Joint Venture Ideas to Grow Your Handyman Business

Setting up JV deals is one of the most overlooked source for getting a steady flow of business. Joint Ventures basically allows you to partner with other people or businesses that already has the customers you want.

For instance...Home Inspectors!

Typically, when they go out and do inspections, their job is to inspect and locate problems. Based on what they find, they'll write up a report detailing the problems found. Before the homeowner can sell the house, they must get those problems fixed, especially if they're in a hurry to sell the house.

Generally after the Home Inspector discusses the report with the homeowner, the next question the homeowner has is usually, "Who in the heck is going to fix this for me?"

You now have a potential customer and if you have a relationship already established with the Home Inspector, who do you think he is going to refer the homeowner too?

The homeowner is in desperate need of your services and is willing to pretty much pay whatever you want, within reason, to get the job done. Otherwise, he's stuck with the house.

By partnering up with Home Inspectors, you can pretty much assure yourself of having a steady flow of jobs coming in on a regular basis.

How easy is that?


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