Personality styles and joint ventures

One of my clients that have radically improved a chain of restaurants owned business, if we have tested its employees for the personality styles and reorganized the business. We have all the characteristics of all four major personality styles, but one is dominant in the rule. In business, it is important to recognize our strengths and use them, and find the others to complement our weaknesses. There are no right or wrong type characters. Here is a brief overview.

The High D - DominantStyle (minority of people is the hardest to find) and bottom-line results-oriented, impatient, sometimes rude, driven and extroverted, with weaknesses in detail. Scared: exploits demolished /. Well NO, great pioneers. Do you need the numbers and systems guys.

The High I - influencing the style is an extrovert, "party animal" to meet some great people up and down in relationships, popular, good opener is, weakness details and time management. Scared: in embarrassmentPublic. Needs NO and numbers guys.

The High C - Cautious style is introverted, loves details, numbers and systems more than people, good guys and numbers accountant, computer expert, analyzers. Weakness of analysis, the fear is the criticism of their work. Requires the extravert and the drivers.

The High S - Steady-style (most people) is an introverted person, loyal, team oriented, family type, great systems and support staff, security and long-term relationships, fears, needsRisk, conflict and change. Needs to take something and move others to create change, and unpopular measures.

This is a very simple concept, but an understanding of our strengths and weaknesses and allow the people what they can do well on Thu, avoiding tasks that they are at low, is simply smart business sense. For the technical sales, we use high C's and S's. Ideal sellers are usually high D's with secondary's. You would not an accountant, who is a high D or a high SStart a new business. You do not want a high C to be host at a cocktail party, and we do not want two high I am behind a desk because we talk all day!

With personality style analysis has helped many of my clients to be better entrepreneurs and hire the appropriate people. Self-knowledge is to succeed. I use the DISC model of analysis - there are many others available, including the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.

Sales Tip

Selling to High D's:Results and discussion ROI and close early and hard.

Selling to High I's: build relationships, have fun and close early.

Selling to High C's: Give plenty of information and evidence and take some time to conclude.

Selling to high S: It is evidence that his support and relationships in force is made long after the sale, and then close slowly.

Management Tip

Managing High D's: Give them a lot of control and clear goals and do what you say you will do.

Managing High I's reward: Theypublic, so they look good and see their time allotment.

Managing High C's: Be precise, do not rush, and complement their work (they start doing something right), set time to achieve goals.

Managing High S: Make changes slowly, a lot of security, stocks offer long-term plans.

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