Recent Trends in the venture capital community

Recently I participated in a Venture Capital Conference in which one of the speakers, we would expect technological change within the next 15 years, the progress would be similar to that in the past 100 years will see over its competitors. That's a bold prediction, but as new technologies emerge to us that some of the so-called "Star Trek" and "Star Wars" technologies are now reality.

I suggest that if you are interested in capitalizing on these changes, only the development of the Venture lookCapital community. Current Trends in Venture Capital Community overview on three levels, the center of gravity in the short term: clean tech, globalization, and Web 2.0.


The high cost of energy to create interest in alternative energy sources. The government is currently working on several initiatives to encourage the American consumer to move away from our dependence on oil. The theme permeates the Cleantech VC world. Cleantech offerswide range of applications in the fields of energy, agriculture, water, transportation and production, and promises many benefits, such as driving a more efficient use of raw materials, less waste, better performance and the potential to be up in the bottom line. Many also for his embrace cleantech social good on returns.

The prospects for technology advances in these areas improve, as more resources and human capital is entering the field. We expect that more companies, the revenue generation in this area showthe creation of further interest.

Recently, several funds have appeared or cleantech fund cleantech as a focus. Although Cleantech did not demonstrate track record such as IT and life sciences, we expect increased interest and continued deal flow seen in this area over the next five years. Early investors in this market expect should be amply rewarded.


The big challenge in the U.S. labor market began in 2008 when the first of the babyBoom generation reaching age 62. Over the next 15 years we will see, employs a mass exodus from the U.S.. All sectors will be affected. A survey predicts that 200,000 engineers will leave for jobs to 2 million engineers and leaving the U.S. to replace workers free. The recent attention placed on health care, but will also affect the retirement of the employee logistics. Companies like Federal Express may have a higher value on the employees who actually transfer the goodsdelivered to the office, compared to the pilots flying the plane. Part of the answer to the workforce is to bring better technology by the globalization of the economy.

Web 2.0

The way we see today the Internet is to change it. Web 2.0, sometimes called the "New Internet" is a generic term that a Web-centric point source for all data suggest. We see more companies prepare for disaster recovery solutions, such as increased reliance on technology. With "thinClient computing, users access data from any computer through your Web browser, be it news, weather, reference information, or even application software while the computer itself has nothing to be saved. Web 2.0, the rapid growth of blogging has contributing, tagging, browsing, streaming media and other creative services for the mass market Internet users (search, movie reviews, events, etc.). We expect Internet use to improve further.

We really do live, is an exciting time andwill participate in the creation of some remarkable technological advancements. Following the development of the venture capital community can help us predict where the changes are likely to occur first.

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