The Secrets to Be a Joint Venture Broker

One of the easiest ways to make lots of money online fast and easy is to leverage other people's mailing lists and website traffic. You do this by acting as a sort of "middleman" - Joint Venture Broker! You put the websites with the products and/or services together with the websites with the list or traffic, and you get a percentage of all the sales while they do all the work!

You will become what they call a Joint Venture Broker - people who connect business partners together for profit making projects. The joint venture brokers will earn a pre-negotiated percentage of the profits earned from the joint venture that they helped put together.

Product or service websites will be seeking partners who have a customer base that is targeted to their product or service. Like-wise the websites with a customer base (often ezine publishers or high traffic websites) will be seeking products and services related to their customers' interests so they can market them to their customers.

Your job is to find these two entities and put them together. Sounds difficult? Not at all. What you need to do is to use websites like ClickBank to find an idea for the types of sites you want to broker for and use search engines like Google to find the websites with the correct affiliation program. Next you search for websites interested in marketing the products or services of the website you are brokering for. Fire off emails in both directions and wait for results.

It is not impossible to find the right match. Joint ventures that produce six or seven-figures in sales in a matter of day are not unheard of. If you set up at least one of these and earn 10-20% commission, you would already have earned a lot more than most struggling Internet marketers do in one whole year.

If you don't at least try to earn money as a Joint Venture Broker you're destined to never make an income online.

This is the holy grail of internet business opportunities. No product to create, no website to build, no marketing and no start up cost.

There's going to be two types of people that read this article, the ones that say "it will never work" and make all the excuses under the sun of why they couldn't make money from it, even though it's pretty obvious why you can. These are the people who will be in the exact same financial position three months from now. And the people, who will at the very least, dip a toe into the water and try something. These are the true entrepreneurs. These people will be successful because they overcome whatever fear of failure they may feel.

As a Joint Venture Broker, there is no money to be lost - there are no start-up costs remember? You're only so-called "risk" is time. And it is not the days and days of time you'd have to put in to try out another online business, it's hours.

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