Venture Capital, the Basics

Venture capitalism is one of the things that keep business booming in the country. It is one of the ways that helps new businesses thrive and flourish. This is because, venture capitalists are forever looking for new and innovative ventures that can potentially yield big return on the long term. They are not much into businesses that are already flourishing but those that are just starting or those that are in need of restructuring.

What is venture capital?

This refers to the money that a venture capitalist gives to a business or venture in exchange for a stake in the company. Instead of loaning the money, venture capitalists invest in the business hoping that it will yield a great deal of money in the future. This means that whatever the future earnings and profits of the company, the venture capitalist has a share on it. The same goes with the loss.

Risky business

Venture capitalism is indeed a risky business but it has become the lifeblood of the industry as most start-up companies rely on these kinds of investments to keep their business going and to make their ideas come to life. Typically, people with great ideas and the know how to execute them go to venture capitalists for their capital. Because they are not yet bigwigs in the industry, these people do not have access to traditional capital resources such as banks and other financial institutions.

Venture capitalists on the other hand look for companies that are small and new but have a really promising future. This way, they bring in little cash and get millions in return when the company becomes a success. Usually, venture capitalists have a team of people that keep tabs on the goings on in the business community. Like a hawk, they look for companies that are vulnerable but have great potential for growth.

A venture capitalist can be a person or an organization. A individual venture capitalist will often select just a few prized investments that he or she will watch like a hawk. Venture capitalist firms, on the other hand, can command billions of dollars in earnings and investments, depending on their size and their area of influence. Some venture capitalists have investments all over the world. Some VCs, especially the big ones, also have affiliate banks that provide the cash flow. Some even have subsidiaries that use the money in other investments to keep it rolling.

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