How To Be a Public Company

The average person would probably think that you have a very large company like Hewlett Packard and Microsoft to the idea of going public or consider an Initial Public Offering (IPO to entertain). In fact, the truth is, every company can a publicly traded company because there is no minimum asset or revenue requirements.

That is the secret of Wall Street kept experts, the members of its elite counts are up recently: Nearly half of all public companiesExperience revenues under three million $ $ with many of them have yet to show profits, and some are start-ups, but many have long business.

Foreign private companies or public companies can be listed companies in the United States without a U.S. company.

As a listed company many advantages, such as supply of prestige, liquidity, and the abiltiy to use the shares as currency for acquisitions.

In the past, some private companies went public withReverse mergers with public shells. A company spokesperson said: "Why do a risky reverse merger with a public shell when it would do so much easier - and less time-consuming - to an S-1 Registration statement and meet all the conditions are necessary to comply with FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) (formerly known as the NASD). She also said: "Wall Street investment banks and many businesses do not care for, together with public shells and reverse --Mergers.

With the cost of going public through a public shell company, it makes much more sense to file a S-1 registration statement.

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