Oh Where are these dollars ad spending

Too bad that marketing, to handle today's society, advertising expenditure is. In the good old days, not long ago, it was easy. The decisions were taken on whether to spend money on print, radio, television, cinema or outdoors. Direct marketing is also an option. All of them were good soothing with all measures and feedback processes based in the city.

With the onslaught of advertising spending in cyberspace location, marketing is the face of poor decisionsnot on the same scientific research and empirical results and avenues of the oldest fashion marketing at its disposal is based. The marketing of Digital Science is so new that the decision on where to spend those dollars is not easy.

So far it seems that the paid search, Google, and love, this is approximately 40% of digital ad spend. The rest is classified under the spread 17.5%, 18.5% display ads, sponsorship, e-mail, multimedia and a wide range of other less important options forInteractive Advertising Bureau / PricewaterhouseCoopers. These percentages vary according to the research firm, but still a bit 'representative.

As the digital market matures, or at least to start with baby steps is a software developed to be able to get something out of the title reactions to e-mail Campaigns, click through rates on paid search. With the increase in funds available, more and better - more successful - ways should be explored. Enter your social networking sites like MySpace orFacebook and marketing drooling.

The buzz in marketing is almost deafening. You can understand. With big budgets available, they can find a place to spend it. What was the excitement generated, the extent of adoption and growth of networks. Marketers are rubbing their hands with pleasure to see how their campaigns and millions of social networking collected by himself in a little 'more than justCyberspace.

Hyper-targeting is thrown into the mix. This means identifying the demographics of the audience reached and mixing in some information to change the behavior of social network with more partner-specific advertising. MySpace is apparently working on software to allow this and you feel you can increase their advertising revenues by up to 40%.

Unfortunately, it's going to be not so simple. One problem is that Facebook and MySpace - the two largest social networkCommunity - are the members that should the Internet and free to do what you feel. The ads will feature in this equation. If ads are on the side, they have learned to filter the optical or are quite vocal among them are against it, first.

Another problem is the fact that members of the community are very mobile. This means that at least 50% of members actually signed before moving their tracks. This brings me to another buzzword -sticky. Are members stick around. social networking sites is a necessary effort. You have to work to get some benefit from them. And once you have your 200 odd 'friends met them and what to do.

Finally, one might think the online community will realize that the only way that can tolerate receive free Internet access to all the things you do, if you play social play network games or read newspapers and magazinesAdvertisement. After all these presentations are those with a flood of ads on TV, radio or in newspapers and magazines.

Right now, social networking sites do not present marketers with a cornucopia of options for placement of advertising. This will probably change in the future as more sophisticated way is designed to exploit this space. Both predict that the value of this market is difficult to say. Microsoft seems to believe that 5% of Facebook, worth $ 500 million, a good doseRatio.

But what if this is the highlight of the phenomena MySpace and Facebook, and we see a crowd of supporters on foot to look for something new to entertain himself. You are the network community because there is nothing better. For designers, this is an untapped market. The next billion are levied for the person who can think to do something more useful for people who put each other out.

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