The dark night of the soul

We live in turbulent times ~ ~ moments of darkness and light periods of despair and moments of joy. How can we better serve ourselves at that time incredible as you move deeper than that celebrates a century ghost?

First, let's look at where the feminine consciousness. For many people walking this planet at this moment is a moment of awakening. We know that somewhere deep in our gut that there is more to life than we have learned. There seems to be aNostalgia - connect you to connect with others in a place of security and vulnerability - all we know may be ~ is still a part of us has forgotten to take the path. In fact, many of us do not even know who made a way and we must walk or run on a single street in a dead end, or more painful, we are afraid to have stagnated at all and so we, and move fractured believe ~ that all this is!

For men, it is even more difficult. Leaveus back to the dawn of time, when everyone lived in harmony. Women as bearers of life, and recognized as equally venerated. Then came the destruction of the Goddess energy. In order to protect their women, peaceful men took up arms to do so, and this meant putting aside all that had been previously held as sacred. It is not possible for another human being, do not harden your heart, and so the truth of who we really are vulnerable Soft killing was coveredFear, greed, pain and sadness ... everyone on the planet that still reverberate today.

Over the centuries we have moved slowly in a state of consciousness, to forget that we all believe to be true, rather than the lies that have now become almost knew the truth! The belief that money is the key to life, knows better than black, which is thin is better than fat, which the West is better than the east, it is easier to blame as a responsibility and so on.

Then came the end ofAge of Pisces. Pisces represents the duality and this time gave us the best and worst of what humanity is capable, until now. Yet there are signs in the dust ..... The impulses that drive some of us to redefine who we are, in our integrity and truth and not what we have been taught for eons. It's like having a baby ~ we breathe and the tension and struggle with our grief, some of us fear dip in it that we never emerge again, some of us ~To choose to numb us both to stop the pain. But like the work, we can not stop what has begun ~ we just in our heart, to breathe, to allow the residence, surrender and the end result ~ awareness created new and beautiful on this planet. The question is: how can we help the collective consciousness of the world, the birth of this new / old way of being more?

While the children were better prepared us to be good to do as we were told ~ you know the scenario. There are layers of packaging,from our parents, our church, school, our parents and society. We have beliefs that are no longer useful has given us.

Children ~ be hard not to cry, be strong, he beats his opponent, winning is everything you need to grow and take care of your family, the family business will be yours (whether you like it or not), I gave everything to you a good education, etc.

Girls ~ be nice, be good, not strong, Pleaser, take care of everyone else first, giving moreYou receive is not as good as men, women (especially in European cultures), get married, have children, etc.

Some of us fell. Some girls made choices to be the opposite of their mothers ... many of whom have given a lot of who they were and what could be their families, leading to a loss of power. Some have chosen to look like their fathers, who were strong, hard, and is "made" in the world that promotes materialism that often resulted in the isolation andLoneliness and abandonment of tenderness and uniqueness, the woman is. Some guys were the opposite of their hard, quiet and fathers have been ridiculed for their sweetness. Unfortunately, as someone is paying several tries, who we really are ... The transition must do now is to find different options and the core of ourselves.

This nucleus may have a seed dormant for thousands of years established, and now the sun and water are produced, andBegins to crack. But because the basic seed has never seen the light of day is fragile and do not trust each other grow towards the light. We are still afraid of the deep emotions that have been pushed somewhere below the surface .... Sadness is not right, because everyone else is good and what I want when I'm not well? The anger is so deep that many people will be denied completely, but focuses primarily on the movement of life (see the increase in violence and the use ofThe drug, which of course serve only to stun us even more). Most of us could not have these emotions, mind, Since that does not fit our paradigm and family still They are still there, bubbling volcanoes and treated like the old, the unless they will explode one day ...... perhaps the sound of a nervous stomach or cough of a voice that is waiting may be expressed or a cancer that devours us from within. Perhaps depression (anger not expressed) orPerpetuation of the withholding of love for our loved ones. Since children are often the truth has been met with punishment, they have not learned to tell the truth and continues into adulthood and relationships - if I tell you what I really think you could - leave me - I will not love etc.. Liars We were so good that we forget how to tell the truth, even for us. Think of it on television commercial where the woman has the flu and the jingle "soldier" and take care of this drug rather than realityrest of us from our bodies. How often do you talk to people that someone or something (profession, money, and others) and ask how are ~ the normal reaction, "I'm fine," they lost.

