WorldVentures Review - Honest Opportunity Or Scam?

Why a WorldVentures review? Thousands of new travel companies pop up on the Internet every year, many of which are difficult to find honest, unbiased information about that doesn't come from either the company itself or someone already involved with that company.

What follows is intended to serve as an objective and honest WorldVentures review.

A) Once Upon A Time...

Founded by Wayne Nuget and Mike Azcue, WorldVentures makes the claim that they "will become a billion dollar giant" in the travel industry. With the rapid development of the company, any representative that gets involved now might have a chance for some nice cash down the road if the company continues its success.

WorldVentures has taken advantage of the Internet since its beginning, and why not, the storefront travel industry has been reduced from 60,000 to fewer than 6,000 in the United States according to their corporate offices.

B) Selling The Products

This wouldn't be a complete WorldVentures review without a look at how you get paid. Your initial fee to become a representative comes in at $99. Not bad. This is further discounted to $49.99 if you purchase the Leisure Travel Consultant (LTC) Package or a combination of the LTC Package and the DreamTrips Membership. Here is the breakdown in cost for those:

DeamTrips by itself - $199

LTC Package - $350

Both together - $350

So, you're looking at, on average, about $100 just to get yourself in the door. What do you have to do in order to become "qualified" to earn commissions on your sales and the sales of those you sign up?

Make one new sale of any of the above listed products to a retail customer or someone who is already a representative, or..

Make a personal purchase of any of the above products (in which case your initial fee gets lowered to $49.99)

Now, once you're in and qualified, you need to be aware of the fact that you are not really selling any hard products, Your selling the DreamTrips membership, which only gives you access to travel opportunities at wholesale cost, and a consultant package, which is to say you're signing up someone to the company.

This, for me, is the big flaw with WorldVentures - there are no real products being sold. The closest you get to a real product is a membership that gives people access to vacations at wholesale prices, and as a result the compensation plan revolves mostly around signing people up.

C) The WorldVentures Review Continued...

With promises of a car bonus and a home buyers bonus, WorldVenture makes it very enticing for you to join. But in its core, the company is a multi-level marketing company, or MLM, and relies on the hard work of those at the bottom so those at the top can really prosper financially.

To even be eligible for the DreamCar bonus, you must qualify as a Regional Marketing Director. Sounds classy, doesn't it? Here is some of what you need to do to even get this title:

Build at least 3 direct lines under you (signup at least 3 people)

Then have 300 people for each line - that makes 900 people!

I don't want you to think my WordlVentures review is out to get the company, it's not. In fact, I think the travel industry is one to get in with while it's hot. However, to do well with this company you really need to make a whole lot of sales, and as a result must know how to market yourself well.

Lightning Quick Financial Success

Even if this WorldVentures review doesn't answer all of your questions, the secret to amazing financial success online is mastering effective marketing strategies. A mentor can help you to do this, so always be on the lookout for one.

Once you know how to market effectively and believe in the product you are marketing, you will absolutely succeed!

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Nokie Edwards - Orange Blossom Special

Nokie Edwards with adventure - Orange Blossom Special November 2002 Amsterdam - Holland The Ventures

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Dante's Inferno The Fifth Circle: Anger

Put on your angry eyes, Dante's Inferno ventures into the angry fifth circle of hell with developers previewing weapon-based combat and more.

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Dragon Ball: Advanced Adventure Playthrough (Part 7)

Join The Helldragon as he ventures across the land in search of the Dragonballs and the chance to beat the crap out of whomever gets in his way!

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Schwarze augen (Black Eyes )

Artist:dihl & Leo Bennink With The Black Albinos Lead-Guitar Dihl Bennink. Music By:Dihl & Leo Bennink, ''NEW'',Download Leo Bennink Albums, Tracks and Songs,on the''ITUNES''store The high Quality AAC Music. Leo & Dihl Bennink have a long musical history behind them,both were members of two famous Dutch groups in the sixties Dihl(Tee Set) Leo(The Motions)in 1996 they got the idea to join together and started the legendary guitar group The Black Albinos with Hoss on fenderbass, It makes this band a true time capsule of one of the best guitar talents in this world around. Leo began as a guitar-player in 1959 with the Indo-Rock groups THE REAL RHYTHM TEENS and THE ROCKING SENSATION BOYS. In 1962 (17 years old) he started a professional career as a member of THE TWANGIES and he played for several years in Western Germany. His last contract in Germany was with THE REBELS, in which he met drummer Leo Kappé. Back in Holland he played guitar in such guitar-groups as RENE & ALLIGATORS, THE SPECIALS, THE SPECIAL FIVE and THE BLACK ALBINO'S. With THE SPECIAL FIVE he recorded Silly Silly and it's his most remembered instrumental. At that time Leo also was the first guitarist in Holland, who could play all the Mosrite stuff from Nokie Edwards. In 1966 his career got a lift when he was a member of Dutch beat groups as THE JAY JAYS and THE MOTIONS. For THE JAY JAYS LP he also recorded Cruncher (from Ventures LP Surfing). With THE MOTIONS he toured all over ...

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Resource Guide For Small Business Start Up Venture Capital

Small Business Resource Guide. The "How to Where to Guide" for all small business on advice, money, financing, public funding, grants, capital seed, venture capital, networking, product development, research, education, management and start up business plans. Get small business loans and start up capital. US Government and local contacts for Cleveland and Akron Ohio.

Consortium of African-American Organizations Minority businesses, research, education. Information about starting or running a restaurant. Industrial Incubator - Management services, capital, seed, incubator, operations. Bio Enterprise - Business Plans, validation, assess, strategy, capital, seed, venture capital, research, incubator, advice. bio tech. Advice, public funding, manufacturing, operations, product development, info, intellectual, tech. network. Information about structuring a business plan sample plans. Services Offered Advice: Help with big picture management decisions such as how to make or price a product. Assess: Assessment or your business Concept. Management Help to develop managers. Plan Help writing a business plan.

Strategy Thinking or rethinking your business concept works. Validation Making Sure your business concept works. Capital Help Finding debt or equity to capitalize your business. Grants Help finding grants (which you don't have to repay).Micro Loans and help for very small or start-up business. Public Funding Leading programs tat gets some or all of their money from the Government. Seed Early stage money for business being developed. Venture Capital Investor equity that comes later in a company's development. Biotech - Biotech or bioscience business help. Incubator Buildings that offer, rent, utilities and technical help to small businesses. Marketing for your future. View Guide

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7 Tips for a Successful Business Venture

It is pretty easy to set up a new business but the actual challenge lies in surviving the cutthroat competition and to stimulate growth over the years. One of the prime reasons why most of the businesses face a very tough time is the lack of proper marketing plan and minimal focus on branding. After all, only when you are able to market your products properly to your target segment will you have a chance to generate revenue to take your business forward.

While a business success is largely dependent on concerted effort of various major functions, during the early years it is most important to focus on branding. Your branding effort should be strong enough not just to introduce your company name to your target segments but also create an impact on them. For a new business the marketing and branding strategy should ideally be able to establish its presence, create name recognition, build credibility among the target market segment and contribute to its status and reputation. Here are seven tips that would actually help you to achieve success with your new business.

Write Down Your Business Plan - This should be the first step. Probably the most common and biggest mistake that most entrepreneurs do is not creating a proper documentation of their business plan. We all know what we plan to do; yet it is important to write it down in a formal business plan. It is always easier to follow a written plan. Your business plan should contain your business description. Objectives, marketing strategy and budget, Business overview, facilities and infrastructure, description of products and service, Industry overview, Regulatory Issues, Implementation plan and financial plan.

