The Ventures - Hawaii 5-0 (instrumental)

The Ventures - Hawaii 5-0 (instrumental) The theme from Hawaii 5-0 by Hall Of Fame Legends The Ventures! This song is currently also featured in a Dutch tv commercial. However, most people will probably know this song from the original TV series (or at least the re-runs). It was recorded and released in 1969 and not 1964 as the original subtitles to this video state (the television series started in 1968!). I don't understand the language of the subtitles to this video, but my best guess is that the video itself was recorded at a later date, in 1974, and the guy making the subtitles screwed up by accidently typing a 6 instead of a 7... Anyway: here's to Jack Lord, Danno, Chin Ho and all others!

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