Thinking outside the box and profit, but how?

Do not be fooled by the title. I'm trying desperately to think outside the box so that I can benefit from online and offline, especially today with the future so uncertain. I always try, in a manner that can be imagined to be something unusual, but as the sentence is another matter. There is a huge challenge to try to develop a business idea in these days and I hope it will become a huge smash online. But I'll never stop trying. I have friends, especially one who has developed his great idea in aconcrete activities. It allows users to do what they already planned, and goes up to share a very important part of their profits, all with stunning simplicity. It has a generous and benevolent attitude. But here we go again: How do you want to convey this to the average Joe and Josephine are fighting out there? Good question, and then some.

I figure if only the air, perhaps the right to appear before my eyes. You never really know. And while many companies,No matter how good on paper or in the source code, but never on the road somewhere, I know you can not win if you do not play (apologies for the lottery industry). And if you're stubborn and refuse to give up, well, maybe you have one shot. A long, but one shot.

The odds are against you making a decent monthly income above the line comfort of your home? Perhaps because not only the giant's Internet activities have swallowed almost everythingOverall, they were also the first engine, the one clear advantage that very difficult to calculate is complete. Once the habits of people are still very hard to change, no matter how noble your business concept. Also, there are many ordinary people trying to do the same thing my friends and I try to do. Paradoxical as it is simply that, while levels of Net playground at one point that everyone can be in any one company to go to many potentialEntrepreneurs are in direct competition with each other. And who has the advertising budget to compete with all of them, not to mention the big boys? If you do, you point on that hard to carve out niches, all you have to give, and I hope as always sacred, you're in luck.

But, you must have the courage to dream. If you do this, give up and just go away? I certainly thought a couple of times, especially during the last 10 years, but I must tell you, my dreams onlynot die. I will not disappoint them. I will, that irrepressible dreamer, that I was persecuted for centuries. I'm a big fan of many years of Walter Mitty James Thurber, Miguel de Cervantes' Don Quixote. These characters mantra 'was "Dream until you puke!" The rings absolutely true with me. Just call me "Don Quixmitty," if you please.

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