Focus on your Branding - Do everything you can to promote your brand. Get a professionally designed logo that would justifiably represent your business to the people. Get your business cards, letterheads, brochure and marketing collaterals designed and printed by professional design and printing house. Ensure that your logo design is properly placed in all these. Don't fall pray to those cheap DIY logo and branding solutions, they might save you a few $$ to start with but it would actually take a toll on your brand image.

Create a Web Presence - It is most crucial for every business, irrespective of its size, to have a website of its own. Most consumers do their initial research on the web before making a buying decision. It is important that they are able to find you at that stage. Also a website adds value to your brand and gives you an added medium to communicate with your customers. Get your website designed and developed by professional web developers. Your website should ideally be an extension to your brand and provide complimentary information to that of your brochures and print materials. Try to update your website often with useful information, this gives your visitors a reason to check back your website regularly.

Create an Advertising Strategy - Most business organizations invest in advertisements but often a business does not get the maximum ROI on its advertising spend because the advertising strategy is not effective or at times, there is even no fixed strategy. Make sure your advertisement is targeted specifically at your market; for example, if you are a local store, it doesn't make sense for you to advertise on a global media, rather the local newspaper is a much better option for you. Be consistent in your advertising effort. The more your customers see your company ad, the deeper impact it creates on them. It has been observed that a 5-minute ad film served 10 times creates a greater impact on the consumer than a 50-minute ad film. For your ad composition, it is always advisable to consult a PR agency. If you are trying it yourself, ensure that your advertisement leaves your customers with a good reason to contact you and your brand and USP is properly presented.

Publicity is the Key - Yes, do whatever you can to put your business on the forefront. There are various things that you can do for publicity. Send out a press release announcing a Grand opening for your new business, with a short description of your products and services. Keep your press release short, error free and interesting. Write letters to the editors of local newspapers and magazines about your industry and product. Send out further press releases to communicate other business happenings. For example, if you win a business award, get membership to a professional organization, offer services to any charity or even if you are hiring an industry recognized for a key position in your business. Try writing articles and reviews for local publications and industry magazines. This would help to build your credibility as an expert and would add value to your business brand as well. The amount of trust people place on such experts is much more than what you can get by buying the best ad slots on top magazines.

Business Networking - Word of mouth is undoubtedly the best form of advertisement and the more you expand your business network, the more you can have such publicity. Try joining professional organizations in your industry; be a member of Chamber of Commerce; attend networking meets and special events that give you a chance to interact with more people. Volunteer to join a NGO, get associated with a charity organization, or school board. You will not only be paying back your community but also be putting yourself and your business in front of the public.

Measure, Analyze and Decide - These should actually be continuous processes in your business life cycle. You have laid out a business plan but this doesn't mean you will be blindly following it. Measure the output that you are getting from all the efforts that you put into your business. See if it is more or less than what you projected. Analyze the reasons for any variance, whether positive or negative, and then use the result of this analysis to make educated decisions for the future. You need to keep in mind that you should not be too quick to judge anything. To get a decent understanding of your business processes, you should give them sufficient time to run, which will allow you to have enough data to perform a fruitful analysis.

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Jeremy Bulloch Receives Boba Fett Suit from TDH

See Eric of TDH introduce several members of TDH and others that have worked on Jeremy's Boba Fett suit for the past 6 months. See Jeremy as he takes a close up look at his new gift for the first time. Hear and see his wit and charm as he interacts with the audience in attendance. Shot live in Richardson Texas at the sci-fi convention put on by Ben Stephens and Philip Wise of C2 Ventures. Video shot by Rebelscum Commando Cameraman, Keith Shankland.

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Michigan Memories- Crystal Theatre's Möller Theatre Organ

Michigan Memories is a television series produced by WCMU in Mt. Pleasant, MI. It ventures across the state of Michigan in search of individuals and groups who have sought to preserve our heritage throughout time. This particular segment is entitled "Individual Efforts." This particular clip is about a theatre in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Crystal Theatre, and the installation of its 3/21 Möller theatre pipe organ. Then theatre manager, Ken Lamprecht, talks about the theatre and its struggles and successes that eventually made one person's dream of installing a theatre pipe organ a reality. NOTE: This segment of "Michigan Memories" is used with permission from WCMU, Mt. Pleasant, MI 2008.

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DJ REZA GETTING DOWN @ MONSTER MASSIVE 2009 http Saturday October 31st, 2009 Go Ventures presents the 12th annual Monster Massive Armin Van Buuren, Sasha, Hernan Cattaneo, Pete Tong, Crystal Castles, James Zabiela, Steve Lawler, MANDY, Murk, DJ Reza, Kid Krazzy, TV Rock, Barry Weaver, Swedish Egil + Much More Located @ Los Angeles Sports Arena, Expo Park & Grounds

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How the Photonic Fence Works

3ric Johanson gives some details on the mechanics of the Photonic Fence project. The following video of was shot the night before our TED talk at 3 AM in a hallway of the hotel. The hotel staff were good sports despite the death rays and bug boxes. Learn more at

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Things Anyone Should Know About Venture Capital Investment

Everyone has a good idea. The hard part is turning that dream in the head or on paper into a reality. One of the biggest stumbling blocks is money because without the much-needed capital, it is impossible to make it happen.

The entrepreneur can get a loan from the bank to help with this endeavor. But if the interest rates are to high or the person does not have collateral, then this is not such a good idea after all.

The best thing to do will be seek out a venture capitalist. The money this person will infuse into the business will go a long way in starting it or keep it going.

The first thing the entrepreneur needs to do is to write a business proposal. Research has shown that more than 80% of those who decided to start something fail in the end because no studies were conducted.

The document must have a clear idea as to direction of the business, how much will be needed as well as how long before the return of investment starts coming in.

It is not that difficult to find a venture capitalist. The hard part is selling the idea because there are also others who will be sending a proposal, which has similar contents in the texts.

Apart from reading the proposal, the entrepreneur will also have to explain this in person why this should be accepted over the others. An ocular inspection of the place will also need to be since such as decision will not be made overnight.

Once hooked and the money is approved, both the entrepreneur and the capitalist investor have made a partnership which will hopefully last for the long term.

The capitalist investor does not only give money. There may be times that the entrepreneur is stuck in a crossroad and this may also offer good advice. After all, the money of the person is in here and will surely do everything possible to get it back with a profit.

In the end, the venture capital investment is similar to a loan but does not have high interest rates compared to a bank. It is also like launching an IPO but without the need to release a certain number of shares to the people.

Will it be beneficial to talk with a venture capitalist? The answer is definitely yes because it becomes a win-win situation for everyone without one side ever getting the better of the other.

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Joint Venture Success - Top 12 Must-Do's to Partner and Prosper

Joint ventures are the crème de la crème of effective business networking. If you're looking to create momentum quickly and achieve big breakthroughs in 2009, joint venture marketing is a must-leverage strategy!

To get you set in the right direction, here are my Top 12 Must-Do's to Partner and Prosper with Joint Ventures...

1) Create and Leverage a Purposeful Marketing Action Plan:
In order to leverage this high ROI marketing strategy you need to clearly define the Who What When Where Why and how you plan to get the results you want and the success you deserve!

2) Become a student of Joint Venture Marketing:
Read books, ebooks, articles and blogs; attend workshops (live or by teleclass); find a mentor... Take responsibility for your success and do whatever you need to do to acquire the knowledge and skills you need.

3) Get a reality check:
Is it possible that YOU are sabotaging your success? Are there things you know you should be doing but don't and can't explain why you put them off? Are you not sure that you can succeed? In order to find your most direct path to success, you must place your beliefs and behaviours under a microscope and get out of your own way!

4) Expand and leverage your network:
A relevant and responsive network can become your insurance policy for success! Creating "social capital" in this way positively impacts your financial capital thru referrals, better qualified clients, access to information and more.

