ITV Ventures - How to Find the Best Sponsor

ITV Ventures, the "brain child" of Donald Barrett, has taken the network marketing world by storm! The company is only slightly more than a year old, and already insiders are projecting 25,000 independent business owners by the end of this year. The company offers individuals the opportunity to receive phone calls generated by ITV, from the comfort of their homes. The products are generally health related, with lots of "sizzle" appeal. So, if the idea of kicking up your feet and taking orders by phone appeals to you, ITV Ventures just might be a good "fit". First, you need to "shop" for a sponsor.

The most important quality your sponsor must have is a genuine interest in helping you succeed. A genuine concern for your success is more important than your sponsor's experience level. Even if your potential sponsor lacks experience, they can direct you to the information you need. Often that information may come from a more experienced person in their upline. A sponsor with extensive experience can be a great asset as well. Sometimes in MLM, experienced distributors get "jaded" and lazy. With ITV Ventures, let us examine what kind of experience your sponsor should have.

Your sponsor should have experience with the afore mentioned home agent program. Not all independent business owners have experience with the home agent program. The program is relatively new, and participation is optional. IBOs(independent business owners)that have experience with the home agent program learn "tricks of the trade"that can be passed on to new IBOs.

This experience dramatically abbreviates the learning curve when it comes to proper handling of the incoming calls. ITV Ventures has a good training program, but their is no substitute for being in the "trenches."

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