Like us to change the model persistent, like a hologram to take our lives. heard many people read books, tapes, go to workshops and because we expect to live in a moment of society, the results are immediate and ever lasting. If not (which rarelyam), back in denial, and decide they are doomed to live this way forever, or worse, they do everything wrong and harden their core business again. We must realize that life is a dance continues, sometimes there are ongoing and others will appear to move backward and turn again and we are pleased to move again. Plants without the combination of both sun and rain, and it is growing in our lives ..... We have our sunny days and rainy days with the same embraceAcceptance and recognition both as a strength to our growth and healing. Maybe we should have tattooed on our hands: "It's not what has happened to you as you deal with what happened." The challenge is because we are a lot of time in denial, which rarely dip into the pit of our pain and to examine the reality of the expenditure of a situation. We deny the dark side of our soul, afraid of everything. As Marianne Williamson says in his wonderful poem ... It is not our darkness,frightens us, our light is really there, who are we to be so smart, intelligent, enlightened, etc.

What is the dark night of the soul? It 's a place that is most of us at some point in ~ a few moments and down some, I feel forever in our search for wholeness. And 'the profound sadness of a broken relationship. And 'shame the old situation that makes your body tense and taut. It is the feeling of abandonment by parents who could not give us what we needed,despite all they had to give. There is more anger in the rape of our sisters and brothers. And 'revulsion against child abuse in all its various forms. And 'fear of movement towards death due to illness or pain that comes from the death of a loved one. And 'despair in greedy destruction of our planet. What we have learned that there is a natural place to move somewhere you can choose ~ know, it's downhill. Like allthe legends and stories of the old left are all heroes, not necessarily conscious, but moved toward the abyss: The Fisher King, Odysseus. Snow White, when the forest to be killed by hunters. Dorothy, as they are set to stay after their legendary Oz Sure, if we see with the eyes of truth in these stories we would recognize our need to get off with the grace to know that we are the light of day wiser and more contact with our truth. Then the journeycompete and get the price - the kingdom of our own.

In order to itself in a state of being, which must be accepted. If there is difficulty in keeping with this rage, to see where it was created by ~ anger is not always what you want, then what do you want? In case of mourning will leave with a passion, and acknowledges and permits. Knowing that it is acceptable expression of emotion (not dumping preferably someone else). Scream, yell,rant, rave, sob ~ feel these feelings because they are who live in their expression is more life. Sacred circles are used for centuries for just this purpose. The principle of a circle is a safe place where they can be validated for the truth of who you are. How many men and women on this planet, we need a space for us where we can be with other people and see to create our emotions, knowing it will not be judged or rejected. In our security, that acceptance is our ~Willingness to risk a bit 'deeper into the depths of our being. Like the breath, a couple of days, is sweet and 'normal', while stress is hard and difficult times of fear, is flat and not there, still carries us back to our breath and the normal rhythm of life.

One way to find the path, is the self through the truth. The truth is that we are all unique and wonderful beings, each with gifts to share. We love what we are, with gentleness andWisdom, perhaps we can heal some of the past to heart. As Jean Houston, said: "It 's the entelechy of an acorn is an oak. And' the entelechy of a child and an adult must be the only God and who or what. What happens is the sacred psychology development of the entelechy of the self, the plane is directly connected with the Divine Self. "

I ask this beautiful piece (control of unknown origin). How would your life be different if, if you were a youngPerson for the first time he felt feelings of depression or sadness, a senior had come to sit with you? If they had come to sit with you, as if someone had come to sit with them for the first time that feelings of depression or sadness. To just sit in silence, even without saying a word - sit with her during the dark days. And how your life would be different if that person had accepted your feelings. Accepted as complete and comprehensive that they began to feel safe with them. If there wasjudgments and were no doubt ... no attempt to make you smile, your feelings of betraying, denying their blackness. If the person had simply sat in silence with you, with grief and in the darkest moments were able to reflect on you .... They reflect their pain, to bear witness to attend and their quiet respect for them to help you learn to respect them .... Your pain and depression and to see that this person just as he had confidence in, you might even have a glimmer of belief thathad a meaning and truth in your darkness. How would your life be different?

For me, my life was different, because I realize that I love to love, who I am and I am surrounded with people who honor me as I am, for better or worse ...... my wish has been selected for you the courage to dive deep into the pit of your being and live the life you want and the recognition of the gifts of education behind the deliberately set up to be ready to tell the truth and you are surrounded byPeople you love - just because you're you! A unique, divine beings.

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