5) Relationships for Results:
Understand that referral marketing takes TIME. Mutually beneficial, win-win business relationships must evolve from contact to credibility to trust before they can become consistently prosperous.

6) Identify Your JV Dream Team:
What are your goals? Do you need to increase your visibility? Do you need to boost your credibility? Do you want to increase your revenue? Once you've clearly defined the outcome you desire. Identify - specifically - WHO can help you to achieve it and how will they benefit by helping you?

7) Step-By-Step Joint Venture:
Leverage proven systems and checklists for JV Success. Look for specific joint venture solutions for your specific business challenges. Model your successes and the success of others.

8) Learn the Mindsets and Success Rituals of The Rich and Famous:
Motivation, Purpose, Perception, Abundance, Possibilities, Willingness, Desire... the list goes on. Become a student of success and model those who have accomplished what you are trying to do.

9) Make giving the foundation of your marketing:
Joe Vitale really hit the nail on the head when he published his book "The Greatest Money-Making Secret In History". Giving fuels Joint Venture Success and activates the law of attraction.

10) Make Meaningful Connections:
In order to create joint ventures you need to reach out and connect with the potential partners on your list. Do your research so that you can connect in a meaningful and motivating way. Focus on the benefit to THEM.

11) Learn How to Lead and Motivate Your Partners:
Be the kind of JV partner that you want to connect with. Exemplify the qualities of a high quality joint venture partner and that is exactly what you will attract. Learn to lead the joint ventures you create. Motivate your partners by learning to leverage proven follow up and keep in touch strategies.

12) Build Momentum and Increase Revenue thru Consistent and Purposeful Action:
The real key to successful marketing is to select just a few simple, effective things to do and then do them consistently over and over. This is how you can build momentum and grow your business quickly by doing less.

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Venture Capital, the Basics

Venture capitalism is one of the things that keep business booming in the country. It is one of the ways that helps new businesses thrive and flourish. This is because, venture capitalists are forever looking for new and innovative ventures that can potentially yield big return on the long term. They are not much into businesses that are already flourishing but those that are just starting or those that are in need of restructuring.

What is venture capital?

This refers to the money that a venture capitalist gives to a business or venture in exchange for a stake in the company. Instead of loaning the money, venture capitalists invest in the business hoping that it will yield a great deal of money in the future. This means that whatever the future earnings and profits of the company, the venture capitalist has a share on it. The same goes with the loss.

Risky business

Venture capitalism is indeed a risky business but it has become the lifeblood of the industry as most start-up companies rely on these kinds of investments to keep their business going and to make their ideas come to life. Typically, people with great ideas and the know how to execute them go to venture capitalists for their capital. Because they are not yet bigwigs in the industry, these people do not have access to traditional capital resources such as banks and other financial institutions.

Venture capitalists on the other hand look for companies that are small and new but have a really promising future. This way, they bring in little cash and get millions in return when the company becomes a success. Usually, venture capitalists have a team of people that keep tabs on the goings on in the business community. Like a hawk, they look for companies that are vulnerable but have great potential for growth.

A venture capitalist can be a person or an organization. A individual venture capitalist will often select just a few prized investments that he or she will watch like a hawk. Venture capitalist firms, on the other hand, can command billions of dollars in earnings and investments, depending on their size and their area of influence. Some venture capitalists have investments all over the world. Some VCs, especially the big ones, also have affiliate banks that provide the cash flow. Some even have subsidiaries that use the money in other investments to keep it rolling.

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The Role of Internet Marketing Strategy For Online Business Ventures

Information is the main drive of the Internet and how it is made available to the online masses. In fact, online businesses are now focusing on providing informative content, as well as making it accessible to the rest of the world, especially the case of online business. Webmasters are now implementing Internet marketing strategies to achieve the basic Internet requirement of quality information and accessibility.

Role Internet Marketing

The main role of Internet marketing is simply to provide quality information to the online public, and making it accessible to them by taking into consideration the different methods used by Web surfers to collect information from the World Wide Web.

Quality information is quite easy to achieve; it only takes a little bit of advance planning regarding the layout of the Web site, as well as the range of information that you plan to put in it.

Accessibility, on the other hand, requires a little more effort than coming up with informative content for your online business. You need to understand how information look-up works on the Internet and the different methods that is attributed to it.

Information Marketing Strategy

Now that you have a basic idea on the role of Internet marketing strategy on your online business, you now need to learn how to assimilate it into your venture. The first step is to optimize your site for search engines; considering that this is the primary tool for information look-up on the Internet using keyword search.

Search Engines

Search engine optimization requires keywords to be placed in specific areas of your site so that it can be picked up by search engines. The more keywords you have on your site, the higher your ranking would be on search engine results. You may want to vary the keywords according to the general content of your site for better search engine coverage.

You can also improve your page ranking for better search engine results by propagating links of your site on the World Wide Web. The more links that you have on different Web sites on the Internet pointing back to your site, the higher your page ranking would be; which in turn, will place you on the top ranks of search engine results.

Link Building

Another Internet marketing strategy to improve your site's accessibility is through the use of links. You need to expand your coverage by posting your site address on different sites on the Web through the use of links. You can publish keyword-rich articles with your link embedded into its content; or subscribed to Web directories for the self-same result.


Proper advertisement of your online venture is one of the basic stratagems of Internet marketing. Aside from increasing your online presence through search engines and links, you can take the effort to advertise your site directly to the online public, such as:

o Advertising your business on related forums and chat rooms

o Setting up banners

o Using affiliate marketers to sell of your products and services to the public, and so on. -- Internet Marketing/SEO

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Innoventures - How Innovation Can Invent Joint Venture Opportunities

Innovations have multiple sources of inspirations and motivations aside from pure genius. Funds are the regular ones. Prized competitions by Bill and Melinda Foundation and Google drew scientists and university students to develop cheap but curative vaccines and faster lunar information transmission technology, respectively. Policy supports are big factors too. Government of Barcelona bike-friendly policies gave way to biking practices in the city. Education-coupled with striking poverty-also drives innovation. Bangalore, India became the second Silicon Valley because of it. Social responsibility is catching up to be one of the current forces of innovation like Texas Instrument or Intel's digital villages in Amazon, Brazil. Mere personal interest is not negligible and so as joint ventures.

We have read, seen and heard of many joint ventures nowadays that produced breakthrough products and services. Microsoft and university students created Vista, Xbox and tablet PCs. Google and Samsung invented T-Mobile or the Google phone. CNN and ESPN did not only deliver global sports news but entertainment sports. Time and diverse politicians, celebrities, writers and famous people came up with gripping testimonies about the 100 influential people. Bill Clinton and George Bush exponentially raised funds for Katrina. Apple and Nike came up with a ware that monitors heart rate while jogging and listening to iPod. Intel and Amazon universities provided accessible healthcare services in distant Amazon villages.

Google and General Electric now move to develop a smarter electricity transmission grid. General Electric and Mubadala gradually build Masdar, an eco-city that is carbon-free and energy efficient. American International Group and Philippine American Life and General Insurance Co. offer a one-stop shop that has complete insurance and investment portfolios. Victoria Secret and ForestEthics published eco-friendly catalogues. Marriot Hotel and Conservation International protect Amazon rainforest. TiVo and introduce "product purchase" straight from TV programs like Oprah Winfrey talk show using television remote control.

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A Close Look at the World Ventures MLM Opportunity

Those who enjoy the travel industry may want to take a close look at World Ventures. Their company is based in Plano, Texas and has been around for about 5 years. While most of their work is located in the state of Texas, you will find that those involved with the business can be found all around the country. Today we want to give you a little inside information about their opportunity.

