Complimentary force in joint-venture partner

A joint venture is a strategic alliance agreement between two or more companies. The nature of a JV is that it is mutually beneficial for both sides and allows the joint venture partner will continue to run their respective companies. But, as a joint venture can be mutually beneficial to two independent and separate business?

Who is an ideal addition to your business?

If you wish, you can check with the partner in a JV agreement to begin the identification of yourTarget customers and market. Who buys your products or services? Are they younger, outgoing spend money or perhaps a more conservative, older and more affluent clientele?

Once you've identified your most important customers solid, it's only a matter of discovering and identifying different types of markets that share your customers. These are the markets from which you carefully hand select a suitable joint venture partners.

The search for a Free service in your industry

A good examplean industry with free services, real estate sales. A real estate agent important task is to list and show homes for sale to potential customers. However, they can increase business contacts and through cooperation with partners, providing free services needed by new homebuyers. For example, a real estate agent, a joint venture would start with a mortgage broker, where it agreed to promote each other's services. In many cases, new home buyers look for a house before youapproved for a loan. In this case, the broker can simply on his or her clients in the mortgage broker as a good starting point for a loan application.

Ways to form a positive joint venture

What other services or products would be good for your customers or clients? Be creative and you will be able to with lots of appropriate complementary products or services in your industry or closely related field. Use your creativity to use for GU form, you can:

- Shapecomplementary products and services and offer flat rates.
- Create and promote joint seminars together on a specific market.
- Write articles and you can them in each other's newsletters and web sites.
- Give special offers to the customers of your JV partners, and they have to do the same.
- Use a special offer or coupon for your product or service within their customer mailings.
- Adding links to and from any other web sites.
- Co-author of a helpful "how to" bookletand offer it as an exclusive gift for the common people.
- Memorandum of customers of each other's company for a nominal fee, "referral fee relates.

These are just examples of how quickly a JV in a complementary industry can help your business. It is also important to make sure that you know well and understand what you recommend to your clients and customers. Try your own products to potential joint venture. Would you use it? Be sure to protect your own business reputation, if you recommend otherProducts and services.

Creative JV arrangements can give a big boost if the revenues are properly implemented. If you use your own creativity and savvy business sense, you can discover a wide range of possibilities that a JV can help you.

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