As an online voting system could improve American Idol

Watching American Idol this week, I noticed something I found strange. After the show is over, American Idol has all its viewers vote on their favorite candidate by SMS or calling a specific number. In this way, the candidate their support and phone companies take advantage of their customers minutes and SMS messages to their favorite artists to support. American Idol should base their voting system to modern times by voting online this is. ANumber of advantages for Fox.

First, the reservoir would increase considerably with voters, since the public could not connect to the American Idol phone lines to access the site. Moreover, for many people to access a site has a much lower barrier of entry as people use the Internet, but could not find a particular interest in one call.

Second, the electoral system changed in this way to bring more revenue for Fox. Each visitor to the American Idol votesee the website of Fox would be advertising, thereby increasing the advertising revenue Fox. In addition, Fox could sell all the songs of the artist next to their names on an area of voting-page. This will inspire more people to buy their favorite singer, the song of the night when it is fresh in their minds and their interests.

There may be a more balanced representation. telephone line, people will call as often as possible to go considerably increased theirVotes. Do it online, you can adjust the IP address of voters. Moreover, the electoral system could become more complex, involving a comprehensive ranking of the candidates could communicate more easily through a web interface.

In all, the American Idol voting system with an online system could improve the Fox offers great advantages. With little effort required, seems a cinch to go to the system further.

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