Obviously there are two ways to join World Ventures. You can either become a business associate; utilize their vacation club benefits, or both. While the site doesn't give you the total cost upfront, they do explain that once you take your first or second trip it will most likely be paid for and then some. However, you should keep in mind that there is a monthly fee as well.

On the business side of things, you get involved in the LTC Package. This allows you to own a portal of your own where friends and loved ones, as well as others can be referred to if they are looking to travel. Throughout the years individuals will be able to access vacations they might not have thought were possible with everyday prices. You will earn commissions based on sales from your portal.

Even though everything is based around vacations, there are extra features as well. You also receive 24/7 roadside assistance, tax advice, and even a concierge service for making dinner reservations, asking for directions, or a host of other benefits. Just remember, these are simple perks to the all around program.

Probably one of the most innovative parts to World Ventures is the ability to become a true travel agent. This is due to continuing education. Once you reach certain levels you will earn more commissions and be able to create streams of income from various avenues that are outside the norm. You can find more information by clicking on their "products" link.

Whether you join the business or just need a vacation, the trips you take aren't from some back of the land company. Just go to the World Ventures Highlights area on their website and you will find all kinds of solid information. If you're into cruises Carnival and Royal Caribbean leads a long list.

It's important to understand that they are almost like a travel trading company since they deal with several different companies through Rovia. If you are looking to vacation more or simply start building a healthy new business, World Ventures might be a perfect fit. Take the time to read over their site, because it might be what you've been looking for all along.

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Examples of Three, Simple Joint Ventures

When people think Joint Ventures are complicated or difficult, it's good to review some simple examples of real Joint Ventures that I have recently done. Here are three of them:

A Member of the DollarMakers Joint Venture Forum (I only deal with Members) set up a meeting with a well-known seminar leader, who agreed to have me speak at one of his seminars. Out of the 30 people attending (each was paying $3,000 to attend the program), 14 signed up as Members. This is an unusually high percentage. Anyway, the seminar leader and the Member each made good commissions. This seminar leader has 3,500 people in his database and the next step is to arrange a more formal relationship and also to use a teleconference to sign up more Members. This is a win/win/win/win scenario, done with no cost or risk and very little time. The Member and seminar leader will naturally get good commissions on any of those new Members who attend Bootcamps in the future, as well.

Another Member, who is involved in a local church, is arranging for me to present a Bootcamp at the church as a fund raiser. We have agreed on a minimum amount payable per delegate, and all the money will go to the church. I will receive a tax receipt equal to the amount of money raised. We expect, given the amount of church members and the demographic profile, to raise between $5,000 and $10,000 for the day. The church incurs no cost or risk and uses very little time. I sign up new Members and the Member who arranges the JV gets paid on all Members that sign up. In addition, his own business will get great exposure. Everyone wins. This can work for service clubs, sports clubs and societies as well.

A third Member has linked me up with a well connected and influential entrepreneur in another country. All it took was a simple phone call. Any resulting bootcamps or business will make the Member serious money, and as I haven't worked in that country before, the sky is the limit.

A Joint Venture Broker is simply someone who understands the power of linking people to solutions. You should spend very little time and money and take no risk. Once you have set the deal up, you can stand back and collect the regular income generated. That's why Joint Ventures is the ideal business. If you haven't yet used Joint Ventures, you're missing an amazing opportunity.

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The Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of Joint Ventures

What is a Joint Venture?

When two entities enter into an equal partnership, this is a joint venture. The essential defining factors of this union are equal risk and equal reward. That means that each party will divide the costs evenly, and will also share the profits. The parties may enter into a legally binding agreement that covers the responsibilities and expectations of each. Later, we will discuss the different forms a joint venture can take. First, we will get a more complete understanding of a joint venture.

When is the right time to partner?

You will have to take a good honest look at your company. Consider the timeline of your success. Where did you begin? Where are you now? Where do you see your company in 5 years? In 10? After grasping that perspective, explore the key components needed to get you to your short term goals, and then your long term goals. Finally, if what is needed could be supported by partnering with a company who does or has what you need, then now may be the time to form a joint venture.

Why a Joint Venture?

Entering into a joint venture has some known benefits. The first and maybe most appealing of them is the concept of spreading the liabilities between the two parties. Most parties are willing to put in their share of equity, feeling assured that the other party is equally invested. As the saying goes, people follow their money. Because of this, entering into a joint venture is a more secure form of partnership, as both have shared the risk. Both parties' reputations and profitability depend upon their doing their part to succeed.

Where do I find the right company to align with?

You'll have to ask yourself what parts of the country or internet you'd like to reach. Or if part of your company's vision is to become international, then a joint venture may be required. Many US companies must form a joint venture with an international one in order to do business in that country. The US company must partner with the foreign one in order to be legal.

Who should I JV with?

At times, choosing the right entity to join with can seem overwhelming. After all, you have a company to run. If you have your own research and development team, they can help find the company whose partnership will help your company develop into its next level of success. However, consider that there are joint ventures brokers who can do this job for you. After collecting information of your company's vision, they can help you find the best match for you particular goals.

How do I form a Joint Venture?

A joint venture will most commonly take the form of a corporation, a limited liability company, or a limited liability partnership. Many things should be considered when choosing which is right for you. Each of these have different tax implications, and it is recommended to consult a tax professional is deciphering the best fit for both parties.

Copyright (c) 2008 Christian Fea

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The Surge: Journey To The Stars

The Surge, a surf band from Atlanta GA, covers the classic Ventures tune "Journey to the Stars". This was recorded at The Melody Inn in Indianapolis IN, on 8-July-2005. Guitar: Eddie K. Drums: Illya "Stix" Stechkin (The Penetrators). Bass: Mitch Matrix

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9 Reasons To Do Joint Venture Deals On EBay

eBay is THE most popular home business in the USA, but it's not without its problems. Many have tried to succeed but have failed due to confusion over what products to sell, giant numbers of competitors, copy and picture theft from other sellers and eBay and Paypal that eat into profits.

One way to avoid this swamp, though, is to do a Joint Venture with established eBay sellers. This allows a JV partner to build her own mailing list and sell products off eBay.

There are multiple advantages to this way of doing business on eBay:

1. The biggest uncertainty for would-be eBay sellers is what products to sell. Sometimes vendors risk large sums of money on untried products, only to lose their investment, become sour and give up. With a Joint Venture there is no risk except for a few hours of time.

2. Since there are no auctions listed on eBay, no one can steal copy or pictures from JV sellers - because there is nothing to copy. In effect, we become invisible - no one even knows we exist and this hidden aspect has many advantages.

3. eBay JVs are usually done with a digital product that can be instantly downloaded. This is great for any entrepreneur because inexpensive autoresponders mean that her entire business is handled via autopilot. Contrast this with the usual way of doing business on eBay which involves mailing dozens, hundreds or even thousands of boxes.

4. eBay and Paypal have lots of rules. It's easy to break some unwittingly, and even the most honest seller does so from time to time. A JV merchant isn't answerable to eBay, however, but only to her customers.

5. A JV seller never directly lists on eBay, thus avoiding eBay and Paypal fees.

6. Successful Powersellers have large numbers of customers and there are lots of administrative details involved. Implementing a sales system can cost time and money because without attention to detail packages won't be mailed in a timely fashion, payments won't be accurate, items will be sent to the wrong buyers, and so on. A JV partner eliminates all of that because all transactions can be funneled through a hands-off system.

7. eBay selling lives or dies through the 'feedback' system. Negative feedback can kill sales instantly and lack of feedback causes buyers to hesitite and choose other sellers. Feedback is totally irrelevant to a Joint Venture seller because she is using the reputation of carefully chosen other sellers. She knows in advance that their feedback is high quality or she doesn't do deals with them.

