Flowers and their meaning - the flowers are a great way to communicate love

The flowers have a meaning for them so far were in biblical times. The first crops used for the feelings of flowers in a similar way as we do today, to express. During the Victorian era, flowers really "blossomed" as a way to express feelings without talking. During this time perfumes were as important as the clothes. Women would send letters expressed or tissues with the scent of a particular flower to her lover as a way to lust or love. Flowers and express feelingspersists. We send flowers pain, love, congratulations and sympathy expressed. We all know that a red rose expresses love, but did you know also know that a pink striped one way to tell someone you will not be with them? The next time you think about sending a bouquet or arrangement for the time to flower, which really express what from the following list, which tells you the positions of Flower Pick:

Absinth / Wormwood: Separation and tormentLove

Acacia: hidden Platonic love, love

Aconite / Monkshood: misanthropy and poisonous words

Adams ago: A friend in need

Adonis: Remembering the pleasure of life

Almond: Virginity and fertility

Almond Blossom: Hope and supervision

Aloe: Wisdom and Honesty

Allspice: Compassion

Alstroemeria: wealth, prosperity, happiness

Alyssum (sweet): Worth Beyond Beauty

Amaranth: Fidelity

Amaranth, Globe:Immutable

Amaryllis: Pastoral Poetry, Pride

Ambrosia: Your Love is reciprocated

Anemone: rejection and abandonment, Forsaken

Anthurium: Hospitality

Apple: Symbol of Perpetual Concord

Apricot Blossom: Timid Love

Abor Vitae: True Friendship

Arbutus: I love you only

Artemisia: A symbol of dignity

Asphodel: fatigue and regret

Aster: delicacy, a symbol of love

Azalea: Fragile and Ephemeral Passion

The breath of the child:Happiness Bay Wreath: Award of Merit

Begonia: "Beware, I'm fantastic!"

Bindweed: Coquette and nosy

Bird of Paradise: Happiness, Magnificence

Bittersweet: Truth Blackthorn / Sloe: Difficulty and severity

Blue Bell: Delicacy and Humility Bouquet of withered flowers: Rejected love Burdock: intrusiveness and boredom

Buttercup: childishness

Cactus: Courage and Endurance

Camellia: Excellence and Stability

Camellia, Red: You're a flame in myHeart

Camellia, white: You are adorable

Camomile: Initiative and resourcefulness

Candytuft: indifference

Canterbury Bell: Constance and Warning

Cardinal Flower: Distinction and shine

Carnation: Fascination

Pink, pink Coat of arms of Mother's Day, I will never forget you

Pink, Purple: dislike and discontent

Pink, Red: admiration, my heart aches for you

Carnation, Striped: No, sorry, I can not be with you

Pink,White: Pure Love, Sweet Love, Innocence

Pink, Yellow: disdain and rejection

Cedar Leaf: "I live for you"

Chestnut: Independence and Injustice

China Aster: Jealousy and after-thought

Chrysanthemum: You are a wonderful friend

Chrysanthemum, Red: I love Chrysanthemum,

Chrysanthemum, white: the truth

Chrysanthemum, yellow disdain: Love

Cinnamon: Love and Beauty

Clematis: cunning and ingenuity

Clove: Dignity andModeration

Clover: Fertility and domestic virtue

Clover, four leaf: symbol of happiness

Five leaf clover: symbol of Bad Luck

Cockscomb / Celosa: folly or affectation

Farfara: maternal love and care

Columbine: adultery, abandoned and Love

Convolvulus: humble perseverance

Coreopsis: Always cheerful

Cornflower: delicacy

Geranium / Wild Geranium: Constance and Availability

Crocus: youthful gladness Annex,Serenity

Crown Imperial: Majesty and Power

Cyclamen: Resignation & Goodbye

Daffodil: Emblem of Annunciation / Regard, unrequited, love

Dahlia: Good Taste Daisy: sweetness, innocence, love Loyal

Estraden: beauty, innocence

Dandelion: Oracle of Time and love, loyalty, luck

Day Lily / Hemerocallis: Emblem of the mother

Delphinium: Airy

Dogwood: Durability

Edelweiss: Daring & Noble Courage

Eglantine: Spring &Poetry

Elderberry Blossom: Humility and kindness

Everlasting: Constance

Fennel: Strength

Fern: Sincerity, Magic, Fascination, Confidence, Shelter

Fir: Time & Evaluation

Forget-me-not: Faithful Love, Memories

Forsynthia: Anticipation

Freesia: thoughtfulness

Fuchsia: kindness

Gardenia: "I love you in secret"

Geranium, oak leaf: Friendship

Geranium, Rose: Preference Ratings

Gillyflower, Pink: BondsAffection

Gladiolus: strength of character, they are really sincere

Gloxinia: Love at first sight

Goldenrod: Treasure and luck

Heather, Purple: admiration, beauty and loneliness

Heather, Pink: "Good luck"

