Go letterbox in S. Augustine - the oldest city in the nation

People in the popular outdoor hobby letterboxing you like the thrill of hunting known to participate, as the prospect of adding a unique stamp to make their logbook. Across the country, boxers venture letter of state parks and beloved landmark with a compass in hand, sometimes decipher printed pages from the Internet to find a hidden chest notes guestbook in a hollow tree or bush, where they collect the stamp and signature of the closed evidence of theirDiscovery. Visitors to S. Augustine is primarily to be the oldest city in the nation in a prime location for fans of the mailbox.

Before You Go
If you're new, letterbox and I read on the basis of this hobby or Letterboxing.org Atlas Quest, you know, be careful to find the mailboxes in densely populated areas. As St. Augustine welcomes tourists all year round, either for the recovery of privacy and replace mailboxes it exerciseThe probability that the risk of an official visit groundskeeper or property. Some people, boxes, plant it in collaboration with the owner of the property, but others tend to work in secret. Still fun when you venture to Old City to add your stamp collection. Since most of the stamps in S. Augustine neighborhood parks are hidden, it might be a good idea to bring sunscreen and bug repellent-being.

Where to go
In S. AugustineLetterbox fans will find the stamps for the city's history and culture. The St Augustine of Hippo postage stamp celebrating the man for whom the city takes its name, and found at Anastasia State Park are hiking trails. A small recreation area, Davenport Park is home to a stamp-shaped Florida's signature animals, hence the name of Florida Gator.

For those interested in a pounding "Safari" Moses Creek Conservation Area offers a backdrop of a jungle stamp "that requires a bit wild 'Hiking and orienteering. A simple find is a box near the lighthouse of St. Augustine planted. For a stamp to commemorate the late cross and the sword dramatic adjustments S. Augustine Amphitheater, visitors can access the site, where the show was organized hunting.

Do not forget to visit the website Atlas Quest, one of the definitive guide letterbox for a full list of sites and references to mailboxes of St. Augustine. Good research!


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