8. Inexperienced sellers sometimes drag wiser merchants into price wars. In a panic over sales, they foolishly slash prices, beginning a chain reaction that results in bare bones bids that allow no one to make any money. A Joint Venture seller floats serenely above such hiccups in the marketplace.

9. Best of all, a JV seller doesn't settle for a one time sale. She concentrates her efforts on a mailing list of happy customers that she can sell to again and again and again. In this way, not only is she ensuring repeate profits, but she gets paid for creating this list, rather than having to pay someone else for names.

With its 147,000,000 registered users, eBay is the best source of targeted, Net-savvy buyers on the web. By putting together Joint Venture deals with established sellers, anyone can add large numbers of qualified buyers to their database efficiently and inexpensively.

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A Zeppelin NT Lands

A Zeppelin NT flies into Friedrichshafen airport, landing after a turn into the wind. The pilot holds the airship down by its engines. The small ground crew take the steps to help the passengers alight.

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UK Finance from Venture Capitalists

Any new startup would require proper funding and without that it is difficult to be successful in their business venture. Choosing your UK finance partner is an important step in setting up your business. The venture capital firm should be able to understand your business clearly and provide proper funding at the right time to make you successful. Hence it is important to select to UK finance partner.

For startups and new companies in the life science biomedical companies there is a venture capital firm called Abingworth. They specialize in funding biomedical companies. They understand the biomedical industry clearly and have experience in funding such startups. They need to maintain a close relationship with the management of the startup to make them successful. You can approach Abingworth if you are looking for UK finance for biomedical startups or new companies in that field. They fund companies that develop products and also which work on specific ailment areas.

Finance in UK is provided by venture capitalist firms only if they are interested in the area of business that they are funding. The potential for commercial success should be prominent. Most of the companies look at the management which is running the company. The main criteria for them should be a strong management and the idea of business should be novel. You business could also be the current technology but they look at how different you are going to do it. Your approach has to be different to be successful commercially. Some of the UK finance firms also help you to get the right management team in place.

There are very few venture capital firms that fund the early stage technology in UK. Finance for such new start ups are difficult to get if you are not approaching the right kind of venture capitalist firm. 'Pond Venture Partners' is one such company that funds the early stage start ups. If you feel that you business is not growing then you have to approach companies like this in UK for finance. They have vast experience in funding the technology startups and they know the difficulties that the start ups face. They even help you write your business plan and build your team if you have the right kind of idea that would click globally. If your business has the potential to make an impact globally then you can approach Pond venture partners right away for finance in UK.

To get your funding you may not know which venture capital firm to approach. This is the case for most of the start ups. They may not know who will provide them finance in UK. Under such circumstances it is better to approach a Venture Catalyst who will help you to be in touch with the right kind of venture capitalist. Companies like Sturgeon Ventures provide such venture catalyst services. They help you to get in touch with the right kind of VC firms and they also help you throughout your business. They do not provide you the necessary capital but they help you to link with those who might be interested to fund your venture.

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Street Food - Lima - 12 Dec 08 - Part 1

Street Food: Lima ventures into Latin America to uncover the new-found confidence of the Peruvian capital, which is discovering a modern identity through its food and making the most of its diverse influences.

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水瀬あやこ「京都の恋 2007」 ayako_minase Kyoto_no_koi

水瀬あやこ「京都の恋」 渚ゆう子さんのカバー曲Ayako Minasa KYOTO NO KOI THE VENTURES "KYOTO DOLL" 2007年 4月 4日 徳間ジャパンコミュニケーションズ より発売 プロモーション・ビデオ作曲 ベンチャーズ Ventures 演奏 徳武弘文 Dr.k_project ★水瀬あやこ オフィシャルブログayako_minase offisial blog 徳間ジャパンコミュニケーションズ cdシングル(12cm) [tkca-90192 ] 1200円(税込) 1. 「京都の恋」(水瀬あやこ) 作詞、作曲、ベンチャーズ 日本語詩、林春生 編曲、徳武弘文 演奏:Dr.K Project 2. 「黄色いさくらんぼ」(水瀬あやこ) 作詞、星野哲郎 作曲、浜口庫之助 編曲、Deep寿 3. 「太陽のバカンス」(水瀬あやこ) 作詞、ちあき哲也 作曲、長沢ヒロ 編曲、Deep寿 4. 「京都の恋」(オリジナル・カラオケ) 演奏:Dr.K Project 5. 「太陽のバカンス」(オリジナル・カラオケ) 6. 「京都の恋」(リードギター抜きバージョン) 演奏:Dr.K Project

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Just for fun plays THE VENTURES Vol.1

JUST FOR FUN Live-Performance aus dem FHH in Dortmund. Tracks: Caravan, Come September, Ginchy Anlässlich des 50jährigen Bühnenjubiläums der schwedischen Instrumentalband „The Spotnicks", hatten Werner und ich die reizvolle Aufgabe das Rahmenprogramm dieser außergewöhnlichen Veranstaltung als „Vorgruppe" mit zu gestalten. Natürlich wie immer ohne Gage, wie immer „JUST FOR FUN". Eine große, zugleich aber auch schwierige Herausforderung für uns. Denn was sollten wir spielen? Unser „normales" Instrumental-Repertoire beinhaltete doch überwiegend Musikstücke der „Shadows" der „Spotnicks" und anderer Instrumentalgruppen. Zu diesem Anlass relativ unbrauchbar, zumal die beste Shadows-Cover-Band der Welt, die UB Hank-Band aus den Niederlanden, im Vorprogramm auftrat. Und Spotnicks-Titel gingen ja gar nicht. Kurz entschlossen entschieden wir uns für ein komplett neues Programm, das ausnahmslos Instrumentaltitel der amerikanischen „Ventures" beinhalten sollte. Ein Programm, das wir bis dahin nie gespielt hatten. Nur durch die großartigen Anstrengungen von Werner, der in kürzester Zeit - und in unzähligen, langen Nächten - die Backing-Tracks erarbeitete, konnten wir letztlich unser Vorhaben realisieren. Unser heutiges Fazit: Alle Anstrengungen haben sich gelohnt. Wir hatten, bei allem Stress und aller Hektik, viel Spaß und ich glaube, unser zahlreiches Publikum ebenso. Für alle Freunde die nicht dabei sein konnten, haben wir unseren Auftritt im FHH dokumentiert. Einfach so wie es war ...

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The Term Sheet's Role in Raising Venture Capital

Entrepreneurs and companies who are seeking venture capital often negotiate with one or more venture capital firms on a number of important issues. These issues include the amount of capital to be raised, the investment terms, etc. The document which summarizes these terms is known as a "term sheet."

The term sheet is similar to a letter of intent, that is, it is a nonbinding summary of the key points of the transaction. These points are later covered in detail in the Stock Purchase Agreement and related agreements signed at the time of execution of the transaction.

The value of the abbreviated term sheet format is that it speeds up the process of consummating a transaction. Specifically, it allows the parties to agree on the general terms of the transaction rather than having to debate less important details. In addition, because it is not binding, it allows the parties to take their discussions to the next level without the danger of committing too much. Note, however, that some parts of a term sheet may be binding. Typically the binding aspects only refer to confidentiality and disclosure issues.

Venture capital firms, and not the companies seeking capital, typically prepare the term sheet to include the terms under which they are willing to invest their capital. Alternatively, when seeking capital from angel investors, firms typically create their own term sheets for the angels to review. This fact tells a bit about the balance of power in an investment transaction. Venture capital firms are often more sophisticated and have more power than the companies seeking capital. Alternatively, angel investors are typically less sophisticated and have less power, and are more prone to consider the investment terms as laid out by the company seeking capital.

