Resource Guide For Small Business Start Up Venture Capital

Small Business Resource Guide. The "How to Where to Guide" for all small business on advice, money, financing, public funding, grants, capital seed, venture capital, networking, product development, research, education, management and start up business plans. Get small business loans and start up capital. US Government and local contacts for Cleveland and Akron Ohio.

Consortium of African-American Organizations Minority businesses, research, education. Information about starting or running a restaurant. Industrial Incubator - Management services, capital, seed, incubator, operations. Bio Enterprise - Business Plans, validation, assess, strategy, capital, seed, venture capital, research, incubator, advice. bio tech. Advice, public funding, manufacturing, operations, product development, info, intellectual, tech. network. Information about structuring a business plan sample plans. Services Offered Advice: Help with big picture management decisions such as how to make or price a product. Assess: Assessment or your business Concept. Management Help to develop managers. Plan Help writing a business plan.

Strategy Thinking or rethinking your business concept works. Validation Making Sure your business concept works. Capital Help Finding debt or equity to capitalize your business. Grants Help finding grants (which you don't have to repay).Micro Loans and help for very small or start-up business. Public Funding Leading programs tat gets some or all of their money from the Government. Seed Early stage money for business being developed. Venture Capital Investor equity that comes later in a company's development. Biotech - Biotech or bioscience business help. Incubator Buildings that offer, rent, utilities and technical help to small businesses. Marketing for your future. View Guide

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