Venture Capital - Your Brains, Other Peoples Money

OPM or other peoples money is one form of leverage that people use to make money for themselves. Entrepreneurs typically use this type of leverage to create wealth. Private investors are always looking for alternatives to invest their money in. It is not obvious to the ordinary person in the street, just how motivated investors are to look at fresh opportunities that may offer a little higher return than the stock market or a simple term bank deposit.

If you have a good idea, the best way to get the project off the ground is to present it to a group of private investors to secure venture capitol. Many entrepreneurs see the acceptance of a particular idea and project to be the end of their work. In a lot of ways entrepreneurs are idea makers and persuaders.

The way to present an idea to secure venture capitol from the private investment sector is by investing in the actual pitch. The importance of creating a feasibility study and generating the statistical evidence you need to give potential investors their satisfactory due diligence. This evidence and statistical data should be obtained from reputable and credible sources and must also must be easily verified and checked should any of the investors decide to pursue your project further.

The main thing about securing venture capitol is to realize you are persuading people. An idea could be the most brilliant idea the world has ever seen, but without someone there to persuade the decision makers, the idea would never get built. Think of Edison and his light globe. It took him 1000 attempts to make the light bulb work, but it took a million conversations to millions of people to get them to accept the light bulb. A world beating idea will go no where without somebody selling it.

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