Getting to a term sheet is a key milestone in the capital raising process. Although not all term sheets result in a transaction, the term sheet shows that both parties are legitimately interested in executing a transaction. It is then up to the investor and company to agree upon the details.

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Lip Dub - Flagpole Sitta by Harvey Danger

Créditos: Amanda Lynferri We did this video one night after work. We are a company called Connected Ventures, a group of friends who work for: Vimeo, collegehumor, Busted Tees, and Defunker. ... and, we're hiring: * Watch in high quality

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ちびっこ☆RKベンチャーズ 【 全力tunes 】 上原兄弟 The Ventures

【 キャラバン 】


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2/4 Whistleblower Time Travels to the Year 2749

For more on spirituality, 2012 and meditation, please visit and http PLAYLIST: Al Bielek has led a life most would not choose to live. While many would think that time travel, meeting aliens, and working on secret projects are exciting ventures, Al paid a big price for the privilege. Because those who set the agenda wish to keep their activities secret, Al was robbed of his family, his memories, and ultimately, his identity. They used advanced technologies to erase what was dear to him. However, their technologies are not perfect. Slowly, the memories came back. Al started meeting others who had been through the same process. Ultimately, a flood of memories returned. Al gives the most comprehensive account of his life ever recorded. It will shock and disturb most people to learn what is really going on in this planet, but Al has come to the conclusion that the truth needs to be published. For over ten years, Al has been featured on Radio Talk Shows and as a speaker in many conferences. His story has captivated the attention of tens of thousands of people worldwide. Many will question why Al hasn't been silenced. Perhaps, those who set the agenda are allowing brief glimpses of the truth to emerge. Perhaps it is something much bigger.

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Stock Trading - A Profitable Venture

"Money begets money," it's one of the most popular quotes that we all know. And anyone can experience this trend in his or her life. If you accept this fact then online trading can give you the chance of making money from your own hard earned money. Invest in stocks and reap the benefits in a very short time period. Trading today is becoming more popular than ever before. The present market scenario has completely changed now - it has become more secured and profitable. And the best part is that anyone can start trading without any difficulty.

However, the only prerequisite is your online presence. In today's Internet world, your online presence is a must. You also need to open an account on a stock trading company Website if you want to trade. Though there are several online trading companies available in the market, but they often fail to meet what they promise to offer. Therefore, you should know which company could suffice your trading need. It's not a tough job; you need to do a comprehensive online search for the brokerage firm to meet your needs. Target some major companies; compare their services, market reputation and terms and conditions, etc.

Once you choose the company and open an online account - you become eligible for trading. Though online trading is quite easy, but market knowledge is very important. Your decision-making capability, attitude and other related factors determine your success in the stock market. So, the first step you should take is to educate yourself. Get familiar with the marketing moods and several stock related terms such as stock quotes, shares, etc. All these terms are readily used and you should be familiar with these central terms.

Since, trading involves buying and selling of stocks, you should know when to buy and sell stocks in order to gain maximum profits. In the volatile market, sudden fluctuation of shares is common and in that situation, your intelligent decision matters a lot. When the share prices go high - in that situation, you should not wait for further rise in the share price - sell those shares immediately. And in order to gain profits, you should always target major company shares. However, many small companies are also growing very fast and you can also consider those company shares for gaining maximum profits.

In addition to your own knowledge, your broker can also help you fetch maximum benefits. Since they are experienced professionals and act as a network between the trader and the stock market, they know everything about trading. A good broker always keeps you updated with the latest market news, tell you about the new market shares and also advises when to buy and sell stocks. So, keep in touch with your broker, take his advice and do accordingly.

However, the final decision will be yours. It is you who has to decide the entire investment plan. However, financial experts are always available for guidance, but you should know each and every aspect of trading. Your intelligent investment plans will definitely help your reap the benefits. So, plan today and invest. If you are a new investor, start with small funds - gain profits and add more funds in your investment plan. There are many investors who could not make significant profits from the market. The main cause of their failure is the lack of knowledge and pessimistic nature. These individuals often discourage people who want to invest in stocks. Therefore, it is better to avoid such individuals - use your mind, decide and act intelligently.

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ITV Ventures Reviews - Truth Or Lies? (Part 2)

Are Your ITV Ventures Team Leaders Helping You?

In this article, we will discover what really goes on behind the ITV Ventures independent business people activities. How they are taught to market and what strategies they use. Why is this important to you? So that you will really learn how to identity genuine leaders and not just a con artist out to get a piece of your wallet or purse.

1) The Seduction Of The "Plug And Play"

As interesting as it may sound, how most ITV Ventures independent distributors will try to seduce you using various 'revolutionary' marketing tools. Yes, these tools such as natural organic search and pay-per-click are effective.

You must be aware that whatever system you are 'plugged' in its still a system that YOU have to work on. Simple as that. Systems work but people work the system.

2) Do The Right Things During Your Research

This is what I've learned from a recent seminar. If your mind focuses on only one thing then all other things will be automatically deleted off your search radar (your eye). You see its the same with research.

"Keep an open mind."

You can judge if the ITV Ventures IBO really is good just by looking at how they design their website. Then, you can have a look at how they really run their ITV business online. Soon you will know how professional they really are.

3) No Free Lunch?

Well, by the time you get here the title alone will have pulverized your thought pattern. In reality, this is where you really need to pay the most attention. While most ITV Ventures reviews tell you that its a great opportunity, you still have to consider advertising costs.

Many people (hopefully not you) have fallen into a trap thinking that ITV Ventures is the solution to everything about running a business online. Remember that even if you are learning how to market online there is more than just time and effort.

At some point, you'll have to roll up your sleeves and tell yourself that, "ITV Ventures or not, I'll have to make sure I treat this as a real business". With that said start making notes in your personal diary now on what you plan to achieve in your marketing skills for the next quarter.

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Venture Capital - An Overview Of This Critical Business Capital Source

What is venture capital and how does it differ from other forms of equity procurement? The answer lies in an understanding of the relationship of risk and return in investing.

One of the key principles of investment is that the greater the risk, the greater the potential for high rate of return. This might be called the "no guts, no glory" theory. If you are looking for a very safe and secure investment, there are plenty to be found, but you can be reasonably sure that your rate of return will be low. These low return, but safe investments are designed for long term investment. Even a small rate of return will have some accumulated value far into the future. If you are looking to really make money on your investment, you must be willing to take risks. What is venture capital? It is capital that is invested in high risk, but potentially high return ventures.

Venture capital is considered a private equity source. This means that it is not made available by normal lending institutions such as banks. Rather it is equity, most often in the form of cash, that is made available to finance the start up of companies that have an innovative idea, but lack the capital and do not qualify for debt type of financing. In most cases, the venture capital is exchanged for an ownership interest in the new company. This is most commonly in the form of stock ownership.

The disadvantages of using venture capital as opposed to normal debt financing for start up costs include the fact that some ownership rights are given up and the cost of repayment is very high. The advantage of venture capital is that it is often the only way to launch the business. It is pretty much a safe assumption that if the people starting the high risk business were able to secure financing through normal channels at lower cost and without surrendering any ownership control, they would do so.

This explains why venture capital is used so often in companies introducing new technology. Software companies and the now infamous "dot com" companies were good examples of firms that sought venture capital. Their main assets were ideas rather than tangible and solid items that were more likely to act as collateral in the eyes of a banker. Yet, it is in emerging technology that the opportunities for tremendous profit lie and this is what attracts the private investor to venture capital.

In some cases, groups of individuals join together to create venture capital funds. The idea remains the same. The venture capital fund acts only as an entity to handle the investments of the group. Some venture capital funds make investments on behalf of third party investors, but the definition of venture capital remains unchanged. Venture capital is not restricted to start up either. In some cases, it is used for research projects or expansion of an existing company. Once again, these alternative uses do not alter the basic definition of venture capital. It is a private source of funding for high risk companies offering potentially large returns if successful.

