Joint Ventures for Immigrants

As an immigrant myself, I understand the hopes, fears, dreams and the special problems faced by immigrants, regardless of where they are in the world. Immigrants often face challenges that can only understand other immigrant. Often qualifications are not recognized or they have no experience on the ground, so they accept what they can get. Having worked with hundreds of immigrants, I know how hard it is to start all over again.

Immigrants do not always understand the culture in their newHome. You might be afraid to risk their savings. They often do not remember how different things are in this new world. You sometimes feel racism, xenophobia and people who exploit their vulnerability. You want to be accepted and fit in their new surroundings, but it can be very strange and difficult. Money problems can lead to loss of self-esteem, shame, relationship problems and withdrawal. I know a number of immigrants who eventually divorced by their spouses,their dreams shattered. Others lost their savings and are working on it until they die - if they are not an alternative.

The good news is that all immigrants in each country can use joint ventures to rapidly create an income, without money or risk, no database, no business experience and no connections or support system. Just like me. You do not need money, reputation or inventory. As long as someone else has it you can access and leverage it, if you know how. When I to Canadaa housing agent I wanted to rent an apartment because I was new in the country with no track record or credit card entry here! Talk about a new beginning. I have a friend of mine at the head of the U.S. Peace Corps for southern Africa to send a certificate system. It worked. Ridiculous, but that is what many immigrants face. You can not get a job because you are not "Canadian experience". Chicken and the egg. But I did not want a job - I did not have up! You need not adopt a minimum wage jobor take a taxi or kowtow before some idiot boss. You can have multiple streams of income and financial independence through joint ventures. Do not buy a business. Do not get a job. Get smart. Use joint ventures.

Joint Venture Brokers use other people's money, credit, reputation, resources and access. The monkey they earn is profit to 100%. And they get all the tax breaks, the others will receive. They do not sell at the time they take no risk and they bear no overhead. You canlive in a cardboard box and use a pay phone. You need to sell anything. Everything they do is link people with companies providing the products or services they want and need, and get paid well - win win / win /. They have formed a joint venture, thinking and build bridges between supply and demand. Anyone can do this. Immigrants have the courage, their comfort zone, leaving home and friends, security and support system. You are brave. You deserve to reward the rich world of joint ventures.You can find more information, see

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