Call difficult time for the learner, what should be looking for venture capitalists

"Fitted in the time of change, learners inherit the earth while the learned find themselves beautifully to a world that there is not much." -Eric Hoffer, 1902-1983

Have the courage to learn

It would be hard to find someone willing to split hairs on the premise that we are in times of change. Eric Hoffer, an American social writer, knew how big opportunity in change. Nevertheless, he argues, the possibility to be realized only with theSelf-confidence and self-esteem, and ask questions about the change that surrounds you.

The Paradigm Trap

Often, especially in the case of experienced entrepreneurs, we get into paradigms, methodologies and frameworks caught. Admittedly, there is empirical evidence to support they were working. But, they are now? This should be the abiding question in the current due diligence.

We Are The Change

We are in the midst of an unprecedented marketConditions: Gas prices are up, mortgage companies imploding daily, house prices are descent people are more and more diverse than ever before, connected on the Internet gives the average person had more data available than Einstein generated in the lives of millions of consumer inquiries each day via the Internet and 60% are never answered. What does it all mean?

Venture Capitalist What Should Do?

It means that things have certainly changed. It means not old paradigmshold. It means that you and your business better learning. In your next pitch, ask a few questions:

What do you have about your market in the last 3-6 months?
How is the business plan to take advantage of the learning?
Do you have a system for learning?
What is it? And, as you synthesize?

Learning In times of change, have the courage to. What have you learned today? What will you do?

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