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Starting a Teleconference Company - The SWOT Analysis

In starting any business venture, you are taking a great risk. As we all know, risk cannot be fully removed from the concept of entrepreneurship. What one can do, however, is to reduce it. Before you start a teleconference company, you need to analyze whether it will really be the best move for you. One of the best methods you can have is the SWOT analysis. What exactly is it? Well, the SWOT analysis helps you judge a business venture through four factors:

1) Strengths - What is it about you or your company that sets you apart? What sort of skills do you possess that others do not? What comes from deep within you that will enable you to succeed? You need to understand that in order to succeed in business, you should have strengths. Whether it is a vision or an undeniable passion for teleconferencing, you need to find out what it is within you which will allow you to conquer any obstacle which stands in your way.

Taking account of your strengths will allow you to see if you do have the initial resources required to start a teleconference company. Despite what movies show, starting a company is not a piece of cake when you don't have any capital. You also need experience. Although it is something that you might gain over time, experience is something that you need right from the start of the teleconference company.

Why is experience necessary as strength? Well, you have to remember that people rarely invest in something or someone that has not been tested by time. And you know that you need investors. Because of this, you need to be able to show some sort of credential. For a lot of people, experience is enough.

2) Weaknesses - Just as you can see what it is about you or your company that you can consider to be your strength, you should also analyze your various weaknesses. You need to be very honest in examining weaknesses since knowing them fully is empowering yourself to fix them. If you turn a blind eye towards your weakness, how can you reinforce it?

Knowing your weaknesses will enable you to discover how to get rid of them. Perhaps you are great at the technical aspect of running a teleconference business, but can you handle the administrative duties? Can you handle the business side of it? Through proper and honest analysis, you will be able to make sure that you are able to at least make use of your strengths to make up for your weakness.

Knowing your weaknesses will also enable you to project possible problems that could arise from them and empower you to make sure that those problems never arise. By knowing your weaknesses, you will be able to find that you can even turn some of those weaknesses into strengths.

3) Opportunities - These are the factors which will enable you to improve your business but are not directly under your control. In starting a teleconference company, the biggest opportunity you can encounter would be technology. You need to observe your surroundings about various changes that are happening. As you may realize, there's no stopping change -all you can do is ride the wave and hang on the best you can.

Another opportunity you can take advantage of would be the increasing amount of traveling that executives do. As you may realize, a conference call is often only necessary when people are apart. By monitoring the different travel habits of executives, you will be able to pitch your services to the right people. This will help your company grow much, much faster.

There are those who say that opportunity knocks. However, you have to realize that the smart entrepreneur does not wait for opportunity to knock -he seeks it out.

4) Threats - You need to realize that there are also negative factors that you cannot control. These are the threats. You need to think about the different things which you do not control and yet could cause the downfall of your company just the same. There are various threats to a teleconference company, the biggest of which can be an established competition. If you are starting your teleconference company, knowing about the different threats involved can help you use your strengths to overcome them.

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Business Finance - Shares and Equity

The term equity finance refers to share capital that is invested into a business for the medium to long term in return for a share of the ownership and in many cases an element of control over the running of the business. There are two main forms of equity finance available to businesses. These are business angels and venture capitalists. Equity finance is fast becoming one of the most popular ways of gaining start up finance for businesses.

Equity finance is the perfect example of true risk capital. This is because there is no guarantee that your investor will ever get there money back. Unlike lenders equity finance investors don't normally have the rights to interest or to be repaid at a particular date. The way in which equity investors regain the money that they have invested into a company is through taking a share of the business and a percentage of the profit. It is because of this high risk involved in equity finance that if your business can not support growth rates of at least 20% you may not be able to attract equity funding. Equity investors are more likely to invest in someone they feel they can trust with a clear business plan and strategy.

As a business you need a clear business plan and strategy regardless of what type of business start up finance you are hoping to attract. You need a comprehensive business plan with a detailed marketing plan and your financial forecast. Your business plan needs to address issues such as how much funding you are going to need and how much control you are hoping to retain over your business. You also need to clearly state what you are using your business start up finance for as well as if your plans are realistic and if your venture is appropriate for outside funding. Whilst you are completing your business plan you also need to consider what potential investors may be concerned about. Without all of this; plus much more no potential investor will go near your business, planning is key if you are hoping to secure external funding.

If you are hoping to gain the financial help of an equity investor there are several questions that you need to keep in mind such as are you prepared to give up some of the shares within your business as well as part of the control over your business? Investors will expect to have some say in the way in which your business is run so you should be prepared for this. You also need to be confident in your business and the products and services that your business has to offer, one way in which you can do this is by identifying what your businesses unique selling point is. As well as this you also need to have the necessary industry skills and experience to drive your business.

For more information about what equity finance can do for your business get in touch with a business angel or venture capitalist today and they will advise you on what to do next.

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Alternative Options to Venture Capital For Raising Growth Capital

Venture Capital is a specific term that refers to funding obtained from a venture capitalist. These are professional serial investors and may be individuals or part of a firm. Often venture capitalists have a niche based on business type and or size and or stage of growth. They are likely to see a lot of proposals in front of them (sometimes hundreds a month), be interested in a few, and invest in even fewer. Around 1-3% of all deals put to a venture capitalist get funded. So, with the numbers that low, you need to be clearly impressive.

Growth is usually associated with access to, and conservation of cash while maximising profitable business. People often see venture capital as the magic bullet to fix everything, but it isn't. Owners need to have a huge desire to grow and a willingness to give up some ownership or control. For many, not wanting to lose control will make them a poor fit for venture capital. (If you work this out early on you might save a lot of headaches).

Remember, it's not just about the money. From the perspective of a business owner, there is money and smart money. Smart money means it comes with expertise, advice and often contacts and new sales opportunities. This helps the owner, and the investors grow the business.

Venture Capital is just one way to fund a business and in fact it is one of the least common, yet most often discussed. It may or may not be the right option for you (a discussion with a corporate advisor might help you decide what is the right path for you).

Here's a few other options to consider.

Your Own Money - many business are funded from the owner's own savings, or from money drawn from equity in property. This is often the simplest money to access. Often an investor would like to see some of the owner's fund in the company ("skin in the game") before they'd consider investing.

Private Equity - Private Equity and Venture Capital are almost the same, but with a slightly different flavour. Venture Capital tends to be the term used for an early stage company and Private Equity for a later stage funding for further growth. There are specialists in each area and you'll find different companies with their own criteria.

FF & F - Family, Friends and Fools. Those closer to the business and often not sophisticated investors. This type of money can come with more emotional baggage and interference (as opposed to help) from its providers, but may be the fastest way to access smaller amounts of capital. Often multiple investors will make up the overall amount needed.

Angel Investors - The main business angels vary from venture capitalists in their motives and level of involvement. Often angels are more involved in the business, providing ongoing mentorship and advice based on experience in a particular industry. For that reason, matching angels and owners is critical. There are substantial easily locatable networks of angels. Pitching to them is no less demanding than to a venture capitalist as they still review hundreds of proposals and accept only a handful. Often the demands around exit strategies are different for an angel and they are satisfied with a slightly longer term investment (say 5-7 years compared to 3-4 for a venture capitalist).

Bootstrapping - growing organically through reinvesting profits. No external capital injected.

Banks - banks will lend money, but are more concerned about your assets than your business. Expect to personally guarantee everything.

Leases - this may be a way to fund particular purchases that allow for expansion. They will normally be leases over assets, and secured by those assets. Often it is possible to lease specialist equipment that a bank would not lend on.

