal of a man, but they have increased their look and individual style that gives them a long time. With the club of fashion hip-hop or fashion, there's nothing like getting 50s, 60s, or 70s style, in the right. Hip-hop with his time, but you can impress a business client or the head of hip-hop fashion? It is not aChance.

Heating up the female hormones

may contain the 1960 vintage shorts with groovy cartoon graphics the attention of curious women. One can not help but read, "Love not war", "Flower Power" and "Good Night David, Goliath, Good Night," plastered all over the shorts. Why not a conversation with a stunning late payment? This is good for opening lines to the beach.

In these trips tend with the band, the heat from the scene with a 1940 black and red wool huntingT-shirt. Boy! Stand out from the pack in its usual presentation. The 60's vintage jacket lights every mood with its pale yellow. I'm not out there competing for the compliments.

Imagine making his mark, the impression of stunning when you wear subdued the Red Hot leather coat, the night scenes in 1960 and 1970. It 'was an eye-grabber - the guys lined up to cash registers, see the movies of Julie Andrews, Natalie Wood, Warren Beatty, Kirk Douglas and SeanConnery.

Sexy Pants

The 60s was the scene for slogans on shorts, pants and shirts. The flower power was everywhere, graffiti on the wall repeatedly pants and shirts. Yes, it was the era of protest. Rare 60's pants are expensive, but worth it, when the same slogans against the war.

In 70 years has caused the teenagers to dance disco pub in the rhythm of disco music drowned and lost in 1960 lost. The new wave was excluded by Pink Floyd. EaglesGenesis and the other has failed in the charts with the release of the pop icons 1960 - The Beatles. Another revolution has passed through the street fashion.

Sexy Women

Think frilly tux worn by George Harrison? Well, come back with a vengeance! Men can watch party and super sexy with ruffles and bows. This was some attitude. Sexy Macho Vintage is here to stay. Munter!


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