Left Hand Solution - Lucid Dream Desire

Album: Light Shines Black All rights owned Massproduktion. LYRICS As I drift through the bluish light Your Velvet Touch me, caress it, I sleep in my step, universal, once again, I call it myself for the right moment, daring to dream of drinking in this well, from a heart of stone wait constructed by pouring the water they drink are the dreams I walk out of this fountain, built from a heart of stone Lucid dream desire Here I am only a small fraction of the things that usedto be what is not true may in fact when you step in my dream I am one, without a name under the stars in the sky I'm only a fraction of what would never be more to life I always dream and my dreams are forever Drink built from this source, from a heart of stone The waters pouring through it are the dreams I walk drinking from this fountain, built from a heart of stone Lucid dream desire


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