Merger / Acquisition Strategy - you may seek to acquire or be acquired. Generally even a merger has a stronger and a weaker partner. Combining the resources of two or more companies can be a path to growth - and when it is done with a company in the same business, can make a lot of sense - on paper at least. Many mergers suffer from differences in culture and unforeseen resentments that can kill the benefits.

Inventory Financing - specialist lenders will lend money against inventory you own. This may be more expensive than a bank, but might allow you to access funds you could not have otherwise.

Accounts Receivable Financing / Factoring - again a specialist area of lending that may allow you to tap into a source of funds you didn't know you had.

IPO - this is normally a strategy after some initial capital raising and having proven a business is viable through the development of a track record. In Australia there are various ways to "list". They are useful for raising larger amounts of money ($50m and up) as the costs can be quite high ($1m plus).

MBO (Management Buy Out) - This tends to be a later stage strategy, rather than a startup funding strategy. In essence debt is raised to buy out the owners and investors. It is often a strategy to gain back control from outside investors, or when investors seek to divest themselves from the business.

One of the most important things to remember across all these strategies is that they all require a significant amount of work in order to make them work - from the way the business is structured, to dealings with staff, suppliers and customers - need to be examined and groomed so that they make the company attractive as an investment proposition. This process of grooming and derisking can take anywhere from three months to a year. It is often costly both in actual expenses (consultants, legal advice, accounting advice) as well as changing the focus of the owners from "sticking to the knitting" and making money within the business to a focus on how the business presents itself.

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Angel Investor Advice

For entrepreneurs who are looking for an angel investor to help them with their capitalization needs, one of the most difficult things to do is to actually meet with an angel investor and present his or her business plan. However, there are a number of things that an entrepreneur should bear in mind with regard to angel investors so that he will not have to worry too much about what will happen during the meeting.

Before the meeting

One of the first things that entrepreneurs should bear in mind is that even before an angel investor agrees to meet with him or her, the angel investor probably already has an idea of who he or she is. This is because of the fact that angel investors make it a point to "screen" who they meet with, and, as much as possible, they want to be introduced to entrepreneurs by a trusted friend or relative so that they would have a "reference." This is because they want to meet with entrepreneurs whom they can have confidence in and trust.

If an angel investor is a family friend or was introduced by a friend or a relative, it would be good to hold a "pre-negotiation meeting" before the big meeting by inviting the investor to gatherings or parties. This is because doing so can allow the entrepreneur and the investor to get to know each other better before the meeting, which can also serve as a good opportunity to make a good first impression.

During the meeting

During the big meeting, an entrepreneur can build on the first impression that he has made by coming to the meeting prepared to effectively present his business concept and to answer any questions that the investor may have. To be able to do so, he or she must prepare a good business plan and bring some very important tools like a calculator, which can help him assess his business needs given the different options he would be presented with during the meeting. In case the investor agrees to invest, it would be a good idea to draw up a letter of intent. However, if the investor is a friend or a close family friend, a simple verbal agreement and a handshake would suffice before the papers are prepared.

To help relieve some of the anxiety that an entrepreneur goes through in looking for an angel investor, there are a number of ways by which he or she can make the meeting with an investor more pleasant. Some of these include holding a "pre-negotiation" meeting and preparing well for the meeting in order to leave a good impression with an investor and increase the chances of signing an investment deal.

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TIC Lenders For Joint Real Estate Ventures

Due to the sudden influx in real estate demands, many who are into the business noticed a sudden rise in prices among different real estate properties around the world. The clamor over these real estate properties are going on a record breaking high despite its normal price range.

To cope with this scenario, many real estate investors and individuals are looking for partners in real estate acquisition. This joint venture is best described as Tenancy in Common or TIC. This kind of venture allows individuals to pool their resources together to purchase one or more properties to further expand their business, or to maximize profit - quite impossible to achieve as a single individual.

This kind of venture is quite popular with its ability to reduce the financial risk of the parties involved. Other advantage includes minimizing the business expenses of each co-owner by sharing it with the rest of the group, depending on the percentage shares of each individual. This further reduced the risk of over-financing the business over unnecessary expense.

Fractional loans

TIC lenders have formed a consortium regarding the idea of fractional loans which allows co-owners to individually initiate mortgage from lending firms; which can be paid individually depending on the allocation of shares in joint ventures. TIC lending firm offer different rates, like interests, depending on the scale of the business of these TIC ventures.

A co-owner can engage in a separate loan with TIC lenders which involves a signed note covering the individual's share in the property, along with a deed of trust of covering the co-owners share. In case of a defaulted loan, TIC lenders can immediately foreclose the co-owner's share without affecting others in the process, unlike those in group financing by other lenders. Many TIC groups are now aiming for TIC lenders who offers fractional loans to minimize the risk of tarnishing the company's image through bad credit, or worse, terminating the business..

Since its advent roughly around 20 years ago, many private lending firms pushed the idea of TIC lenders to various individuals in the joint venture. These lending firms now offer individual notes and finances for fractional vacation home developments, which is on the rise since the steady influx of tourism.

Many TIC lenders such as banks and other private firm's look into the possible profit to be had in fractional loans, as opposed to normal loans engage in home development and business refinancing. Considering the low-risks involved in such a venture, many TIC lenders recognized the possible growth to be had in profit and capital gains through this individual specific loans for tenancy-in-common organizations.

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Yamaha Jet Ski WaveRunner

Yamaha's venture to the marine water craft began as early as the 60's but the company's production of the personal water crafts came in later, in 1986. There are several reasons why Yamaha decided to produce PVC. One of them was the increasing interest of the public with Kawasaki's Jet Ski and Bombardier's Sea-Doo. (The names Jet Ski and Sea-Doo have become the generic terms for stand-up and sit-down personal water craft respectively.) The sales of the two brands kept on rising that prompted the entry of the WaveRunner into the marine recreation picture.

The very first Yamaha PVC at the same time the very first sit-down PVC was the WaveRunner 500 or the Marine Jet 500T. Although the Sea-Doo first released the sit-downs, the WaveRunner set today's sit-down market.

A year later, the WaveRunner was shortly replaced with the name WaveJammer 500 or the Marine Jet 500S. This model was considered as the world's first solo riding sit-down PWC. Same with the WaveRunner 500, the WavaJammer was very agile with its combination of small hull and fixed steering column.

The sit-down model was still very popular during the 90's and resulted to the introduction of the WaveRunner III 650 or the Marine Jet 650TL. This model was given the recognition as the world's first PVC that was designed for 3 passengers. It featured high-performance engine, great stability, speed, and a larger hull. This model became the parent of the later Yamaha WaveRunner models as the demands for larger PVC's increased over the years.

Before the introduction of another WaveRunner (except for the WaverRunner VX650 in 1992) came several other Yamaha PVC's. These include Super Jet 650 stand-up (jet ski), WaveBlaster 700 that rode like a motorcycle, WaveRaider 700, WaveVenture 700 with a 3-seater capacity, and the WaveBlaster II with a very powerful 760cc engine.

In 1997 came the WaveRunner GP 1200 with one of the most powerful engines in the market. From hereon, the power, size, style, and features become the priority of Yamaha. More models with these characteristics came out. The WaveRunner XL 1200 came a year after. In 1999 two models, the WaveRunner SUV 1200 and WaveRunner XL 1200 Ltd was released.

In 2000, the Yamaha PVC, the WaveRunner GP 1200R, has 155 hp engine with amazing body design. It was followed by the WaveRunner XLT 1200, WaveRunner FX140, WaveRunner GP 1300R with 1200cc engine, WaveRunner FX Cruiser High Output higher performance 4-stroke engines, WaveRunner VX Deluxe, WaveRunner FX Cruiser High Output, and WaveRunner VX 700. All these models are performance driven, stylish and most of all, very affordable.

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