Music Then and Now - A brief history of music and wind instruments

The music is all around us. It 's a fundamental pillar of our society and the nature of the soul of our being. Even in utero, it is said that the fetus is able to respond to the music that sings or plays the mother. Music can be found around us in almost any environment or cheerful relaxing music in restaurants, grocery stores, medical / dental offices, shops, schools and weddings, majestic music with fireworks or parades or happy music to a funeral. You can almost hearevery commercial on television and the theme of each TV show. Some people long for music like a drug, and just can not play without them in the car and even in the shower singing live.

Everyone has the ability to produce music, whether vocal or instrument. We can not all have good intonation or pitch or may not be a big sound to a difference in the way that processes auditory information, as Simon Cowell has so blatantly out of "American Idol," but wehave the ability to produce music. With some coaching or teaching, how many votes of the members of the television show "Glee", as reported by Emile Menasce, "we can have a powerful vocal performance.

Over time, the music was transformed into a wide variety of categories and subcategories. This may include classical, jazz, blues, swing, symphonic music, opera, Rock, Rap / Hip-Hop, Country, Folk, Pop, R n B, theater, Heavy Metal, Latin, Techno, Tango, children,e marched Native Americans, inspiring, band, gospel, romantic, melancholy or spiritual. However, while most of these types of music, come under the changes in the structure and function of our cultures.

Music is also very therapeutic. From my experience as an occupational therapist, helps people with music, a number of disabled people to improve, if it can work for either communication or movement. For example, in working with people whohave suffered a stroke and expressive aphasia (unable to understand speech, but not the words to express verbally) say they can sing what she wants because it is a different part of the brain. In working with children with autism spectrum disorders, I found music helps to coordinate movement and motor planning, as it provides the timing and rhythm, that these children are unable to access their brains Develop. Each instrument can alsotherapeutic, whether it be wind instruments of wood, brass, musical instrument Symphony Orchestra (strings), or even dancing to the music.

But where and when they come from wind instruments? If we look back in history, you might discover what was the first wind instrument. However, as the late Curt Sachs points out in an intelligent manner, the music has returned to pre-instrumental music and primitive man. He says that "all higher organisms express emotionsmovement "as a stamp. with his foot and hit his body, or clapping. noise, which measures were the forerunners of our first timber and the healthier the man was not even aware of as a separate idea.

Through archaeological finds, the first real instrument was strung rattle place in history, consisting of shells of nuts, seeds, teeth, bones, or lined up in ropes or tied in bundles and suspended from a part of the body (ankles, knees, hips orNeck) as a means of control of body movements or dance. However, this was a delayed sound to the movement of the body. Later the sound is much more direct, but not sure how gourd rattles filled with small stones or hard objects shaken in tribal dances. From there other more direct sound were developed, the feet or hands are used, for example, to produce sounds. Stamper (used sticks or punching equipment on board or sound hole bark to make the earth), slit drums (punchinghollowed tree trunk on a well), used Drums (hands or membrane then follow the opening of any elongated hollow HIT) tools of friction (with a tortoise shell or a piece of wood with rounded cut four notches in it and rubbed on the palms to a hum or squeal), lozenges Toro (fast whirling advice on a thin rope head makes a noise), and scrapers (scratches of a notched bar, shell, bone or pumpkin with a hardObject).

The tape Reed was the first simple, with her mouth, as the wind instruments are played. This was just a wisp of grass out of a tube between the two thumbs are stretched instead of side by side and blowing into the slot, the blade should be done with a sharp screeching noise (what young child has still vibrate? ). More advanced civilizations rolled into a spiral blade of a large funnel with the thin end of the blade through theupper opening. Finally, the flute was developed, which, like most other wind instruments played: blowing in the air column tube creates a vibration and produces a specific tone. Flutes and other wind instruments were played Reed since the Middle Ages (476-1400) and Renaissance (1400-1600), as have been many changes in design, but more recent origin wind orchestra.

The Baroque period (1600-1750) is known tohis radical revolution in music with the need for new style of composition. There was a strong emphasis on emotion ("What passion can not music raise and punish," sung by Dryden) require a wide spectrum of sounds to express the passion and the sudden change from joy to sadness. Just like in the Middle Ages, said the unique style unanimous party, music by the Renaissance polyphonic style, weight, equal for all strings, brass, or were returnedwind instruments played in concert. To get this sound has undergone a series of wind instruments improvements and changes. Instead produced a piece of wood or other materials, were now two or more pieces fit together to be able to adjust the height by adjusting the length. Reed wind instruments has changed the model of Reed and the hole has been changed to sound more uniform. Oboe similar instruments were fired and only bassoons, oboes smallerFlutes and wind instruments made of a conductor.

Romanticism (1750-1900) created more changes for wind instruments, though the musical style reminiscent of the 16th Century. The emotionally expressive music to a significant increase in the amount of tone colors and wood wind instruments were placed last, to be able to modulate the tone to more easily through a variety of technical improvements stamp. wind instruments were committeda stronger, more powerful sound to rival the social change from aristocratic to democratic culture. Overall, the art of the unbridled passion for aristocratic reserve is developed. To switch the wind instruments to justice change musical style, technical changes were made for a better musical flexibility, fluidity of keys, accuracy of intonation, modulation and free. Adding keys and the holes, with key, key mechanisms, keyword stuffing, and the size of the holes have been changed.This has created a more efficient wind instruments that were easier to play and maneuver through the ranges. The brass section of an orchestra now includes not only the oboe, flute and bassoon, but the saxophone and clarinet. The families of wind instruments were created as well. Soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, to improve the melodies and harmonies, and create a fuller sound.

The twentieth century brought many radical changes in musical styles such as jazz, swing,Pop and Rock. But apart from the introduction of electric instruments (eg piano, organ, string instruments), the amount of changes were not as large wind instruments. wind instruments in the twenty-first century, maintain their prototype of the nineteenth century, but can be made of various metals, which are spokespersons of various lengths and widths and the size of the paper made, and some people prefer different colors for their instruments breath.

WoodwindThe tools have certainly made great strides in their development, as cultures and social needs have dictated. Fortunately, the preference has developed for certain sounds as well. The music of these instruments wind to interfere with the ability of our prosperity in our hearts and souls in comparison to the screeching and roaring sounds of primitive instruments Some Would make deep joy. We all enjoy the music inside of us freely by a singing, dancing, music, or playing windTools! The highly crafted see wind instrument, at very reasonable prices if you want to pursue a musical passion or aspiration!

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