Web Marketing Venture Capital Strategies

When comes to capital raising, Internet is actually your best resource, not only you can find enormous amount of information, private equity firm and venture capital fund profiles - you can also use press releases and articles to your advantage.

When comes to capital raising and deal assessments - the fist starting point for venture capital funds is always go to Internet, they will look at your website and do a detailed web search on your company and the industry.

A good web marketing strategy will result in large amount of articles published or information about your company, and this is a great point to demonstrate to venture capital providers that you have a good marketing strategy in place already.

If the venture capital providers are unable to find any information on your company, they are likely to skip your company due to insufficient information available on Internet - that they unable to find information to carry out even basic due diligence.

Therefore, do not under-estimate the importance of web marketing and importance of press releases.

Things you can do to impress Venture Capital Funds

o Client Profile - This is the best way to impress venture capital firms - it demonstrates you have existing clients, it shows you have client testimonials. If you have clients in diversified industries, include that and shows venture capital funds that you have diversified clients.

o Multilingual Website - This demonstrates you have international perspective, most of venture capital funds I have met are pretty global oriented people, they are not interested in just a company with a domestic market share. Popular languages are Chinese and Spanish - the 2 fastest growing communities in the world.
o Lots of Press Releases - Make regular press releases, best, if you can have them in different languages. If the venture capital fund can find press releases about your company independently, they will always be impressed.

o Plain Language - Big common mistake is use technical jargons, that always bore people to tears, imagine that venture capital funds review 5 to 10 business opportunities a day, you have less than 30 minutes to impress them, skip the jargons and save for later discussions.

o Know your competitors - No. 1 question asked by venture capital funds is always who your competitors are, and how are they going? If you are in an industry that all of your competitors are doing poorly, why should you be different? Highlight how your business is different from your competitors. Show them press release or company profiles about your competitors, these can always be obtained from Internet, show them you have carried out market intelligence.

o Blogs - Use blogs, company blogs, this can be for your own press releases or simply ideas and company development - venture capital firms have been finding this quite useful, and this can also help you in terms of web marketing.

There are also other web marketing techniques you should explore to attract venture capital investors - join various private equity and venture capital groups and forums such as Facebook and LinkedIn as well as groups for your industry.

This is a very useful technique and by doing so, many companies have established useful business networks and connections with others - we have done this for many years and we have established thousands of business contacts.

The best way would be to ultimately creating a group for your industry on your own - that will continue to attract more like minded people to your group.

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