Heather, White: Protection against danger

Heliotrope: Devotion, Eternal Love

Hibiscus: delicate beauty

Holly: Foresight

Hollyhock: Ambition and liberality

Honeysuckle: the sweetness of disposition

Hyacinth: GamesSports

Hyacinth, purple: I'm sorry, please forgive me, Sorrow

Hyacinth, white beauty, I will pray for you

Hyacinth, yellow: Jealousy

Hydrangea: Vanity, Thank you for your understanding, frigidity

Iris: faith, wisdom, courage, your friendship means so much

Ivy: friendship, conjugal love, loyalty, friendship, affection

Jasmine, Red: madness and Glee

Jasmine, White: kindness and joy

Jasmine, Yellow: shyness andModesty

Jonquil: Violent sympathy and desire, love me back, love

Lady's Slipper: capricious beauty

Larkspur: Open Heart

Laurel: Success and fame

Lavender: Constance

Lilac, Mauve: "Do You Still Love Me"

Purple, Pink: Youth and Acceptance

Purple, White: "My first dream of love"

Lily, Calla: majestic beauty

Lily, Day: flirtation

Lily, Orange: Hatred and contempt, the wealth, pride

Lily White: Majesty and Purity,Virginity

Lily-Of-The-Valley: Purity and humility, gentleness

Lotus: Mystery and Truth

Love-In-The-Mist/Nigell: sensitivity and confusion

Magnolia: Dignity, Splendid Beauty

Marigold: Sacred affection, cruelty, sadness, jealousy

Marjoram: Comfort and

Marvel-Of-Peru: Flame of Love

Mistletoe: love and affection

Mimosa: Sensitivity

Myrtle: love, joy and happiness

Narcissus: selfishness, formalities


Oleander: Beauty and grace

Orange Blossom: Your Purity Equals Your sweetness, innocence, Eternal Love Orange Mock: Deceit

Orchid: Magnificence, Love, beauty, refinement

Pansy: Thoughtful recollection

Passionflower: Faith and piety

Peach blossom: Generosity and Bridal Hope

Pear Blossom: Health and Hope

Peony: Healing, Life, Happy Marriage, Gay life

Peppermint: Warmth of feeling

Periwinkle, Blue: EarlyFriendship

Periwinkle, White: Pleasures of Memory

Petunia: Anger and resentment

Phlox: Sweet Dreams

Plum Blossom: Beauty and Longevity

Poinsettia: "Be of good cheer"

Poppy: Imagination, dreaming, eternal sleep

Poppy, yellow: Wealth, success

Primrose: Young Love, I can not live without you

Primrose, evening: inconstancy

Protea: Daring, ingenuity

Queen Anne's Lace: Fantasy

Rose, Bridal Suite: Happy Love

Rose, Carolina:Love Is Dangerous

Rose, Christmas: Peace and quiet

Rose, Coral / Orange: enthusiasm, desire

Pink, dark pink: Thanks

Pink, light pink: admiration

Rose, Musk: capricious beauty

Rose, Pale: Friendship

Rose, Peach: Let's Get Together, closing of the transaction

Rose, Pink: love, grace, nobility, You're so beautiful, perfect happiness, please believe

Rose, Pink & White: I'll still love and always will be

Rose, Red: love, desire, respect,Courage, job well done

Pink, red and yellow Congratulations

Rose, White: romantic, Secrecy, Silence, You're Heavenly, Reverence, humility, and innocence of youth

Rose, White on Red: Unity / Flower Emblem of England

Rose, Yellow: Infidelity, Joy, happiness, friendship, jealousy, Welcome Back, think of me

Pink, yellow and orange: Passionate thoughts

Rosemary: stability, fidelity and loyalty

Salvia, Blue: "I think of you"

Smilax: Lovely

Snapdragon:Presumption, deception, gracious lady

Snowdrop: Consolation and Hope

Spearmint: Warmth of feeling

Spider Flower: fly with me

Statice: lasting beauty

Stephanotis: Happiness in marriage

Stock bonds of love, you'll always nice for me

Sunflower: Homage and Devotion

Sweet Basil: Good Luck

Sweet Pea: departure, blissful pleasure, thank you for a great time

Sweet William: gallantry, finesse and perfection

Thrift:Sympathy Thyme: Courage and activities

Tiger Lily: Wealth and Pride

Tuberose: Dangerous Pleasures

Tulip: Symbol of The Perfect Lover

Tulip, Red: Believe me, declaration of love

Tulip, Variegated: Beautiful eyes

Violet: modesty and simplicity

Viscaria: Will you dance with me?

Wallflower: Friendship and adversity

Water Lily: eloquence and persuasion

Wisteria: Youth and Poetry

Xeranthemum: Eternity and immortality


Zinnia: Thoughts of absent friends

Zinnia, Pink: enduring love


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