Sample Business Plan Outline

If you are looking for a partner, funding, angle investor or venture capital for a business asks you Plan. Even if you do not need additional capital in the formation of new businesses, you are still trying glad that you are willing to provide a business plan to prove to yourself that you have what it takes, and that the enterprise is economically viable. The first step in the creation of new enterprises in the production of an individual business plan. Please use this overview as aTemplate to ensure you do not forget something important. This is a business plan format and outline I had after reading more than ten pounds of Business Plan and thereby creates the best of both of them and outline them in too. I give it freely on your own and wish you every success in your new business. It is the great entrepreneurial spirit and the entrepreneur, that this great nation to build, would be glad to see that we are



A. Form ofBusiness

B. Introduction

C. state of the art


A. Objectives

1. Market Share

2. Sales

3. Customer Service

B. Statement of Purpose

III. Company Analysis and Industry Analysis

A. Location

B. Background

1. Services

2. History

3. Strengths

C. Local

1. Trends

2. Business Climate

D. for further growth

1. Future of Industry


A. Marketing Strategy

1. Customer Markets

a. Types

2. Government Markets

c. Agencies

d. Departments

3. Nonprofit Markets

f. Organizations

2. Risk Considerations

a. Politics - Special Interest - Government

b. Competition - Profile

3. Inventory

a. Products

b. Supplies

c. Purchasing

4. Equipment

a. Layout

b. Type

5. Sales

a. Tactics


c. Promotions - Advertising

6. Media

a. Fundraising

b. Newspapers

c. Radio

B. Demography

1. Scope

2. Segment

3. Surveys - Etc.

4. Exploit Markets

5. Types of customers

C. Distribution

1. Customer Service

2. Delivery

3. 1-800 Number

4. Flyers


A. Implementation

B. Controls

C. Training

D. Lab

E. IndependentContractors


A. hours

1. Operation

2. Delivery

3. Specialty

B. Maintenance

1. Vehicles

2. Equipment

VII Legal Strategies

A. Licenses

B. Regulations

C. Insurance

VIII Financial Strategies

A. Taxes

B. Capital Requirements

1. Financing

2. Investments required

3. ROI

4. Breakeven

5. Working Capital

C. Benefits


2. Health

D. Projections

1. Key figures

a. Quick Ratio

b. Liabilities to assets

c. Asset Turnover

d. Cash Flow

E. Costs

1. Leasing rate

2. Royalties

3. Print

4. Insurance

5. Utilities

6. Phone

7. Laboratory

8. Bank charges


A. long-term goals

B. Manager Plug-Ins

C. Renewal of the franchise license


A. Participants Brochures

B. Feasibility Studies

C. image or the provision of the situation

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