The TV series Glee - A fan does not watch the phenomenon

Glee, singing all the sensations TV dance is all over the world by storm. While the inevitable comparison with "High School Musical on the right, left and center, the series takes a bit 'Glee direction is different from the movie. It seems that the signs are not perfect, and everything is a bit 'more realistic than Zac Efron / Vanessa Hudgens circus.

Glee 's second season arrives, and rumors are already circulating a> Glee feature film adaptation, but now is to stay in TV, where the mass audience anchor with the public. It is not just happening stateside or, as Glee mania has fans around the world.

The soundtrack CD with music of the TV series Glee show fans with big hits like the cover of the famous "Do not Stop Believing" Travel Classic Rock Act. OK, so it may come as sugar and relentlessly twee, has itsredeeming factors. The characters are not perfect, thin, impeccably idols. Many of them are quite normal, with normal problems and questions. Sure, the show about how Pokemon is so hard, but its value.

Glee While the TV series is anything but original, it is really used in music school fanbase, still shaken by the end of the Alto, and in this process is left to play to collect even more fans we all want more, Who song comedy dance in their lives.In essence, it is filling with joy fans. Bad pun like that, it seems to be true!

I must stress that I am not a fan in any way, shape or form. But I really think that a TV show has a positive message that follows is a collection of characters loser, secure its place on our screens. I actively like the show, but there are millions of people who love him, and I can not blame that, as it is a harmless and entertaining series thatMany people are getting a little 'off.

The TV series Glee is life, the beautiful tradition of the Memorandum of TV for viewers to go through a normal change, picked up the baton from shows such as Fame and his peers. With Glee product proves to be sought after the top, and each episode generating more discussion and more fans, there's a pretty safe bet that the TV series will Glee long time. This is something that many of itsFans pay is really a song and dance.

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