Games risk financing

There are so many entrepreneurs, companies want to start, but will not get lazy asses to capital to start their business until someone gives you 2 or 3 million dollars for the company. As a former entrepreneur who started several companies from nothing, literally "a bucket of water and a sponge in a national chain of franchised cleaning cars, aircraft and vehicle fleets, I am often blown away by the audacity of some of these so-called youthEntrepreneurs.

It 's amazing how they want to go in the world of high finance. One might think that investment bankers were the way they act, speak and control. Memory, such as discussions with people from Lehman Brothers on the day and tried to make me join my company with some stupid and useless.

Not long ago, approached me to discuss the evidence on someone, a new company they were, and she has done,Be my friend, and discuss the concept, but what were they trying to do is really feel like angel investor, and seeking 1 million + and have shown That they willing to have a few $ 100,000 from their money in society, but not if they had the money to finance large felt that they wanted to start.

This new innovation and invention, it was just an idea on a piece of paper with rough sketches rudimentary. The reality is thatcould probably build a prototype built in someone's garage, or about $ 20 - $ 30,000. Therefore, if they use their $ 200,000 to do this, have had more than $ 170,000 when they produce the prototype left. But, alas, They were too lazy to complete the process until they receive a large sum of money, I could live in a simple road, but it does, others pay almost all to Their idea and launch the concept Completely, while driving around in a shiny new red sports car.

You see, if someone spent$ 30.000 building the prototype, and had $ 170,000 left over, they could spend $ 40,000 a patent and $ 130,000 have yet to actually start their business, and then obtain venture capital. It would be much easier to get venture capital as soon as patents had a working prototype, and started and would be able to maintain a higher percentage or a piece of their company.

The reality is, or are too old, or this next generation is too lazy. In fact,was interesting, because the person that I was actually a few years older than I was contacted, but acted as a twenty-something who wanted a free ride. The moral of the story is if you're an angel investor, and you say to someone who approached them, "a walk" You do not need, you need, so they can go buy new sports cars and live high on the hog short of money with your coin. Forget that noise. Do not trust anyone.

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