Green Partnership - How Joint Ventures Can Be Taken Into the Green Zone

When a small local entrepreneur decided to sell environment-friendly washable bags to substitute plastic grocery and shopping bags, she had difficulty making them.

One, she does not know how to make bags or even sew clothes. Two, she has no Fine Arts education or even artistic skills to design bags or even draw bag prints. Third, she did not have the time to learn them all. She only has the money and marketing skills for her choice of business.

The local entrepreneur knew however that her place and adjacent communities manufacture bags and she has a circle of visual artist-friends. So, she pushed her plans. She studied and somehow sketched an initial design on what washable bags to produce. She studied the potential market of her eco-friendly washable grocery or shopping bags. She studied revenue schemes for herself and her potential partners of bag makers and print designers.

When she was done with her studies, she immediately looked for bag makers first. She visited 10 groups of bag makers. She looked into their production processes, especially the materials used, and costs. She ended up with 1 group of old females. She decided to form a joint venture with them because she projected a small production of washable bags. She immediately signaled to start bag production.

While bags were made, the local entrepreneur sought her artist-friends and their artist-friends. She solicited them print designs for her washable bags. She studied all submitted print designs according to her preferences and chose 20 of 50. She did not make another joint venture with the 5 artists who drew the 20 prints because all print designs were just solicited free. She however made another joint venture with 1 design printer.

When the bag makers completed all 40 bags, the entrepreneur then had each print design printed in every 2 bags to the design printer. She marketed and sold the washable bags through and word of mouth.

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